Amoral in Gaza: UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon betrays UN principles by blaming Israel Daily News January 21 2009 Original Source: Visiting the war zone after the 22-day military clash between \o Israel \t _blank Israel and \o Hamas \t _blank Hamas, \o Ban Ki-moon \t _blank Secretary General Ban Ki Moon descended to the amoral depths that have become all too customary at the \o United Nations \t _blank United Nations. Ban's first stop was \o Gaza Strip \t _blank Gaza, where, a spokesman said, he wanted to express solidarity with Palestinian suffering. There, he blamed Israel for the destruction and civilian casualties that Hamas had provoked - even though Hamas had provoked both strategically, almost gleefully. There was no mention that Hamas had rained rockets indiscriminately on Israel for several years in its avowed quest to destroy the Jewish state. Or that Hamas had broken a tenuous ceasefire before Israel retaliated. Or that Hamas had stockpiled a huge and increasingly lethal arsenal. Or that the UN had done nothing - nothing - to counter Hamas' open acts of war. No, of course not. Instead, Ban stood outside the United Nations Relief and \o Works Agency \t _blank Works Agency compound in \o Gaza City \t _blank Gaza City, which was hit during Israeli shelling. I have seen only a fraction of the destruction. This is shocking and alarming, Ban said. He added: It is an outrageous and totally unacceptable attack on the United Nations. ... There must be a full investigation, a full explanation to make sure it never happens again. Right, never again. Shocking. Alarming. Outrageous. Unacceptable. Those are good words. Shocking: The way that money from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency fuels the Palestinian leadership's terrorist agenda. Alarming: The way that Hamas fighters use UN schools as launch pads for their rockets and as training grounds for their terror forces. Outrageous: The fact that the UN has not moved mountains to permanently seal the tunnels through which Hamas smuggles arms into Gaza for use in assaulting Israel. Unacceptable: Reports that Hamas has rounded up hundreds of activists from the more moderate Palestinian party, \o Fatah Organization \t _blank Fatah, turning a children's hospital, school buildings and mental health centers into torture centers. As for a full investigation, what cries out for exposure, and shame, is how the UN has allowed Hamas to bend the world body's institutions to the cause of terror.