AGENDAITEM 128 PROGRAMME BUDGETFOR PROPOSED TI{E BIENNIUM2OO8-2009 ASSEMBLY GENERAL 62NO SESSION SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION PartVI arralrs Humannsnts anonulra.ruraflan 23 Section Humar dghts Supplemertld Infornarion ro rherifth Comnrltt. Section23lHnn,p tuqbisl of tt prooosed lroenm budeetfor th lAl62l6(Set 23) blernlnn 2008-20@ Ir, Ciographic conposltlon ol the OIICI{R st!fl sith nrtionditis of rll po.ts boih fuded fron r.gulrr .nd dtr. budgt ry resoBc*. '& r@sgtr EEEAB ErydNon.R.qul.r Prof*.ioral sEfi {RBe XBi ffiwq % ffi Ui,!!n'ei4 IeEfSlele$le@EEljEE-C-IEl .. ;.?dfi*ls.e: ffi Ei rc {lo@CW3Sj. lb. Di idbrdo! of ,bff i! Eldqur.tB @Bpmition (by r.gloml drtdbtrtior). ud field oficer F h g.ognphic.l 11.5% 12 l|oFRdular Prolel.n.l 8|3fi lRA & XBI s * 30 2007 15,5% IeEr.qe!4d!!lrlE!l8BEJEI3:grU.S3!!!E!s:!!q % .no.4fu'd'ifuddd!d L 2. Inprovneri i! s6gr.pbi@l bahrc i! OIICm sirce 200s, irclu{tiDg lbis of !sobr p.oDord rnd recruitd ilurtug rh pBcDt bieMiub, ildicatiq mtiomlity, 2 .1 Tlc strat gy ofltre HiE! CotmGsiond to inprcve s4sraptic divesil]? in 1be Ofice h$ bm rro-Iold. The fist stp ws to eiped lie poot of qualified ca.dide,tes non th widesi possiblemse ofco@ldes dd b&ksmmds. l'bis involved e@ter oulech. in particdr to devetolils coutrj6, in order !o ensmge 4plicalio6 for ensring vacdcies, In addition to advrtisinsthe va@t posts i! rhe sr.ff selectionsyslem, every vacecy tuoucmdt is ciEutaEd nr a bailing list of morc than 2000 eduiional islirulim. societies, non-govemeDtal orymiztioB, Dtioml insritrlioN andpeDdnr eissions, Ihee de inditios thar thb elemeff of rbe srareev is b*ins tu L orDsins in sr*'d nmm oI tudrdlLes tJod o!\.de ; be Utu; Nations S@ftlariar.A ftviw of po$s cncdaled in 2005prior b rne hmc! of this stsatsyslows 1]1a1 eren8e 8.85% of eljgible cmdidales la{j nol on pEvjoDsly be6 eoployed by the United Narios Secretariai. siDjld Eview A of @mpdble pos$ advenisedand 1helamch of the srraregy sho*s ihai rle she of c&didates wirbout prior United Nalions Secretdiat dplolrdr ha iip!d to n Ndae. of26,22%. 2.2 TIE s*ond eldmt ofthe straregy@ lo capihlize on th. expdded poot of cddidates in lle seledion phae. I! 6 in thh conrerr tbar the Hish Comissiond iniod@d }er !rccedws md fidsork for impoving divdsity, whic! hcluded a mecneisn 10rwiew ihe recruihldr sographic prccss in @b {d evsry cNe prior b nlal seletion to ensr rhat every etron h6 bH made10idoiift dd sel@tqmlncd codidar* from rargered comdes ed rcgiom in fitil cosideFlion of dd adherace ro fie slaff 2.1 This elemot is ale showing Esdis, One bmdftd &d thre sleclion daGions hav ben nade for Prcfessionalposts since lhe pmdws sere intodu@d, Of ilse 6l sr.F sele.rd (60%) weE fion loo-Wesled Iu op.u dd Otbs 6mdp lobu es. rLs q !led) d npolmenr paniclleiy rhd one considd &at of the 42 Aon \VEO couuies, 2t weE in fact inldnal sraff seleled for pomorion r. ligler levi posts. T[w hs been sinild prosEss wilh Esad !tr Sedor (P 5 dd above)posrs. Twdty fou seleclior decisionshave6@n nad for senior post sine rne pocertrs werc i roduced.Of these 14 (6070)N@ Aom rcgioro Equidng imprcved relresentationwilhin OECHR (7 Anica, i lAC, 2 Edlen ENDm). 2 4 Most heafimins of all is the licr thai {re etrorls have b*n sulaiDed lons ptudu* a Eeduable shift in rhe goglarhic composilionof cnonghnow lo the ofice. On I I Dsenber 2006 64.I % of the toral ptufessioml s,tatrweE nadonals of Weslem Euopee ed OiheB Gronp comtis. This had dec@d to 60% by 30 Ju.e 200? ed decresed ndher 10 58.4 % by 30 " fri:ii,&a,",^1,,H'.,*li,,T1 ;"fr'"i u'-.J"aii T,rffi mHrT; [flXT,[:H: f'f'*"Tfi;';""';;"oucm f; ns,*.,;Yrff #; fil*;,T:'ffi l:t"iH ;*J#:. uT.3 prsrl .oEutEtioD rheofr.k oi Lhe wi-h udk; '" ro.,n1"*;r*:.,'-i;{i.i:",ffi$:d ;u.yjn;ir*1.; u:.r #::l'ri!!F.Hffiua.,._1H,r,Tff :ffi;*;li *s #,T.* fj:1":!.q3ru:,fi omnue rcpon by finb A.JTJ",I_1-,Jil*,#IT "**" rfti rbe i#Hi#:rdH3ffi _,:iin.;,,^"'MfJ ",ffi ;**j ;;,h;J;::;#:fr.H.T:#'yi::;.l,it 'e CoeEj As*nbty, OFICHRhs hi 'r ffiiHJ ;:*".:ilfi # .1"'.1r#,*qf ; ;:5t1: #"'#, i::fq, '' *tji:""!H;#Iil **tm*.rm--.ff "#:'" L1ffi berg,uddatq b) itre O6!e of LbeHicn Corltru(ioDs for s pd ot ib Evi;w of U@u Rso6c$ 2006 H#Tilfl* :l oe4baad, bv tne ro i" J';fiii:','i:^irJi'Y1,ffi;ro Bt'brish'd oniceibp.ov. ._ix1;ffi ;; rff ;tr x#": ",*"il%*;ilt;: "" clmdered by rhe 5lI Co@iee rl, e n4F. 4. Nmber of Aeschle Exp.rt3 (JPft) i! OIICER.ld tleir DdoDrxd6 TheAssociate Expdtsin thelbt blow@ spo.std by ileir govmdts md appoitrtd 200-sis @ftlcrs adrniliskrcdby DESA.Theyde @1sel.cled on filn theNCRErestq. LEVEL GENDER EOD CBB TCB CBB L-2 TCB 31.03.2004 TCB 5. Llst of.oufis nnere the NcE b Leld .!d fie mturc oftlc ono TheNCREpmc*s tutheBpoNibilityofoHRM. ft is thatofr1hat selects l! $bjeci! to !e tested wll 6 ilviting @- dil uds{pGatd Mdba a pdricipale in th NCRE. As roted abov,ody @utds from Stat6 to Egios whichd not wa-reprMled in OHCHRw@ ilvited to panicipat in the2008ddinalior in Itmd tuehs, 6. Eow k n'erpr.trcy druftd ir r4ruit|@t .Dd lppobrddr!? All OHCHR re@ftnots tal@ptre thiouel lh fomal United Natic S@ctadatstaf sel@tion srslm eit de lnu Aily t$!s!gMt !