If the United Nations Didn't Exist ... Israel's enemies would have to invent it Mario Loyola March 1, 2007 National Review Original Source: http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MTZmZmZlMzdkNjFiYmNlZGEyYmUzZjI4YjA5NmZkNjQ= The U.N. Secretary-General's special envoy to Lebanon for implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 announced today , after meeting (for the third time) with Hezbollah representatives, We are pleased with the commitment of Hezbollah to Resolution 1701.  Pop quiz: Who or what is we in that sentence?  Anyhow, while you think about that one, remember that Resolution 1701, which ended the summer war between Israel and Hezbollah, called for the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon, and in particular outlawed the possession of weapons without the consent of the Lebanese government.  In Beirut, I was recently told by a source close to the Lebanese Army that Hezbollah has all the weapons it needs, and better weapons than the Lebanese Army.  Hezbollah's strength is such that the Lebanese Army needs its permission to transit in many areas of Lebanon.  Oh, and by the way, it is also besieging the prime minister's palace and has effectively shut down the central government in Lebanon.  All of this with Iranian and Syrian help, including elements of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, which actually did a lot of fighting in the summer war—being the only ones who could operate the heavier, more sophisticated Iranian missile batteries. Of course, the U.N. official refused to comment on the internal political situation in Lebanon (i.e., the Iranian-Syrian attempt to topple the government) but did take the time to condemn Israeli Air Force surveillance of Hezbollah war preparations as a violation of Lebanese sovereignty. O.k., time up:  Who is we in that sentence?