Report: Turkey denies Israel's request to question Mavi Marmara captain Turkish officials claim captain has already been interviewed as part of Turkish probe into flotilla incident. September 15, 2010 Haaretz On Wednesday, the Turkish government flatly rejected the Turkel Committee's request to question the captain of the Mavi Marmara, according to Israel's Channel 2 news. The Mavi Marmara ship was the site of a violent confrontation between the IDF and Turkish militants in late-May. Foreign ministry officials in Ankara confirmed on Wednesday morning that the Israeli request had been rejected outright. The message relayed to Jerusalem, as reported by the Turkish press and Channel 2, was that the matter of the captain's testimony should be resolved between the ministries of justice in both countries. Turkish officials also stated on Wednesday that the captain's testimony had already been translated into English and submitted to the UN as part of a report on the flotilla affair.