UN promotes female terrorists as role models Ryan Jones February 10, 2011 Israel Today http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/22652/Default.aspx The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) partnered recently with the Arab Producers Union for TV (APUTV) to produce and broadcast on 50 Middle East television stations a special campaign to advance women’s rights in the Arab world, according to the campaign’s website. Dubbed the “White Hands Campaign,” it has been described by both the UNFPA and the APUTV as “the largest media campaign to support issues.” The problem is that among the various women presented as role models in the White Hands television broadcast were terrorists and historical and current figures who advocate jihad. Most of our readers will recognize the name Dalal Mughrabi. She is the female Palestinian terrorist who carried out the most deadly attack on Israeli civilians in the Jewish state’s modern history. In 1978, Mughrabi led a team of terrorists in an amphibious infiltration of the Israeli coast. They then hijacked bus full of Israeli civilians and killed all 37 of them. The UN Population Fund felt it was appropriate to include Mughrabi as a role model for women across the Middle East. Also included in the program was Al Khansa, a 7th century Arab poet who wrote joyously of the “martyrdom” of her four sons in battle against the enemies of Islam. The White Hands website says these and the other women presented are “great models to be followed by the old or the young.” Special thanks to Palestinian Media Watch for first bringing this issue to light.