Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Makarim Wibisono Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations At the 6th Session of the Human Rights Council Address by the High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva, 13 September 2007 Mr. President, As I take the floor for the first time, allow me to express my appreciation to you, Mr. President, for your leadership in conducting this 6th session which opens the second year of the Council’s existence. We are confident that you will steer our work to achieve a successful outcome and a strong foundation for future sessions. At this point, we would like to align ourselves with the statement made by Pakistan on behalf of the OIC. I should like, on behalf of the Indonesian delegation, to express our thanks to Madam Louise Arbour, for her important remarks. We are grateful for the support that her Office has given to the work of the Council throughout this labor-intensive year. Her readiness to accept the inputs and requests of delegations in refining the many details of this difficult process have been very well received. We appreciate the visits of the High Commissioner to several countries among others to Indonesia, Colombia and Iran for addressing the Non Aligned Movement ministerial meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity. In this regard, her planned visit to Sri Lanka, at the invitation of the Srilankan Government, reflects a positive gesture for the enhancement of constructive dialogue as well as good will of cooperation with the High Commissioner and her Office. We also commend the High Commissioner’s commitment and full support for the Durban Review Conference process including the holding of its Preparatory Committee meeting in last August. Mr. President, As the Council begins its 6th Session, we have just about completed the first, institution-building process, stage of endowing the human rights body with solid, dependable, and impartial mechanisms by the end of its first year of existence. As the second working year gets underway, we also enter a new phase in which the institution must become fully functional. However, before it can do so, some pending issues – notably the two key items of UPR and the Review of Mandates, as well as the Technical Criteria for the members of the Advisory Committee and mandate holders – still need to be finalized. Beginning with the UPR, my delegation reiterates that the principles of the participatory, cooperative and non-coercive nature of the Review Mechanism are central to the success of its work and objectives. Its final format and procedures must guarantee that countries are reviewed on the basis of existing reliable and credible information as well as their National Reports, and that they are fully briefed as early as possible in advance as to the documents and evidence they will be expected to submit. The efforts they have deployed to comply with their commitments, as well as their level of capacity and possible need for assistance in implementing these commitments should also be taken into account. Moving on to the issue of the Review of Mandates, we thank the President for scheduling the assessment of mandates that will be conducted starting in the present Session. In this regard, in the assessment exercise should proceed at the same pace with selection of mandate holders, so as to present a coherent and balanced overall picture. Finally, with regard to the question of technical criteria for the members of the Advisory Committee and Mandate Holders, we fully agree with the stipulation that the requirements of experience, impartiality and personal integrity are of prime importance since the members will bear a lot of responsibility as truly independent experts. In this regard, we would like to stress that no artificial barriers should be introduced to prejudice these principles and restrict the eligibility of any candidates from developing country on the grounds of insufficient qualifications, experience, or others. To conclude, Mr. President, allow me to close these remarks by reiterating our firm support for the Council’s mission to promote and protect human rights through its mechanisms and through the actions of the High Commissioner and her Office. We assure you of our fullest cooperation in your task of leading our deliberations in this 6th Session, in order that the Council’s work may progress steadily, competently and conclusively. Thank you.