Anti-Semitism in the United Nations July 2, 2008 ABC Radio National Original Source: – HYPERLINK \o listen online to the story 'Anti-Semitism in the United Nations' \t popup listen now | \o Download the story 'Anti-Semitism in the United Nations' as an mp3  download audio In September 2001, the United States and Israel walked out of the United Nations sponsored Conference Against Racism in Durban, over what they called hateful and anti-Israel language in a draft declaration. Both the U.S. and Israel alleged anti-Semitism was behind much of the anti-Israeli rhetoric. According to Professor Anne Bayefsky, an international legal scholar and human rights activist, this conference was indicative of a human rights system corrupted beyond recognition. She argues that the United Nations hijacks the language of human rights to discriminate and demonise Jews. Guests Professor Anne Bayefsky Story Researcher and Producer Kris Short