{rthmtr, aftlonry in hmd @u6 s OHCHRhs no deleatd all 'lr,esmat, OECHRrecruitndt is udqlal4 by UNOGHMd R6oul6 Mdagdent swi@ ed all ca* @ difld by the UNoG cdhal Rwid Bodi6. posts mited im tle NationalCmpetitive e Staf fq P-2regdd budget E)@i@(on rcsio .NCE), rriedtuE, ho{ nny 7. I! rop.r of rh. 93 rd porr! for rhe 201tG2007 *lecdo$ rcLt d to coNeEior of exirdq Nr!fi fton :(B p@!s,lrd low |@y {er lilled by eimd cddtd.ter? ou! ol rhe 71 p6ts did (53 P md 13 Gs) as ar 15 Novdbd 200?, 19 of hofssionrl losrs wde fflled lnmue! t! sletion tud r6sk@ml disting sbtr Aom qtlbDdgpr,ry losts; 25 posls(20 P md 5 cs) wft fiIed by @didats dtmal to OHCHR 8. Infomdotr on dl OgCER pEblic *rte|@15 lemiuF nU ed lrt'doctiors witl the idtm.dor.l lin.nci.l hllilulto!. e eel $ th G8 &d othr gqnme Cmups rlating to pdqty, r[. .ight to dd.lopmrt or other @!oFtc, locl.l or cdrurd ridts. for 8.1 The ttiEh Comissiord hd adro@ted Cr@tdr@eljtion of e@oniq ecial ed dhnzl 4hrs itr plblio staldob, s!@h6, articl6, dd rports, inclndine,fd ermpl: k FontritreBaldMr leciur "Fetlon &on wol ftom cldity to @ti{m@t, (2005);Stattudt io the ttish tflel Smi@ or Eendiq Social dd Cultn"l Righb, Nmt$ (2005): Ktnote addrs "?ovaty, ircq!.lity dd aiol6@", htemationalConfroe orgeized !y dr \Vorld O4@izatior asqilsl Torhe (2005); Seond Amd Tresitonal Isti@ tanrie, "Emmic dd SocialJEtie for Societi6 in Ttusitid", Nw Yo* Udirdity schoolof law (2000; Addre$ to lll foL.rnsBsiotrof the Opo-dded Woiking Grcupon m lroto@l to the Intmtion l Covemt otr Emnonic, Socialdd C\rltual Righis(2007);Slalmmt on the ocmion of Wtrld iood Day (16 Octobd2007)lrdoline fiat '\rnen lugd dd nalnutiitior p6ists, tb@ cd be no juti@ dd s@ity. (Docmmts dit specnd m availableat }/w,ohc1u,org,) Al$ of note wae tle imueual addr$ to Iuk the oMion of the opoing for siget@ of the convatior on the tughts of P@s with Dsabililies (30 Mach 200?),md rhe Kqmte deliveFd bI tle Deputy Eieh Comissiond on '?a.tnes}ips of $e !N ed Disalled?mom Orgmiatios for Disabilities (200?). ad Emm tughlJ' to $e DlI Wo d Asmbly, Seo!],Korea 8.2 In 2006. the Hig! Comi$iond gave a bnetne lo the C?7 on the ngl11b develotnent od dommiq socialdd dinnal 2007, sle deli!*d a mjor policy speeh on hrll]m nehs ed develoF@t al the Gasal Asembly\ infomal consultalioN or the Eport of tie lIjeh-Level l@el on United Naid Sysln-wide Cohe@ce. ln 2006, the Eisb Comissioner contribuled a feat@ snicle to a World Bt,l publialio! eftlled Develotmdt Oire&h. I! rligh Comissioner b6 cotrrbuied a chalttr to a book endrled WTO dd Global Covndce 'o be plblished by United Nations Univdsity. Tne above-odtioned witletr coltributions sd staimmls haveflected a pe$p*tive ofine nghl lo develoPndr. 9. Pl6. prcvirl. inrormtion on tll ofthe tporc and pr$ rel.s6 irsucd by oHCflR fte l{ieh Colmisiono for Eum Rjghb na issued68 pGss rcledes, md orhei of6cials md Imdate-holdd of OECER hate issuql 180pie$ releass md statnots thB fr in 2007, In 2006. lle gisL Comissionr isued a total of 61 pr*s el6cs, md othq oficials ed mdate-holdeB is$el 173 pressEledes ud siateoents.Tle nunbq ofvisils 10lhe OHCER websitein 200? hs been, s of 20 Novdbe! 200?, i.8 nillion i. tobr, up ti6m 1.3 nillion ildividual visils in 2006 PrcliniJEry eslinaies indile ltral OHCHR wiu neet its target for 2006-2007fot the nhber ed diveBily of oudets putlishine Opinio! elitoial pi*es airjblable 1o the Hig! Conmissiond apledilg in dilfeErt newspapen tnrcuslout the wodd, slh anicles publthed in 34 dmmr nwspales jn 45 couliies. 10. Why verc tne fimcirl inpli. ions oI llrDatr Riahts Coucil decision 3[04 rot itrclld.d in the PPBsrbnission? lo.l The Emm Righh Coucn dGio. 3/104wd adolted on 8 Dember 2006 wlilst rhe d*dlhe for subnissior of the Depdtndlal pnposals for rhe 10 biemiM 2008-2009 lhe Conlroller ss serat 15 Deember 2006. 10.2 Duis rhe ldiod of 8 D@enbs 2006 10\4ay 2007 the omces, namelythe Rielts, lhe Depanmenl lor Otre of dre Eigh Colmisiond for Hue Mmgaenl (DCACI,T), the Depaitnal Gdenl Asenbly md Conferm@ of Public Infomat'on (DPl) tud the Divisio! of Adminislralion of the Uailed Natiotr OIE* in Gdeva soughtto view fie jnpacl ol th Enlrn tuglrts Coucil dechion o. ureir !rcposals for {re proposedpogra]me hdgel for the bietuib 2008-2009. 10.3 Civen th. recbrical @nphxily of detmining lbe @hfernce seruicing requirments of the HuI@ Rights Coucil as the Council cm m*t 4 !quned" thrclgbo!1 the yes, it tequned ertensiae coodiDlion dd in discusior beimen tbe departmdts concemed order lo rcachm acEenen! ::.1|:,.:]1!i.:r rqui]fuftB Tadnss p"sr "+ "f bded ed Fidedmdfte puom wo|mro! Pq4Don or rE tuhe rdui.denis ! 