Date: December 18, 2007 Original Source: Security Council 5807th Meeting (AM) Chair of committee monitoring Iran sanctions briefs Security Council A total of 87 Member States had reported so far on their implementation of sanctions on Iran imposed in relation to its “proliferation sensitive” nuclear activities, the Chairman of the Committee that monitors those measures told the Security Council this morning. Johan Verbeke (Belgium), Chairman of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006), said that the seven States that had submitted reports during the last 90-day reporting period have assured the Committee of their commitment to implementing resolution 1737, as well as 1747 (2007), and to meet their obligations as outlined therein. Resolution 1737, adopted on 23 December 2006 under Chapter VII of the Charter (see Press Release SC/8928) demanded that Iran suspend all proliferation sensitive nuclear activities and imposed sanctions on the country, as well as on persons or entities supporting the prohibited activities.  The subsequent resolution 1747 of 24 March 2007 (see Press Release SC/8980) designated additional individuals and groups subject to those restraints and added a ban on the export of arms and related material from Iran.  Seventy-one reports had so far been received under the latter resolution. The Committee’s Chairman added that, during the reporting period, the Committee had received eight notifications from States of their intentions to make or receive payments, or to authorize the unfreezing of funds, in connection with contracts entered into prior to the imposition of sanctions.  The Committee had also received a communication dated 23 November from a Member State transmitting, on behalf of a group of nuclear supplier countries, a list of items, end-users and procurement agents for which those countries, in their national capacity, had denied nuclear-related exports to Iran. The representative of the United States said that the report had made clear that Iran was not complying with Security Council obligations, an issue of “fundamental importance to this Council and we must remain seized of the matter until all concerns with Iran’s nuclear programme have been addressed”.  Mohamed ElBaradei, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), had stated on three occasions after adoption of resolution 1737 that Iran had failed to comply with its obligations to suspend all proliferation sensitive nuclear activities. Continuing, he said Iran must first suspend its proliferation sensitive nuclear activities without delay, which would then allow negotiations within the framework of the “P5 + 1” [the five permanent members of the Council and Germany].   Iran must also give the IAEA its full cooperation in implementing the work plan.  The “P5 + 1” hoped to have a text before the Council as soon as possible. Regarding the Russian Federation’s recent announcement to send Iran enriched uranium for use in the nuclear power plant being constructed at Bushehr, he said resolution 1737 allowed for providing Iran with assistance and fuel for light water reactors, such as at Bushehr.  The Russian Federation’s arrangement made one thing clear:   Iran did not need to pursue uranium enrichment.  His country had joined the Russian Federation and other members of the P5 + 1 in offering Iran, if it complied with Council requirements, cooperation in development of a civil nuclear power programme, with reliable access to nuclear fuel.  If Iran was serious about nuclear power for its energy needs, the best way to pursue it was to suspend its proliferation sensitive nuclear activities and accept the offer. The representative of Qatar affirmed that a peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear file was the best way forward.  He also affirmed the right of States Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, saying that the Treaty and its imposition on all States in the Middle East was very important, as was the strengthening of confidence and impeding proliferation, especially “invisible proliferation”. He welcomed the agreement concluded in August 2007 on a work plan dealing with pending IAEA issues with Iran and called on Iran to continue down that road and answer the IAEA’s questions, in order to strengthen confidence and resolve pending issues.  Iran had presented information to the IAEA on several pending issues, he said, expressing hope that that would be addressed in the near future.  He called for restraint and calm on the part of all. The meeting opened at 10:05 a.m. and closed at 10:15 a.m.