UN Arrogance on display By Joseph Klein Friday, June 9, 2006 Canada Free Press Original Source: http://www.canadafreepress.com/2006/klein060906.htm Kofi Annan’s right hand lackey, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Mark Malloch Brown, gave a speech on June 6th sharply attacking the United States for daring to question the effectiveness and value of the United Nations. He claimed that the U.S. heartland was ignorant of all the great things that the UN does because of those bad, bad right-wing UN bashers like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2006/dsgsm287.doc.htm Malloch Brown’s audience consisted of progressive globalists, including the multi-billionaire George Soros, who also happens to be Malloch Brown’s landlord, together with a bevy of Clinton loyalists. If Hillary Clinton was listening, she would have been particularly happy to hear Malloch Brown’s politically charged rhetorical question aimed at influencing our next Presidential election — Who will campaign in 2008 for a new multilateral national security? Translation — Who will be willing, like John Kerry, to submit our national security decisions to a ‘global test’? Although Kofi Annan was asked by Ambassador John Bolton to repudiate his deputy’s speech, Annan threw more sand in our eyes by publicly backing Malloch Brown’s diatribe against the United States to the hilt. I hate to be the one to break the news to Malloch Brown and Annan, but the American heartland knows all too well the appalling degree to which the real UN has degenerated from its lofty beginnings. The UN is a legend only in the deluded minds of Malloch Brown and Kofi Annan. The United Nations today is dysfunctional because, like the new Human Rights Council that Malloch Brown continues to tout, there are no threshold eligibility requirements. Any rogue dictatorship is free to join and, collectively, they have managed to push their agendas forward in the General Assembly where every nation has an equal vote. With the help of obliging UN bureaucrats, they have turned the UN’s original mission inside out. Malloch Brown thinks that everything would be sweetness and light if only the U.S. would become a more visible cheerleader for the UN and stop fussing about its loss of moral compass, corruption, ineptitude, mismanagement, financial waste and other inconvenient facts of life at Turtle Bay. Malloch Brown said that the United States demands too much — like real value for the outsized contributions American taxpayers make to the UN’s budget every year (nearly a quarter of the total). Instead, he evidently believes, we should listen more to the self-serving complaints of the free-riding countries that want to protect their privileged turf at the expense of the countries which are paying the freight. Ironically, Malloch Brown pointed to the crisis in Sudan as an example of how important the UN is to world peace, when it really serves as just another shining example of the UN’s institutional paralysis. He actually mentioned in his speech how his children had demonstrated on the Washington Mall, demanding President Bush to do more to end the genocide in Darfur. Why weren’t they instead in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, demanding that the UN Security Council — stymied by the petulant self-interest of veto-wielding Russia and China — take effective action against the Sudanese thugs? Brown claimed that the U.S. needs the UN as a multilateral means to address Sudan’s concerns and to provide international legitimacy. It would be nice to have an effective world body to do just that, but the reality is that the UN has been as dismal a failure in dealing with the Sudan crisis as it was in Rwanda more than a decade ago. Meanwhile, President Bush has done more than any other world leader to try to end the killing field in Sudan. Finally, Malloch Brown accused the United States of using the UN selectively to serve its own national interests. What a shock — as if we were the only country to do so, while the rest of the world operates solely on altruistic principles! Malloch Brown claimed that the prevailing practice of the United States was to use the UN almost by stealth as a diplomatic tool while failing to stand up for it against its domestic critics. (emphasis added) Stealth is the very word that I used to describe the UN itself in my book, Global Deception: The UN’s Stealth Assault on America’s Freedom. The United Nations is being used by its own leadership and their globalist supporters to advance, with stealth tactics, their blueprint for global governance on issues such as global taxes, wealth redistribution, control of the Internet, environmentalist regulations, codes of acceptable speech, and immigration. They then use our own courts to incorporate various pronouncements by unaccountable UN-sponsored forums on what constitutes international norms or customary international law into the judges’ Constitutional law interpretations -- bypassing our duly elected President and Congress whom self-important bureaucrats like Malloch Brown despise for daring to question the UN’s moral superiority. In short, while the United States is above board in declaring what it expects from the United Nations, the UN establishment uses our money to push their hidden agenda forward that is often at odds with our national sovereignty. Fortunately, Kofi Annan’s term is up in less than six months and Malloch Brown will be going with him. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. We need effective change agents throughout the UN establishment who will eliminate the culture of arrogance and entitlement once and for all. A New York-based global technology attorney for more than 30 years, Joseph Klein is the author of Global Deception. Joseph can be reached at letters@canadafreepress.com.