0.4 lD p&aUel,rhe prce$ Ior 6j,l aior oo e\T*i@s s.dicine ed md of $e cob.; bLdg.r tor ,008-2000 po@dbs u c*pru<. ur-r ite er'eI/IF @ neg.,r"rois _a ln. Es@e .r,|e or doc@enhLid boLh fo, cpc ed i::'^ of lbc pmposedprccrdhe IIT:.:" rlurpode l' the Eeff reqlnools id LheiDphosbDoD ;f H@tu Righrsc@!it d46on J,!04 ina the prcpord p;sffie budgelror rhe bimim )008-2009 rherespe.r". .*ho;s. of u\.b rre ued.o q[ cLiifidion ad tuI $c rrm'rc or sucbo@LrErions. B ror posiore ro i. ll. Il ir.porsibte harc,[ ot rhe er@.trB of rb. budg.t toi b OSCm .oopiled irro_otre documert, pBor, dsr pictur or r[. bhi bodgehry lo rcquir.rctr13 th. ,200&2009 for bi.Mitrb? ppB. cobFisbg 1b:. g(-mprs iqsEd $bsequqt !o |ne 2oo8-200e ro HXC resotudoo i/1. Lheyach @brai! rbe fLdl npnotrons or rre e*cbre dai{oB oD rhep.opoed pmsrame budgel I 4 oI dre +cEbD Ctlr@i Fpo( aa.j62,,L.t2 !rcyds;. -rabieq Muarre.rmprcr on rre pnmd prcCtue budg..for 2008-rOOo ot bor! riotr5/1.&d is Epoducedlor @y Etftne 4 ,h* i [ !o lhis docunflr ryq1ll:_d1MC @ Hhe tuets coucir (HRcrd4isio0 3/rd4d; {r-) oz, .tl-Flrh0g 12. What is ih. jNtltretioD for *.Lins e ailditiout 36 posb rtit. a sioi|f .uDb.r oI p6ts rrc pB.rdy v&c.!O Wa3 rcd.plotnnt or reptuglrEDhg As of lJ \ortub52007. seteci@decisio$ haveb..n hten wi6,.srm of r'_or-s. yr, ftw. m.ts ludonzEd ror !.Lre 2006-2007 bituin taving 2t wamcrr dr d ln. pohR:onaltevel. ol1 Lhert prctBriodd pos fo;Lhe .ew KeaDbal a roui ot a brv. bq 6Xen thrcugh Fl..lo! for _urids. pry-".*d_D"!_ resror2lo6cs lhqLbak Dot Jer bes csblilb.4 bur ae 'ewpos,,I uod,neCobalrd qrh lht pohtial bon dd rigbbouilg Co\ elr1lm$ tr s mru Dh[on ot rhe Hjch comssioM b prc(d qrh rh. $rabtistoe or@redr6. a qU a ro-fidhr ftDgrhm OHCHR6etd ppqeq widl .:1|:ry1i r. peMn ne,eroe ortbe22 te;r 1A::3 T:*.*' reprogrbmDe or posts not osideRd tesjbt. d ir wodd ibDad Lhp Hrch o.msnober spldto h"der cy"tr$hftOHCHR 's pEsqc;. fietd m&r to cknry rhedilrio$iotrb.rqcebcosis Detuilirg ro rheOtEc.ot -lJ.,Ir o_eH,|SD co@i8sDtr* ed lb EumD ruCnr Coubcit;, ptose ro idatit] th6c reE.trtl of r[. pmp.sed budg;r lor penairi.g to rheHun.n Rigl8 Coucil ..0'. 2008-200e slbsquftr, b.e;ni@. TnLi rud Tne cost olseflicing rne l{mm Rights Cruncil asa Policy mfing orgd of OHCHR is !rcvided in rne PPB 2008-2009,andtne cosl of lle Hrlllm tughrs Coucil Breoh od dre Hue Righrs Trealies Btucb de povided under Subprogme 2- ]!e Fovisions in lhe 2008 2009 proposd pogrtue bDdqer (.N62/6 (Se.tion 23)) for the El]m Rishts Coucil ud subpiog1"@e 2 m a reneciedin Anex lI] aitached.Th lrovisions for the O1tre of the Dteclor of the HMd tuChs Coucil B.ech is ilchded mder that headinsin Ama m a$aohed. MoFovq, ii o d be cosideEd lhar al of lle onpo@nl ofica of th OECER provide $ne n3Me of sDplon ro ihewo* of { Coucn. 14 Pl..s provid. dctails of t'b qndiity or finarcid rtril h mmarked for progranD$ rLting to Ecoboniq Social ud Cultuml Righr! ud/or rhc tughr to Devlopn , 14.1 The sponsib ines of fie HiCl CoImi$iona d sdflrlaled in Cendal Assmbly resolulio! 48/141 of20 Decdber 1993inoluderhe prcmotior md protedrionof rhe realizrion of the righl to developmenidd q$eemat of supponnon relevmr bodies of rhe United Nalions systmfor this puryos. The prcnotion andrrotectjon ofthe rigtr lo devdlopnentis one ofthe pillars of OHCHR prosmes. Guided by lhe 1986 Delaation or the Risht ro Dwelopmenl, the Vima Declmtio! dd Prcsrme of AcrioD, &d the Millemim Declmtion, OEC R h6 b@ pNuing a flnridimeNionar stategy lor the inplmenlatron of the riehl lo developnert. Panicule aflentionis als paid lo suppon,ngUdited Naliom plrmes md l.lemtional rbmcial lffiiturios in rhe inplenenlatio. of ihe Millemim Daldation ed &hievmmt of the Millemim Dflelopmelt Goals (MDGS) and i. the st ognding of intemationaldd mtional de\lotment policies od loleiry ftdnction sliategies, inoluding th.olgh mai.steuins hlms nshts. palticulely thc right to developnen! jnto policy md plmins proce$s. OHCHR is also dnddng iis mrt on econonic, socirl md cDlrual nenb, iDcluding dnolgh legal proleclion dd advoc&y. StrdCllding ore slats, leeal lrordion ed level of inpleneniatioD of aI hlnrm nglts, itrcludins ecoDonic, social md cdlrnal nshts, will continuero be pNued ia particule di$ussion of a tbrclgh a) subsllniive suppon ro the i e.