Belgium Shooting Done By Hezbollah? Belgium examining multiple theories - link to IDF withdrawal from Lebanon, 'copycat' attack, and point-blank anti-Semitism. By Tova Dvorin 5/27/2014 \t _blank In the wake of the horrific shooting attack in Brussels, Belgian authorities have finally admitted that the attack may have been a \t _blank premeditated act of terrorism.  But on Tuesday, an additional lead in the investigation has been revealed: the attack may have links to the Iranian-proxy terrorist organization Hezbollah.  According to Channel 10, Belgian authorities are seriously investigating the possibility that Islamist terrorists perpetrated the attack, based on a link between Hezbollah and the date of the shooting. On May 24, 2000, the IDF officially withdrew from Lebanon - and established a date significant for the terror organization.  As such, authorities believe the killer may have been linked to a Hezbollah cell in Brussels, and carried out the attack as an ideological point designed to either press a point about Islamists in Europe on the eve of the European parliamentary elections, or take revenge for attacks on prominent Hezbollah terrorists killed in 2000. Experts believe the spontaneous appearance of the attack is designed to conceal the shooting's premeditation and/or the shooter's link to the terrorist organization.  Hezbollah has terror cells as far-flung as Thailand; in April \t _blank two terror suspects linked to the group were arrested by Thai police and admitted plans to attack Israeli tourists. Police stated at least nine Hezbollah terrorists were believed to be in Thailand at the time. Alternative theories include sheer anti-Semitic violence - along the lines of the \t _blank Toulouse attack in 2012 - or as a copycat attack designed to awaken xenophobic elements within broader European society. Proponents of the latter theory heavily cite the \t _blank Euroskeptic gain in the recent elections - and the dramatic rise in the visibility of far-right groups - as proof of a copycat conspiracy.  Earlier Tuesday, Haaretz \t _blank published a report claiming that the attacks were targeted, citing the fact that victims Emmanuel and Miriam Riva Hyd worked for the Israeli government.