The Latest UN Fiasco: The Dugard Report By Dr. David Lazerson April 10, 2008 5 Towns Jewish Times Original Source: It’s getting more challenging by the day to list the positive accomplishments of the world’s most pretentious, self-serving, and corrupt organization—the so-called United Nations. The only thing that the UN is united on is the anti-West and anti-American platform. Then, of course, there’s their main focus of concern—Israel. Despite the fact that Israel is the only democracy in the entire Middle East, surrounded by openly hostile and repressive Muslim countries, the UN continues its ever-downward spiral into meaningless oblivion with the constant anti-Israel nonsense. Let’s take a look at the UN’s recent “urgent” issue. Hezbollah’s blatant violations of the cease-fire in Lebanon? Dream on. The huge, horrific refugee problem and mass killings in Darfur? Al-Qaeda’s efforts to obtain nuclear weapons? Crisis in Kenya, just maybe? Hamas’s misuse of international aid to purchase weapons and use them for daily missile and rocket attacks against Israel? Ho-hum, couldn’t-be-bothered items for the haughty UN folks. No, they have much more crucial matters to tackle. The UN met recently for one specific task, folks: to condemn Israel for the closing of the Gaza borders. Then, with one piece of absurdity blindly following the other into the realm of fantasyland, we have the recently released UN Human Rights Council (once headed by Libya), courtesy of John Dugard, that blames—and thus justifies—Arab terrorism on “Israeli occupation.” Someone wake me up from this nightmare called the UN. Please. Not only is Dugard’s report full of misleading statements and historical untruths, but, like its sponsor the UN, it’s downright hogwash. If “occupation” refers to one country ruling over a piece of turf that was once inhabited by some other folks, well then this basically refers to the entire planet Earth, America and Europe included. No, make that especially Europe. Furthermore, when it comes to this tiny piece of real estate called “Israel,” who says there weren’t people living there before the so-called Palestinians who constantly whine and claim sole possession? The most they can claim is that they were living there at the same time Jews were. Well, for a short while anyhow. Historically, the Jews’ relationship to the land of Israel goes way back, a good several thousand years, long before Islam was even invented and a long time before there was ever such a group known as “Palestinians.” So, Mr. Dugard, who are you to call Israel “occupiers” just because your notion of history has a serious case of amnesia? Secondly, despite the Jews’ historical claim to this land, they have given away huge chunks of it, in the name of peace, to some mighty nasty and hostile neighbors. Despite having won it in the 1967 war, Israel gave away the Sinai to Egypt and quite recently, the Gaza Strip to the so-called Palestinians. Interesting, eh, Mr. Dugard, that the Arab rockets and grenade attacks continue against Israel on a daily basis from this same territory, where clearly Israel is no longer there as “occupiers”? No Israelis or Jews in sight. Gaza has become Judenrein. Although Dugard refers to “apartheid-like policies” of Israel, it is clearly, in fact, the very opposite—there are hundreds of thousands of Arabs living where they choose inside Israel. They vote, work, and live where they please, and serve in the Knesset. Can Dugard make this claim for Jews or Christians or non-Muslims living in any Arab Muslim country? Hardly. The so-called Palestinians simply cannot live together with anyone deemed an “infidel,” and thus they (and nearly all of their neighboring Arab countries) live and practice apartheid policies. So, the obvious question is: Now that the Arabs control Gaza and there is no longer an “occupying” outside force, why then do they still engage in murder and terror? Why don’t they take all the billions in foreign aid and build schools and hospitals, improve the roads—you know, some pro-social type goodies? Indeed. Why are they still acting like, well, terrorists? Sorry, Dugard, they’ve got no one to blame here but themselves. As a conflict resolution specialist working in the public school system for the past 30 years, I have never had one case where the therapist attempted to justify one party’s violent behavior against another. Not one. No, Mr. Dugard, we don’t apologize or make excuses for an individual’s horrific behavior. Unlike your ridiculous UN report, we always try to teach the parties involved in dispute to solve their differences through other, more civilized means. It’s kind of hard to be objective with the UN when they’re paying your salary to write the report in the first place. The real issue is blatantly missing from this report and, of course, that smells of foul UN bias. This is the crux of the matter that the UN tries to avoid like the plague. It’s the basis of nearly every Arab and Muslim country. In a nutshell, they started every major war against Israel and they lost, thank G-d, every one of ’em. And so, they’re ticked. Most of these Arab countries don’t even recognize Israel’s right to engage in things that you and I take for granted, like walking around, going to restaurants, playing outside, breathing and sitting in yeshiva studying some Torah. This, Monsieur Dugard, is the true reason behind Arab terrorism. They don’t want pieces of Israel; they want it all since 1948, when Israel took essentially desert and turned it into gardens. And since your report is sponsored by none other than the United (Muslim) Nations for Oil and Greed and World Domination, your report should be classified as yet another piece of UN propaganda; i.e., worthless garbage. To really be useful, Dugard’s report should have focused on the real issues: Why didn’t the UN issue a condemnation of the recent terror attack against the yeshiva in Jerusalem, which killed 6 and injured over 30 students? Why does the UN only issue proclamations condemning Israel for closing her borders to protect its citizens? When was the last time the UN sat down to condemn any of the 20-plus Muslim countries that foster terrorism, teach hatred and racism, recruit and brainwash children and women as suicide bombers, use violence against women, repress legitimate democratic expression by civilians? The list could go on, but maybe we should ask this question a slightly different way: When was the first time the UN sat down to condemn such a country? The answer is, of course, never. The UN simply has too much Arab influence on its hands to come clean. They will continue to do what they always do, ignore the real problems (especially their own) and condemn and criticize America and Israel at every opportunity. What’s to be done with the UN? When you’re dealing with a lot of very polluted water, and all that chlorine just doesn’t do the job, well, sometimes ya’ just gotta’ pull the dang plug. The U.S. and all democratic countries of the world should drop out. Pull their funding and, in effect, close forever the doors of the UN. Let it follow in the footsteps of the League of Nations, which also started off as a good idea, but became too politicized and ineffectual. Until an organization surfaces that is truly united for the sake of all humanity—including Israel, America, and non-Muslim countries—the UN has simply proven itself to be UNworthy, UNproductive and, UNfortunately, totally UNnecessary. (Arutz Sheva)