Do not believe Teheran, Britain warns Russia By Anton La Guardia January 18, 2006 The Telegraph (UK) Original Source: Britain warned Russia yesterday not to be fooled by vacuous Iranian offers of 11th-hour negotiations to avoid being reported to the United Nations. As diplomats began a campaign to raise support for reporting Iran to the UN Security Council, Moscow held out the prospect of talks with Teheran on a Russian compromise deal. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, also warned the West of the dangers of imposing UN sanctions on Iran. We remember the history of sanctions against Iraq and know how it all ended, he said. We are still overcoming the consequences. Iran restarted its uranium enrichment programme last month, saying it was part of a peaceful programme to generate nuclear power. But the West believes Iran is trying to make atomic bombs, and is urging the International Atomic Energy Agency to report Teheran to the UN Security Council. Britain, France and Germany - the so-called EU-3 that led talks with Iran for more than two years - are drafting a resolution for the IAEA board meeting in two weeks time.