MondayEvent:TimetoreplacetheUN MEDIA ADVISORY For immediate release January 19, 2017 **MEDIA ADVISORY** Contact: Des ny Edwards Washington, D.C. ­ In an effort to recons tute the mission of achieving world peace, democra c na ons devoted to genuine democracy, equality, and peaceful rela ons seek to replace the United Na ons with the Covenant of Democra c Na ons. The Covenant of Democra c Na ons will review, rera fy, amend, or nullify all acts and resolu ons of the United Na ons and its agencies crea ng a new body of longoverdue, reformed, and updated interna onal law. Some suggest that the body may even sunset its own existence a er its reform work is done. To discuss the necessity of this change, Rep. Franks will be joining a panel of speakers that will be open to Congressional Staff and the Press. What: Panel Discussion on United Na ons alterna ve Covenant of Democra c Na ons When: Monday, January 23 2017 12:00 pm Where: The Gold Room, Rayburn 2168 Who: Rep. Trent Franks (RAZ), Edwin Black author of IBM and the Holocaust, Nathan Lewin Cons tu onal A orney, Sarah Stern EMET, Kenneth Marcus former director U.S. Civil Rights Commission, and Ben Cohen The Israel Project Contact: Des ny Edwards, Communica ons Director Refreshments have been generously provided by The Endowment for Middle East Truth. This Event is open to Staff (please show ID) ### 1of2 1/19/20176:49PM