-gov@ftral Optional Poto@l 10 the Intmational Cordmt on Lo.onic, Social dd Cnltwl Rietrts b) contibuting io Oe ennocehent of tbe legal fdewo.t for the prorecdonofall hmd n8hs in codection with lhe dtivilies ofbusiness corlo6t,ons, including ihroDgh $ppolt for lle Global Conpact dd the trhdal of the Special Representalive the S@etary Cdel on hund of nelis md iransnationalcorporatioG or olhq buinBs aterynss; dd c) assisiingMenbd Sras,at their reques! in stngthding latioml prct ciion of @onomic, $cial dd culrual nsbrs (i.cltrding lt@Deh tEinine ed tools). OHCTiR *i]l aho einfoc initiadves develolnenr of mrnodological clallengesin specitc thematicreas snchas disability. HrV/AIDS addressing or trafEchns rhrcucl gddee on nomative sta!.lads, prclention ed i0 14.2 Ihe cGaiionofrhe RjCh 10Dmlopndt dd Eemnic, social ed C'!t'!"l dd ctp&ity dd dhoced tughls Bruch pill tuwe slilgrhDed dedicald rele of OHCHRin pnonty a6 rclardb 1h. nelt b developMt ad the proleciionof.mronio soial ed cdl'nal dgh15. eil also conlribute10 It ofthe nghr10detelopndt in Dational Fortsto prcoote the inplebenradon developnd! s1ntegies. sucha poverly Eduction stralesypapeB,Mlional Mllmim DvelopmDtGoalsst$legisandUnitedNari@ devlopme amao*s, thro!! closecmlqatior wirh Menber states.UnitedNanons md hremtional 6@ial iNlitutions. asencies, tunds dd !rcgms role of OHCHRin delelopinglle Addilionallr it wil e.]mce the leadaship @ra!;liry of lne Unitd Ne,tioa systei\ in palticDla the Unjled Nario6 tools, dsisting Cout y Tedi lbrong! tainirs, advie dd Derhodologicdl j! buildingsd erldcing nalionaicap&itis Menbd States, theirrequsr, !t to pronote dd prorect hu4 rjehls, particulrly @nmic, ecial ad cintul rjgl s, and in miLstreming hmd ng}ts inlo inGmtional dd mtional policiesdd plmins proo6rs, Oterall, this olhdced focu will itlfu tle cap&ity of OHCER10prcvidedprt policyed ealtticd inpnl dd sd advice Elation to the inplemration of the right to developnent h socialed cdhral riglls. econonic, Socialed CulrulatRightsBrdch 14.1 Thetusht to Develolndl andE@notuic, qistilg D-1 CRB) 2008-2009. resuld bldget in The worndb. hadd e by sta.frrs for lhe bIzNh wouldcoDFis I Dl; 4 P-5; 12P4; 6 P-3;2 P-2od plu onerd P-4dd oe CS OL post, 3 GS-OLdisling posts 14.4 Ths new Brdc! sil be dedicate4inlq alia, 10 !ssrch. md ealysis cballdges o@eing in lle @nrextof lbe risb lo coDdmirg conlenporsry developndl ed relald isss suoh6 trad ad idstnents, md llen inpst otr the ftrl ojotnnl of all hbu ngbE. Rsposibilili* in this haveba 6sisled in padicultuby 6olnno4 ofthe thd Comi$ion reefud on ltum Xrsnrsard the Godal Al*nb1y on globalialion. The BMch wil prcvide$bst@live md orgdiational supponb the work of thc OpaEndedWorkjngGoup oa th l18!t to Deeiopne md of t\e Higt Level Tdk IoM or tlE Implendlalion of lne tuehl to DeveloPnent the additionalP-4 posl utrdd tbe Mtrclla of lhe riCh lo developnenris requsled co?ewill the rew od d?ndiDs workban und the dghr to to Tdis postwill edue lndced efrdlive s]plon ro rhe ddeloprert mmdate. rcrL of the Eish lsel Tdk FoM on the imtlmntation of the igh 10 to ddelopmot in particdd in ils rask10apply dilda dveloPed wa.luate These slobal pdtleBhips tom the p6pecrive of lhe nglt to developm@r tushis C,mil tholgh Bolulion diidia weE endotrd by lhe Hum A/HRC/RES /4. The coucil ,lso mdo$d de road mp oudined in pdaerapbs to 54 oflLe Elort ofthe eiglrthsession ofthe Wortins Gtulp 52 thal the cEieriafor th o the Riglt to Delelo?nnt, shich would *w evalurion of global larindships, s iddtified ir Millmib Deriodic Dvelopde Coal 8, prpeed by the higbtevl lak f@e dd belne ro progr*sively devloleded pined by t! Worling Cou!, is extended of olh6 componenls MiilemjM DeveloPmatCoal 8, by m lalerthe 2009, ll MoMver, thos diteria shonldbeused,6 apFo!'riaie. i, rhe elaboration a of compEh@ive md coh@nlset of sland, for the inpldedation of the ijeht to develolnedi (A.4IRC"RES/a/4). 14.5 Theea of tushi lo DerelopnentandEcononic,Seirl dd cultmr Righti !a expaded$1,559.140 2006non extabldgetalysores, Tle poposed in earmbudgtar, siafrng ofthe Brach 2008oonpnses P-4dd two P-3 orc posts theaE of Eedoniq Socialmd Cllhn"l Rightsed two P4 ed one in 'n l-3 poslsiDtughi 10Developnenr. 15. Plese lplain tow th Oftce it devcloping lddressinggendristr6. ro l5.l fte core elenals of lle 2008oEcgR vonst tughrsbd Gendd uni! (\rRGU) work pla e neajne @npleiion dd OECHRvill haveDade prosEsson jntegating Codr i o ils {ork. Tle WRCU sill @nsidef,b,e have deliveled fouowiry: tle Al inlerpretalion of intmanonal law which $ill faciiitale the .fi..'.vr prorcutod o' sdul \iolm* ii ooJljcr. ro- se r inienarional courts,rribuals, and tansferable ro MtioDal judicial Guidd 6 10 the legal basis !o justiE the se of hpomrt special msu6 i! rciation to eco.onic md eci6l nghs posl onoicr. dd a @e study ofnow this rd done in post @nllict Bosia dd H%govin4 includine how t\e Be of special prcedues sd treaty bodies @,tribuied. To omplenal ihis dt)met th6 will be m in-dpth dal]3is of d rpplication of principl.s to lhc right to health in genera.l. th$e legaL . Comentdies ro theseLesaldocueDts above d ro how lo ci@ie a clinare of s*uiry, io facilitate Csld eess to fomal jnlic. l5.2 Itese th@ srs docmeltation will co6titule a lesaltanework whichcm of thenbe usedin imeFagncy by neld prsaes. States civil eciery. forg" ed They will providea nmso* for a tunddmral shift in tne say in whicn posrconnicljusriceactuallymrnd be bade ro wo* for $onen A Crat dea.l posnioB ed to of advoc&yhs aleady ben mdenale. to p.onole these oblainsuppon, larslyuder the rubno of Secuily Coucil resolulion1325 on wonen,pe@ mo secmry. 