UNITED NATIONS A Word.Picture.8 General Assembly Distr. Distr. \* MERGEFORMAT LIMITED Symbol \* MERGEFORMAT A/HRC/5/L.6 15 June 2007 Original: Orig. Lang. \* MERGEFORMAT ENGLISH HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Fifth session Agenda item 2 IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 60/251 OF 15 MARCH 2006 ENTITLED “HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL” Germany (on behalf of the European Union) and Algeria (on behalf of the African Group): draft decision 5/… Follow-up to the resolution A/HRC/4/8 of 30 March 2007 adopted by the Human Rights Council at its 4th session entitled “Follow-up to the decision of 13 December 2006 adopted by the Human Rights Council at its 4th special session entitled “Situation of human rights in Darfur (S-4/101)” The Human Rights Council decides to adopt the following text: Welcomes the report of the United Nations Experts Group on Darfur; Requests the Expert Group to continue its work for six months and to submit an update to the session of the Council in September 2007 and a final report to the following session of the Council. ----- A/HRC/4/L. page \* MERGEFORMAT 2 A/HRC/4/L…. page \* MERGEFORMAT 3