Palestinian Representative To UN Calls Hamas Rockets 'Toys' March 19, 2008 Original Source: Mansour - calls rockets toys Dr. Riyad Mansour, the permanent observer of the Palestinian Mission to the United Nations has discounted the rockets launched by Hamas from the Gaza into southern Israel as toys. His comments came today during a luncheon round table of The Century Foundation in Manhattan not far from the UN. The guest speaker, Shlomo Ben-Ami, former Israeli foreign minister and vice president of the Toledo International Center for Peace, had just offered an optimistic view of the peace process. Suggesting that a two-state solution is still obtainable before George W. Bush leaves office. But Mansour countered that no peace plan is possible until the Palestinians are permitted to control the crossings into Israel and until there's an effort to put, an end to the misery of the Gaza. That's when he blamed what he called radicals in the Israeli government who he believes are sabotaging the peace process. He said those radicals were camouflaging their undermining of the peace process by making an issue of Hamas shooting its toys. The comments drew gasps of surprise from several in the audience, obviously stunned by the characterization. Ben-Ami believes a cease fire leading to a two-state solution is obtainable within the year because the framework and the positions of both sides have long already been on the table. There's no need for any of the parties, Ben-Ami suggests, to reinvent the wheel.