SHINICHI KITAOKA (Japan): Mr. President, the past year has been a year of some progress for the Question of Palestine. The Sharm El-Sheikh commitment in February, the disengagement from Gaza and part of the West Bank by Israel in August, and the agreement on movement and access this month all represent significant accomplishments. Although there were appeals in the intervals between one step and the next, during which the momentum appeared to have been lost, the process as a whole was moved forward by the impact of each positive step after a period of stagnation. The Sharm El-Sheikh commitment was significant because it brought the product of restored confidence between the leaders of Israel and Palestine, realized through their direct dialogue and part of the commitment has, in fact, been implemented. Japan calls upon both parties to continue to steadily implement the committed measures, such as the hand-over of the security responsibility in three West Bank cities. The government of Israel conducted the Gaza withdrawal relatively peacefully and smoothly with firm determination in spite of domestic political opposition. It deserves renewed commendation. The Palestinian side for its part made good efforts to maintain restraint in the actions of the various parties. We hope that the cooperation between the two parties seen on the ground at the time of the Gaza withdrawal will serve as a good peace precedent for future measures for peace. The agreement on movement and access represents the culmination of the tireless efforts by the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authority and the international community. Japan appreciates all the efforts, in particular the radiating role created by Mr. Wolfensohn and Secretary of State Rice. We welcome the reopening of the Rafah border crossing on the 25th of this month, assistance by the EU as well as efforts by both parties will be critical. Japan highly appreciates the EUs role in this milestone. The remaining items in the agreement are equally important for the reconstruction and for stabilization of civilian rights in Gaza. We hope that the agreed measures concerning the Gaza-West Bank linkage and Gaza seaport will be implemented promptly and that consultations between both parties concerning Gaza airport would speedily produce constructive results. Mr. President, there is one more important thing that the two parties must achieve over and above those accomplishments. That is their real return to the Road Map. For the Palestinian side, the first step would be reform including security sector reform and for the Israel side, halting all actions which may prejudge the result of final status negotiations such as expansion of settlement activities. Both parties need to demonstrate the commitment to the Road Map through action. As long as the will for peace on the part of both parties is clear, the international community will never cease to assist them for the progress of peace. Japan, at the occasion of President Abbas’s visit to Japan in May this year, announced an assistance package amounting to $100 million US Dollars for the near future. We need to support efforts at stabilizing civilian life in Gaza and the West Bank. Allocation of the funds for approximately half of the package was authorized at the time of the Gaza withdrawal. We will continue to extend political and economic support for the progress of the peace process. We hope through the elections in Israel and Palestine at the beginning of next year, both the Israeli and Palestinian publics will clearly demonstrate their commitment to the Road Map which is the only viable peace plan. Mr. President, there has not been much progress in the past year in the Syria track. However, only a comprehensive peace can be a lasting peace. As it is true for the Palestine track provided the will for peace by the parties is clear, the international community will support the progress for peace. Japan reiterates its call upon the two parties to make efforts in this regard, providently hoping that peace based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 will be realized as early as possible. Thank you.