15.3h additionprcgles is nolable a D@berof des: in . A @npebmive r+on on laws which dierinitute agsinst vonfl, {ith somendations for follow up. hasbeenlroduced by @d is avdlablefor @nsidention the Hieh Comi$ion* to *hi hei in developing6* position Egading a Sp*ial Rapporteur theissue. on l2 Modelprcvisios o! don sricviolercee beirs lrrd@ed for rhe Spe.ialRsplortes on violoe m!@ ed on adequde houing, showilg the idts*iion of rhe two issu.s itr Flalior to pivm'ob ordoD$i.violeDce, Fq@sred lle ConljN.ot b) rhe vin be prcsdted to the ll1ll@ tuglts o! HMd tuel s. Thrs A srudy wometred theRiclt to AdqDleHouing is cwndy or beirs Snalizedby WRCU4IMm tuehis ed Economc md S@iallsss Ud! bsed o! fou y@ of rcgidat cosnltarionsa1 de for Inlegrarcd a sEatsies beilg develo!d colonbia md e Duing its Emt sdd* discsslon, 6e HMm Righls Coucil recocrusrdits obligarioN to inld8rate gend{ jtrto its wdk, prcviding4 inponmr windowof opportujty for tute work, A WRGUis draftrcsolutioD *!ich inter alia wlcones md suppoas 200?. erpededto be adoFed Decebbr in Themtic {olk or Sudm md rhe oeupjed Palestilifl teEitones (oPT) ha olmdcetl A ore week trajlils visil for NGo ror repEselbriv.sAoD OPTis sohedned De@mb6. in In addirio4theWRGUorsdisd andor partrcipaled sidesdls providedbdefine dd al elery fimm Rights Coucil sdsioa in-hoae, ilputs to lMeou docmflts inreralid,thoseprod@ed includnBbJ Ib! |o'rob Vigdior sd bt l-N asflcie . tte . WRCU prcvidedt ininC or pEsataliom ar nmmu or wontr'snghtsdd edder issues. bnenngs 15.4 trepmtioB m mdctray to o]md@ a gddd audil of lbe OfEcein 2008 ed 1o cMle a goder md mnm's riehs task foFe so 4 to ndiniz oopdation in-hose. 16. Plerc dpLh tb podtio! of the O6ce tu trot requsthg addition.l posls for or oth.r reerrla. budgerresorEes itr th. PPB 2008-2009 rn. Sub-neioDrl Certre lor llunan tugbts rbd Ddoc.,cy tu Crncroon, 16.1 OgCliR hd end*voEd 10povide morc rsores lo lne Yaoud Ofrethe uder d reclrl& The cdte w6 appropriared mo$t of $1,387,700 I! hdgr for thebiemiu 2006-2007. viw of thexpmdilg &liviti6 of ile additionl Ecdr budgelffdirg aon mtioilaled cen!!e,OHCHRiddtiEed l.l sdings i! 2007in tle 4our of $45,000. a toralof $1,4?6,700 rceulf fo. in budget remes for te bitui@ 2006-200?, 162 T\e CpnEe colinued l. boD flhbudgeEry tuos ir $h:Lhrbe | .l1le hs beq a ocar.d rouro't405.o00! 200/ Lhi.b ,e!-hrs a e Dorcae of 55 !q 6! in oDlaien wilr 2006 &tual exr.aludgelary expoditu!* of $261,200. shouldbe mred tnai rie siafine suengd;f t; Ir Centebenefited fromrhetuo Associate Ex!ns 0?O) in 2OO7; 1t. Pld pmvidc a t bl tilkirg tle cun bt acttiies of OIICI.R pith 1[eir All of rhe OHCHRaciiviti6 re linled to madais srrming from the cd*l Assdbly or the Hhm RignrsCouncil6 hiehlishedln rhe palr lv9i.9::inlal proqalme plm ad ldmilies {or ire pdod 2oo8-2d09, A/6rl6/Rev.1,of lle sraiegic lrdemrk for the period2OO&2009 which w6 appoved by Crcral AsMbly re$lutiod 6l2j5. The lisr af all m&dars Pograme 19,Eue Ridrs ad ech of irs sb!rcgtue fd is ircludedrhercin.Tle presenl budgd p.oposat dnfled on in; b;s of the is approved Biemial prcsrnme dd dd priodtiesfor rhe pdiod 2008-2009. TneOHCI-IR mMdde \e, iromAnict.. t, tJ 55ud6,/ o"rhech.,1er deor $. UnjledNdroo.: de \rma Dp.r@tior tud progrffe oa adior, Asmbly eol' ion 48 t4. e-@tr-bne L\e U{ied ^t4on. |Ileh (-omssiqe- fo' iulrtr Rjgtrl: iDrmriooal humd ights in\tupnB adopledby rhe Udted Nal'ons;ibe olncones of relwet Unired Nanoc conftrcnces stmjrs; dd the re$lutiom ed deisioN of poiic)hakiry ad bodies,jncluding,in !'adicutd, Assnbly re$turions 55D o; the Urite; \diou De!tm".F. 57J00 on SFng$enae o! rhe UD.Fo la1onr ^,lillemh for h-nr'jn o dg.nda lhange o0 I on rhe2OO5 dd wond Sdmr 13, PI.ue cr?bin t[e rccoror,bitit)of rh. HighCoDmr.intrer Hunan tor Righk to tbHunaoRigbrs Coucill he OIJCHRis e integd paJtof rhe UniredNationsSecrtariat ihe dd tligh Comi$ionr Eponsb $e Sec!rart,Caerallhe cen*aj Assenblr. in pdagmph 5 of ns resolution48/141,set out rhe nodalir, of fom;i irtencrion letweo rhe comission on HI]IM Rict s el $e nien Comi$oner wheFin il Equested.the Hish Coms$onq @ E?on @nally on hisAd &rivities, in dcorddce qnh hh/iEr bandlre, ro the Comisioi onllum Righrslnoe HMo Righs Coucil] . wt1' E Lq. 1. bsF foruod derbirioDof or rbe uieh CoDrhsiooer Hubar Ris[ts1 Ior 19.1 OHCIIR is pan of lhe seqerlriat of tne uniled Natios. Pus@1 lo pegralh 4 of General Asmbly re$lurian 48/t4l of20 December 2O|]J. whicb siabtishedrhe posr of rbe Hish Comissioner for Hwd Rigl s,rbe$sh comGsioftr is ihe UnjtedNatiod Ofrcial {il! pdncipal esloBibiliry fd Utrild NatioN huu ngn$ mttuilisudd lbe direcdon ond md authonryof the S@rc1ary-General {ithj! the franew@k of the oveEl empeletre. althority dd dmisionsof the Coda] As@bly md oila inrergovemdral bodi6. 