Israel complains to UN Security Council over rocket barrage By Shlomo Shamir February 9, 2008 The Haaretz Original Source: Israel's ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman filed a complaint to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and to the UN Security Council on Friday following a barrage of Qassam rockets Friday launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli communities. Gillerman wrote the letter which condemned the severe terror acts that have recently been carried out against Israel. The ambassador emphasized last week's Qassam attacks, in which two young girls were wounded in Kibbutz Be'eri. This is a well-directed and continuous incitement by Hamas leaders, which is part of a campaign whose main goal is focused killing of Israeli residents. Last month, a draft presidential declaration submitted by the United States, which included an unprecedented condemnation of Palestinian rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, gained approval of 14 out of 15 member states that comprise the Security Council. Sources at the UN told Haaretz that all 15 states were minutes from signing the non-punitive declaration which for the first time ever condemned the ongoing Qassam fire at southern Israel from Gaza, when Syria pressured Libya's ambassador to the UN, Giadalla Ettalhi, who is now president of the Security Council, to reconsider the bill at the last minute. The draft statement did not condemn Israel for imposing a blockade on the Strip, but rather called on Jerusalem to take measures to ease the suffering of Gaza civilians. However, amid U.S. pressure, Libya gave up its efforts to draft a presidential declaration condemning Israel's operations in Gaza, and were met by American resistance who demanded that the statement also include criticism of the Palestinian Qassam fire. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni instructed the Israeli embassy in Washington and its representatives in the UN not to enter negotiations on the issue as long as Israel's actions in Gaza are mentioned.