Unofficial transcript Agenda item 37 “Question of Palestine”, November 29, 2012 AUSTRALIA: Mr. President, Australia's decision to abstain on this resolution balances our longstanding support for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in their own state with our concern that the only durable basis for resolution of this conflict is direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The resolution does not confer statehood. It grants nonmember observer state status to the Palestinian Authority in the United Nations. We have long supported a negotiated two-state solution that allows a secure Israel to live alongside an independent future Palestinian state. Australia has concerns that this resolution may actually make it harder, not easier for the two parties to return to direct negotiations, but our support for a future Palestinian state achieved through negotiations remains steadfast, as does our support for Israel's legitimacy and right to security. In looking beyond today's vote, we urge all sides to return immediately to negotiations in good faith. It is critical that no party seek to exploit or overreact to the outcome of today's vote, including within the UN system in ways that would undermine prospects for a just and lasting settlement. Thank you.