19.2Tle Mddale of oEcER deiivesnom Aiticl$ l, 13, 55. dd 62 of th. Ch.ner of rbe Uniled Natio6, CenEdl Asmbly Eeiution 48/141,the vie@ D@ldaiion ed ltog.m of Action md rbe onLoms of orha .elddl Unibd Nalionsswits md onfeEnces,ilcluding the 2005World Smi! hrmrioml hm nehs iisabe s ado?tedby ilD Uniied aid lnc dcisioG of lle GderaL AsMbly and othd Natou, ircludiq theltm& tushs Coucil. TbeCaenl intdgove@ental bodies, Assenblr i! its Esolution60/251 ls Mdch 2006,by which tbe Coucil of M eslablished, medaled tle Coucii 104she lle mle dd rslosibilities tush1srlatins to r\e work of OdCE& s of lbe Comission o! I,u{ definedby GgneralAs@hly Esolulior 48/141. Tbe speific mle od EsolntioD deird i! a. respo6ibilitis of lle orCrd ndtioned in the abovc witbi! the Oreu@lion. uodo* with rheirtunctions Espollibilili* dd 19.3 As pad of the Sdrddial, md i! Mordde with the Chafi!,the Eisn ComissioM dd hd slalf mirnd sL nor rc@ive iBtuctios in the perfolrrE@ of deir dutieston dy gov.@ot d ion &y otnera hdity * ro 1h. Ors@ization, @chMemberof the UnitedNaijons!4 nd rhe *ctuively htenaiioDal ohmcid of the uldeltato ro rcspect Blo6ibititi6 of the HiC! Comissiorer and her siaf hd ml ro wk to ilnleE thed in the dischdgeoflhei! Fsposibilitl*. Indee4 sol ion 48/l4l emlhaja rl principles of idpaniality, objetivity dd nonid.lende@ vi$iL-is itrdividualStates. sel6tivity, ahic! suppose 20. lltrr is dtc ndilrrc lor $t blirhing lield Dissiorr rd hm re lh6e ni$ion fud.ill PI6c lilr tb field mtusioNoEcHR mirteiN rt' Drocdt field o6c6 re eslallished lhe b6is ofde Hielt ComissioneCs o! 20.1 OHCHR 48/141, Tle *tallishmdt offield ofres Mdddd 4 contained resoll'tion i! is ihe Esult of cloe msdtatios dd resotiatioN wil! Coyelments of colcemed. irchding trcueh the siering of a Menotudm Undastanding.OHCHR cwntly hd ll of[@s at the couty level (Ug6da loeo. Areola Cub.dia Nepal, Colonbia Guatmala, Bolivia. Mqico, sdbia (Kosovo)ed O@pied Palqtilim Tditori*) ad 9 6eld prcsa@s ar rhe Esionar brel in Sodhm Afnc4 Ealm Anic4 C.nlral AArc.. Sonlh.dt Asia. Prcinc. Cenbal Anena Soulh Ameic4 Cnt$l Asie"Mi.lcle Eastdd Gull of 20.2 Thjs !@*s doesnot apply1oEmd Riglts Components P@keting of Missions, whic! @ established thbasis S@uily Coucil Esohtios, o! t5 20.3 Plese se Atu4es V dd VI fo! OHCfiR fie1dmissios with relatednDding dd lhen staffing atached. 21. Witt are tb. rohl reoucB ddoted to boritoriq hunar rierbis abffi is @ sDecificbudset tire allocatedto nodroing lmm nghs i! th oHcHR budeet. obwing hMd nshts devlopnentsis iadispeMble !o iosjfoins hLde nghs isles qhich in rElilg hmu nelF s*seDB m. is ley b d*e'oPinc appbPne rabd(al .@pmrion Dog'?l eq such advrties ee sdertats $rcxehout tbe Offce 22. Nunber of MNdtdcics for hun!tr .ights connissiored fron 'tgul'r rsources rith costs ad subjctu tnd ndioDrliti6 of !!d eltFbrdst!ry a se attach.d Ane{6 vll ta) tldusn t) 23, !l@se list ihe signitlctnt conmissiond since rh; 2005 World tumnig prcnoting econonic, so.i,l ud cultur.l rights in the Offi'e of tbe Sigb in pdticular flirh re9rd to 23,1 Ptusotion $d prcte.tion of mommic, socid dd cdnnal nghts (ESCR) dd the nsh to ddelopnert contin@s 10 be a high priodtv of l!' tlis! rle bimisl progame Pim 2008-2009 dd th ud; co@isiond 8 budgd lor '008_2004 w.U s OhCHRs SmrCi' Dooosd Drsrffe |ne HisI coMiqsi 1n ha loDtinued Ptu Towaos "\i'm V;s*;' hd mtudnt wilh lntEtultoml Fitdcial l,Lsritutions(Fls), in ptrticule $e w;id Banl md bllareGl dd nullilateral develo?odi aeenclesmd inslitnioB. includitrg the Wond Tnde Olgaialion ad ile Orgdiziiot for Asistdce D*elopndtlDevlolmdr Econonic Co operarion ed Rislrt to dslooEent EJiaion ol $c -i3h LodAdopmdr 2J. Tte uospe!ts lor rorc w.d""PEad _ e p l or d $ir ! Ltc olcome' of LheOpenFldel o o l m.n o o tu rr ur'o'^ide G;up oi r\e tueh b D"v.ropm.rred $c High t.