25 years MFHR: The state of HR in the world Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights http://www.mfhr.gr/statements/en/2552004.htm RESOLUTION The Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights has organized for its 25 years of activities an international conference on the current state of human rights in the world. Some of the most competent personalities have participated to it. And they expressed their deep concern. Nevertheless, the speakers presented the complete Human Rights’ protection network – international conventions and international instruments - which may provide effective protection of human rights. Instead of their implementation, the mighty of the world have opted for the cruel pursuit of their interests, by a series of wars based on reasons allegedly protective of peoples and their human rights. The war on Iraq more specifically, not only has devastated an entire country on the hypocritical invocation of a fabricated false reason, but it became the cause of the manifestation of unimaginable atrocity and barbarity on behalf of the “civilized” conqueror. All human rights of this people have been suppressed (life, dignity, corporal integrity, shelter, property, family life etc.). And terrorism in the world has flamed up, as it was predictable, since the people -subjected to the aggression of the mighty- do not possess weapons and have ended up to use its own body as a counter-attack weapon, tearing it to pieces. In Palestine another extermination tragedy unfolds to the detriment of the Palestinian people. We invite all the Governments, especially those of the European countries as well as the European Union itself, to react in a dynamic and effective way, by making use of the rich arsenal of International Law in a substantive way in order to stop this ferocity and the suppression of the Human and Peoples’ Rights, which have been conquered after so many fights. The ones who tolerate this situation are parties to it. Athens, 24 May 2004