UN drug advisor caught with hashish By Bassam Za'za' June 13, 2007 Gulf News Original Source: http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/07/06/12/10131901.html Dubai: An international adviser with the Poppy Elimination Programme in Kandahar, Afghanistan and consultant with the UN’s Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) pleaded innocent against possessing 0.6 grammes of hashish for personal use before a court on Tuesday. The Public Prosecution had charged the Canadian suspect, H.W., with smuggling and possessing 0.6 grammes of hashish and two poppy seeds for personal use besides consuming hashish. His lawyer Saeed Al Gailani of Al Gailani Advocates and Legal Consultants told the Dubai Court of First Instance: “My client is an anti-narcotics officer who cooperates with the UNODC. During his one-hour transit visit from Kandahar where he was on an anti-narcotics campaign, he was caught at the airport carrying the poppy seeds, which he was taking to Canada for experiments.” Al Gailani said as part of the campaign, H.W. collects tonnes of drugs a day and burns them. “His trousers must have mistakenly picked up the tiny quantity of hashish,” said the lawyer. H.W. pleaded innocent against all the charges before the judge. Al Gailani told presiding judge Mahmoud Al Sharshabi that his client was “illegally questioned in the absence of a legal translator”. “It was natural that he tested positive for hashish which appeared in his urine test because he is considered a passive smoker especially that he burns about ten tonnes a day,” said the lawyer. Al Gailani handed the court a commendation letter issued by the Canadian Secretary of State for his dedication and service to the Poppy Elimination Programme in Kandahar and other activities. A verdict will be issued in the case later this month.