\el l6lror .n fte i;blenolation of the tudt to Developnent a1llet recmi s$sions ney reile.r . grcuoe or. suq do@d \e" '"ne' Flaredro rhe pE ri'al FpiemnElor o Lte nehl ro d,'veloptr' w'|b a pa1lculd "oM givetr o MDG 8. qpertie sd pmvide 23.3 OHCHR ha diEted Bour@s to stnethetr irs !seh dd analysis in suPpod of dt n$t io developnent medates orgms ed dpen hodies In lhis onldt emmaring flon i ergotmental dd bey;d ilE Epo,rs subtritted ro tbeseorgm md bodies OHCER hd l6 b@ engagedin sDsdr*io6 with Bajor isdtnliob deali,g $ith derelopnen! irciudilg OECD/DAC,rhe Euoled Cl)mission dd the Secrctaliat lne Anicarr Cdibb@ md P&ifio creup of Srores of (ACP),ihe ECA dd theAtricd Uniol 23.4 Sin 2004,OECHRhs Ddrtaten a nmb6 of adycacy aotivities the for quple, in 2004,OIiCHR iFd@cnlatio! of &e riglt lo develolrnentFor @weneda two-daylighlftl seni@ irvitile all Flevel elos &on rbe ldd nghts,rrade,fmcial md develolnentfields to diry md ideDtit etrctive sbategies minstre@ilg the dClt to developndl in thep.licid for md ope.atjonnlenvitis of the najor intenalion l oigtuiratios dd 23.5 In 2006, OHCTiR participaiedin sevmr Ley evmts or th nsh b develolmentincludinga @nlbrdce in Cairo1ocrmenonie the iwotietn tuivesary of rhe Delmtio! or lle Risht to Devlotmented a pdel disrosion ed expertneeringh Gaeva h which the Vorld B.!t dd IMF Tdde !trd Elobalizatior 23.6 OFICER ale pusudrheprcnorion ofthe nglt to ddelopdent tbrtlsh ha refft sd"nJysisoDqa& ad ClobJialonis"u*. 23.? Ovd the pst few yes, OECER h6 publisled ih Relon of rbe Hieh ComjssioH to th Comission or ]'um Riehts:"Ar!t tical *udy o. ihe nmd.matal Firciple of prrdcipati@md its alplirion i! ihe contexroI glolalizaton" (RcN.42005/41); 'H1lllM Rishts hd Wodd Trdde Agtenmts: usils ed81 exeFior clauses prclet hqd rights!'(2005). lo ' OHCHRorgmizena @nsdiationon 'rtheislet of iDlefutionsl tladeon the djormenl oI *o!ooic, s@ialdd cdtual ights" (Genet, 2?-28Novenba 2006), OHCHRFanicipaled a @.IeMe on 'irad md nmm rignts' h orgdized by MoMh UniEBrly (IloEncq 2r-22 Jue 2007). OHCTiR orsmized s expertcoBdtatior on "hmm nghts consisteni desisDmd iFplmcnlalion of ellmal debl dd e@nonic Efom loliciet' for lhe (Geneva. 9-10 July 2007) jrvolving LNCTAD, IMI, World Bmlq r8TO. &adenia &d NGOS. OECERalsopsdicipaid the wIO Publiclolm on i! "Eow Cm lle WTO Eelp Eams Giobalizriou?' (Cenera,+5 Oclober 200J). lgred 23.8 In lie tm4ork of ile SocialFom, OHCHRorseired disssios or '?olerry, rual povqty dd htnm nelts" (Genra 21-24 I'ny 2044). 10 '?oEn7 and eonodic grcsth cballenses hrllm nghs' (cde!a, 2l-22 tuly 2005)md The 6ghi aeainst the ?overtyald tbe right 10participalion: rcle of womer' (Cm*a, 34 A!$st 2006),Esultirg in relorts pr@led ro 17 1; G/CN.4/S!b.220051 gCN 4/Sub.22004/26; ErlCN.4/Snb.2/2005D1). 23.9 ln 2004,followjng d injtiaiivc of thc Comjttee on Eaononic,Socialand Cultual tushl5, OHCHR Foduced a Conceptual ad subsquendy set of Cuiding ?rinciples oa hwe ildts ed poveny a (available rhepDblicarioB of \{ lirl reduclion al 23.10 On ihe o@aion of Hmm RishrsDar 2006,OHCHRorchesirared LrN,wide advo@y eforts al1nemtional, Egionalad globallevelseud de ihene Rights dd rolerty lo anicrnare linkas* betwenpovriy $e "rl!fu dadilion $d hud riglls, includine ight ro dvelopnat. ihe 2311 In Jue 200? OHCHR onrehed s infomrl @nsullatron meiiDg witn rcpresdlatils of dE WorldBant md UnitedNalioascobterlads. i.cluding lMF, or theNEGSod hua ns!b, indludinsissues comerd with MDG 2312 Foi the nid-?oinl Eview of the MDGS Jdy 2007,tbeqjel comisioler in 10 issued slatment dnqine attenlion the linited ptuEr$sin achievine a the MDGS. includinsMDG 8, idenli$ing slobaliljutics md resFonsibililies at theinlemational levels kcy @nslraints thcrcaliztion ofrhe MDG.. to 23.13 Onihe lnledationalDayon theEradication of?ovent, l? Oontrber 200?,th EiBh Comissione! issued rjoin! slatene with the Frmcophonie hrll@ on nghs md poveny,dd a staienent bsuedon 6e IIgh Comisioreis \6 b.hJf r. @ meror'v"eveb, id brs dar{inE o(a,on. lre 23.14 Or 19 Octobr 2007,OHCHRhostd cosultalion ntins a @@eclion wiln theDsn GDiding Principles ExtrenePorenylrodrced'n a s.oupof on by expols ofrhe fomd Sub-Comissionon the Prcoolion ed Poleclion of E@!.s!si!,Ss!ict-4srcdq!cl&c!E 23-15 TheEigI Comissiond h6 dedicaled sevd!.1 he! Eportsto ESCR-Elared of issEs, includingrepoasn) the Hhd Rights Coucil on rhe scopedd conlat ofth. reievmihmb riehisobligElions related equilable to ece$ to sa& &iiking Mcr @d smirarion unde! intemalional humd nshts isnuenls (A//HRC/68):b ine 2006 ed 200? slb$etive sesioff of ECOSOC(Fr006/86 Nd E12007/82) dedicared the issuesof legal b ruliarion of ESCRreslectirly: of ESCRed to de prosEssive lroiecrio! 6d lo $e Enftan Riehls ComciL (A4IRC/4/62) elalohting upon tle rdliation of eononic, socialdd cultual nghb in conflidrsd losl-co.liict 23.16 CooPeratio. a8Eemenls being daeloped wiih key ItN asenciesmd a ae nmber of joinl publicatioB dd otivities havebe'r/e being prepaledwirn l8 wHo, UN-tlalitat ed IAO, MostEcedy, otlcHR ha lepared f&t on the rielt lo le5lth od to hoEirg dd OHCHRale co ribrted to sjoint oHCIIRFAOTDMCNRc/ocIlArtN-Ha!itat!'NIIcR "Eouins ad ?rcDqty Resninion for Retug*s dd Displeed l6os: hplmdtirs rhe?inleilo Piincidd"' (2004. 23.1? A m.jn focB of work in tbrs aE is sulport for hMd ights mecbmisN, the iocluding hdd dehlsi@ry bodicsed sFcial prccedEs of dt EMe a Fielts Coucil. For exmple, OHCER supponed regiolal workshopitr Bist*elq KttcJ5lr! (Mmh 2004 o! 