New Israel Fund finances most Israeli anti-Zionism? By Richard Shulman 01/31/2010 Manchester Examiner Original Source: This weekend’s Maariv exposes the New Israel fund for financing anti-Israel propaganda groups in Israel. The expose is based on a study by Im Tirtzu, a Zionist student group. The study found that the New Isreal Fund finances most of the Israeli anti-Zionist organizations. The group also discovered that the UN Goldstone report took 92% of its anti-Israel material from organizations funded by the New Israel Fund. The New Israel Fund chairlady is Naomi Hazan, former Member of Knesset for the semi-Marxist Meretz Party. Israel has no law against foreign anti-Israel and antisemitic organizations financing treasonous organizations (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/29). Some Israeli officials are proposing such laws. In his State of the Union message, President Obama proposed a law barring foreign corporations from contributing to American political campaigns. (There may already be such a law; he may have misstated what the Supreme Court ruled.) The significance of Goldstone's taking most of its material from biased organizations is that it did not make an independent study. The Goldstone Report is in a poro position to spurn IDF investigations as not independent. The news brief is not clear whether the New Israel Fund sends some subsidy to most of the anti-Zionist organizations in Isarel or most of the subsidy. After all, European governments spend millions of dollars a year on those organizations.