U.N. Security Council Refuses to Condemn Attack January 30, 2004  Israel National News Original Source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=57020 (IsraelNN.com) UN Security Council envoys, led by the U.S., met last night in an attempt to condemn yesterdays terror attack in Jerusalem which left 10 people dead; but the bid was torpedoed by a faction led by Algeria. The Algerians were attempting instead to condemn Israel in light of the self-defense raid it undertook in Gaza on Wednesday. “There will be no statement tonight. It’s dead,” said the Algerian ambassador. Meanwhile, Secretary-General of the U.N. issued a statement condemning both sides for “violence and terror.” Marc Stern, an official of the American Jewish Congress, shot back, “Terrorism aimed at the random killing of civilians is clearly outlawed by international law, while self-defense by (U.N.) member-states is clearly allowed under international law.”