Senior Tanzim Operative killed During Arrest Operation in Bethlehem 10/04/2006 Israel Defense Forces During a joint IDF and ISA activity in Bethlehem earlier today, April 9th 2006, to arrest Jaber Achres, a senior Tanzim operative in the city, forces identified Achres exiting the building he was hiding in. Achres, who was armed, began advancing rapidly towards the force while opening fire at them. The force returned fire, killing him. An AK -47 assault rifle was found near his body. Achres was responsible for the planning and execution of numerous terror attacks, including the killing of two soldiers near the Tunnel Road checkpoint on November 18th, 2003. Jaber Fuas Eid Achres, 26, originally a resident of the Gaza Strip and a senior Tanzim operative in the city of Bethlehem, has been wanted by security forces for the past three years for his involvement in the planning and executing of numerous terror attacks against Israeli citizens, infrastructure and military targets in the area of Bethlehem. Achres became wanted after he carried out a shooting attack against IDF soldiers securing the Tunnel Road checkpoint. Sgt. First Class Shlomi Baleski and Staff Sgt. Shaul Lahav were killed in the attack. Since the attack Achres had established his status as a senior member of the Tanzim organization's infrastructure in Bethlehem. There he was responsible for recruiting, operating and guiding the Tanzim operatives. Achres was involved in numerous attacks, which include: Attempted launching of projectile rockets at the Gilo and Har Homa neighborhoods in Jerusalem (2006). Shooting attacks carried out in the area of Bethlehem and at the neighborhoods of Gilo and Har Homa (2006). Recruitment of terrorists and utilizing them for carrying out suicide bombings. (2005-2006). Manufacturing explosive belts. (2005-2006). Detonation of explosive devices targeted at military vehicles.(2005-2006). It is important to note that Israeli security forces have transferred the information to the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian security apparatuses time and again, requesting that they arrest Jaber Achres and put his terror activity to a halt but no action was taken.