Saudi preacher who raped, murdered daughter freed Fayhan al-Ghamdi spent only few months in jail despite admitting to using cane, cables to torture his five-year-old daughter whose virginity he questioned February 4, 2013 Ynet,7340,L-4340959,00.html \t _blank,7340,L-4340959,00.html A,7340,L-4330687,00.html \t _blank Saudi preacher who tortured his five-year-old daughter to death has been released after agreeing to pay 'blood money', The Daily Mail reported.   Lama al-Ghamdi died in October having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns, according to the report. She had also been repeatedly raped and then burned.   Her father Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a prominent Islamist preacher who regularly appears on television in Saudi Arabia, served only a few months in jail despite admitting to having used a cane and cables to inflict the injuries.,7340,L-4338532,00.html \t _blank Women's rights activists said al-Ghamdi had doubted Lama's virginity and had her checked up by a medic.    Rather than the death penalty or a long prison sentence, the judge in the case ruled the prosecution could only seek 'blood money', according to activists. According to the report, the judge ruled the few months al-Ghamdi spent in prison since his arrest in November was sufficient punishment.   He has reportedly agreed to pay £31,000 ($50,000), which is believed to have gone to Lama's mother.   Activists say under Islamic laws a father cannot be executed for,7340,L-4320512,00.html \t _blank murdering his children. Husbands can also not be executed for murdering their wives, they say.   A social media campaign is now gaining momentum after the ruling was publicized.