Talk with Richard Falk at AUB April 25, 2013 The American University of Beirut is hosting a talk with Richard Falk on the topic of "Rethinking the Future of Palestine: Beyond the Two State Consensus", in Hostler Auditorium. Abstract: There are four important developments that bear upon the Palestinian struggle for a just peace: (1) the diminishing prospect of a viable independent Palestinian state of su_cient consequence to satisfy Palestinian rights under international law; (2) the irrelevance of international diplomacy given the pro-settlement government in Tel Aviv and the absence of pressure from Washington; (3) the changing regional balance that is favorable to the Palestinian struggle; (4) shift in Palestinian tactics of resistance and expansion of global BDS campaign. In light of these developments, a just peace depends either on a single secular Palestine for both peoples or a regional federation involving Arab neighbors that diminishes the relevance of state borders. Neither outcome seems remotely likely, while the persistence of the status quo is intolerable. The recovery of hope in the face of hopelessness.