PLO Determined to Ask UN General Assembly for Recognition PLO reiterates its determination to approach the United Nations and ask for recognition of ‘Palestine’ as a non-member state. By Elad Benari 9/5/2012 Arutz Sheva \l .UEchNKNKXs4 \t _blank The PLO reiterated on Tuesday its determination to approach the United Nations and ask for recognition of ‘Palestine’ as a non-member state. The PLO’s Executive Committee held a special meeting to discuss the political situation, at the conclusion of which it released a statement which warned against developments that endanger the implementation of a two-state solution and prepare the ground for the possibility of “one racist state” which “maintains the occupation of Palestinian land and prevents the establishment of an independent Palestinian state” within the pre-1967 borders. According to the statement, translated by Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevi, Israeli statements regarding the resumption of peace negotiations are intended to cover up Israel’s real policy, and as such, there is no choice other than international intervention by the Security Council and the Quartet. The PLO leadership noted in the statement that the current situation requires the Security Council to assume the responsibility and accept Palestine as an observer in the General Assembly of the United Nations. The statement also repeated previous claims that Israel is striving to create a split between Gaza and the Palestinian Authority-assigned areas of Judea and Samaria, and turn Gaza into a separate entity for which Egypt is responsible. PLO Secretary Yasser Abed Rabbo said after the meeting that the PA is determined to request UN membership, adding that the issue will be discussed between the PA and Arab states before the next meeting of the UN General Assembly later this month. The PA recently announced its intention \t _blank to turn to the UN General Assembly for recognition as a state. In September 2011, Abbas \t _blank applied for full UN membership at the UN Security Council. Israel and the U.S. staunchly opposed the bid, \t _blank which failed due to a lack of support in the 15-member council. PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki recently said that \t _blank Arab countries support a unilateral PA bid for statehood recognition in the UN General Assembly. He said he believed the PA would win 130-140 votes should the motion be put forward at the world body, securing a majority in the General Assembly.