Sixtieth session Agenda items 41, 123 and 124 Report of the Economic and Social Council Programme budget for the biennium 2004-2005 Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007 Revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its resumed organizational and first substantive sessions of 2005 Sixth report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions 1. The Advisory Committee has considered the report of the Secretary-General on revised estimates resulting from the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its resumed organizational and first substantive sessions of 2005 (A/60/396). During its consideration of the report, the Committee met with representatives of the Secretary-General, who provided additional information and clarification. 2. The Advisory Committee notes that the revised estimates relate to a series of Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions outlined in the report of the Secretary-General. Information regarding the full costs for each, including those costs that can be met through existing resources or entailing additional appropriations, is provided in section II of the report (paras. 5-77) and in summarized form in the annex thereto. 3. In this connection, as indicated in paragraph 78 of the report, the implications of resolutions and decisions adopted by the Council at its resumed organizational and first substantive sessions of 2005 would give rise to estimated requirements of $4,143,300. The Advisory Committee notes that, of this total, an amount of $3,571,300 could be absorbed within the resources provided for either the 2004-2005 or 2006-2007 biennium. This would leave a remaining requirement of $572,000 over and above the resources initially proposed for the biennium 2006-2007 under four sections of the proposed programme budget: section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management ($414,700); section 9, Economic and social affairs ($13,500); section 23, Human rights ($129,200); and section 28E, Administration Geneva ($14,600). 4. The Advisory Committee notes that additional resources amounting to $169,400 are indicated in connection with decision 2005/292, on the organization of work of the sixty-second session of the Commission on Human Rights (see paras. 72-75). Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that this estimation of requirements may be overtaken and superseded by the results of the implementation and follow-up to the 2005 World Summit Outcome (General Assembly resolution 60/1) adopted in September 2005. 5. The Advisory Committee notes that the Secretary-General, in paragraph 83 of his report, proposes to treat the net additional requirements of $572,000 mentioned in paragraph 3 above in accordance with the procedures established by the General Assembly in its resolutions 41/213 and 42/211 regarding the contingency fund. That would normally mean that the Assembly would note the estimated additional requirements at this stage and appropriate an amount towards the end of the session, after having considered the Secretary-General’s wrap-up paper on the contingency fund. However, in view of the relatively minor amount involved, the Committee is of the opinion that an additional appropriation may not be necessary. It therefore recommends that such amount, if any, as may be required be reported in the first performance report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007.   \* MERGEFORMAT 2 \* MERGEFORMAT 2 United Nations A/60/7/Add.5 General Assembly Distr.: General 26 October 2005 Original: English 05-57148 (E) 261005 *0557148* A/60/7/Add.5 A/60/7/Add.5