'Folo{-up to thc cdrclndi.g obsendtiod of CESCR'.Also,rhe Colmitle, with rhesrppon ot OIICHI. srIO menfri.6. \6 bes osagil8 moE closel)w L5Lhe 21.18 sqpon b Sbresi! lh.n etrortsto prctectdd prcmorE5CRis alsoa tey objetive for OHCHRfield prcs@s. For emple, the OttCER Ofiice in wth WHO md rheMinisty ofglth r workshop Usmdaorsaized together o. healh and hum rishls; Lr& Ofre i! Cmbodia clorseihd {il! and UNESCO rheMinistry of &l!c!tio! a naiida.l wodchopotrnshs-bGed d@tion in FebnDry;the ofrce in Gutdala is disting lhe Govmert dd rhe OnbIdsIrH\ Ofice in the folo*-up 10tLe nissiotr of tb Special Rapporttu on lle Right to lood; tud th. OfiE ir Angola signedd on aCremdt sirh thm orhq UnitdNaiios agncies Maremalmd Cbild E*lth in odd 10 inprcve @odinaliotr dd ohdce lle Uliled Natios' 1o A$hranceba als ba provided a nuber of siates rerpose to thGissue. pleparaiion elorts to of i! EspoM ro F4u6ts for te.hrical snppo( i! the the CoMittee on Econonic, Socialand Cuhltl ruChls.ln ihe PestthE yed OECHRh6 eqully prcvided$]Ppofi for e nMbd of rcgionaled intmtional @nfffic6 thatfocued or eononic socialmd cuhu.d nClh. 23.19 OECI{R is also lrsvily irvolved in s@Dortsrt Fla1ed to the Ew htmtional Convnlion rle tushts of P6oB *ilh Dieliliiies, opened oD of in for sigratres in Mdh 2007in sDppon thcomihe.r nad by Slares in rnis a@ include Asmbiy, Effons lle Ad Hoc Comitte of the General addressing di$.imiMrion againsl pdsos wii! disabilitles and eNilg @oable e@lmodaiions lo sble then to mjoy drt nghl to f@4 held! mrk or educatior housins, 23.20 OITCHRalso supportsr\e mtuddte of the SpecialRepreeniativeof the Seetsrr-Gmaal on b\ll@ rights dd tEsalional 6rloratio6 and ot\a ilchdiug by buin6s dlrpnFs (nddate 4 pd CrIR r.sohlion 2005/69), ptuvidilg suplort for mrnft-stateholdd @sultatioru. lurthmoe, OITCHR participarss a coF agency rheUniiedNatios GlobalCoopacl,includiDg ir by D@baship in lle GlobatConpacthter-AgencyTeo dd by supporting ol lools besed byompmje . rhe tUM nBnrs 'o t9 proeidcd uder tle PPB 200824 Ples. d&it th inbdance Borrs 20{D for tne EuDan Rist$ CoaEitt* lDd the Commitiee on Ecoronic! 'n ud Socialard Cultnnl Rigltr (p.n* 23.2,1 23,26of fle budgetfrscicle). Theoedates of rhetwo Comittes e very diFetelt. fte Lrl.l Comittee oD E olonic. Soclaldd C'!r'!al tuehs (CESCR)ody dealswith stare reports, wbnehtemtional Covermt on Civil ed Politicaltughts0CCPR) dalsfift Starteportsdd ldividud snplainrs uda rhe lst Oltiona] lrot@ol, In addition, ICCPRn etsthE tiss a yed wlile {F CESCR tne 25. Irdi.ator of &hi.venent (e) under EDM on improv.d g.ographic rcprstrlatiotr is onlt 10percert incrcasi ry is ftis targtDol setbigler? Ihe indilor of achievnentEDEsentsa rm-Iold incEase fion rhe tv apprcved pd@nt in rne?Esflt biemim. 'fte Hieh Comhsionq will nate everyeffolr lo iMr dd vm exced this goal. 26. Ilase cl,rily whrt rcrivitis correrl by rhe PBI ror Htrba! Rigbis are Council resolrtion 3/10,1 parr of the corc n,nd,ie of OIICUR .trd ih, thc' rhouldnol binclodd lh. regll,r budg.rsubDissior in All actilities included n/62l125@ lan ofrne cole nodate of OECH& in md a lhese conFie substanlive technicalslport to lne hmm riglrs inidgoveimdial @hin ry. ft. bsue of inclsion in $e Eedar budgel sbm:\. ionhb ban addb*d rdo qNiotr 8 above. 17. wrtrr i! th. dkrln(riobh.h.eD tb. post.klrring ro rh. trPRb(ludi itr lbc PPBrnd tb$ beiDg.equest.d utrd.r thePBI for ErDan tughtsCouncil dd to 27.1 The LFR postsincluitedin lne PPBe for support coordi@tion rhe ttPR \vo*ing Crcup,i e.. $b$annv. dd technidal wicing, &e pEpdation of oprionpaleB tu the Trcik6, the pFpelion of'ncltrdine the rclkins reports,de pEpd3liotr of out@mes ERC oBidention dd a[ for Cmup dp.cls ofmeling coordiMiior dd prpdatior This includ* swidng of 6 ofthe troik2sofFlevet questions wels ofmetings, @lating al rie requesr dd @Iments10bead&essed the48 Srabsper y@ tlFt yil besubnjtted io lo rhe UPRFocss, ssisting the Coucil in drawingrp 48 UPREpons per yed dd ssisling the follow np ro rle U?R outcoms whichrhe HRC will adopr rheconcluionofthe @nsiddalion each al of coDra. in 27.2 On theolh* han4 thepostsincluded lle ?BI ofHRC.esolurion5/1relare to the pE!@tion of lhe conpibnon of sralenoldd rcpods (96 dully) which OECHR wa mddaled by the Humd Risbts Coucil to pEpdq ps yu. One inclnding$e dra&ng of 48 conpilarios ad 48 sumis addiliodl post ituluded in th. lBl of 5/l is for $e nmgendi of the M.late-holdeB seleclion system. 20 28. Pl6e ptuyid. d.iiil! of .ll ertrabudgeiarj soun6, ..riviti6 nd percert ge oI toial flDd g lrod drnbudgtrry sbowing the Hources' atrd ?l6e ee drq VIII atlached. lw. i! dire.tirg volutrry 29. Whrt flnbrrig do* th Eigh Comision.r .onrriburioN to c.t.itr rcriviri.tpmjeb? Une3nrked volul4ry contrjbufoB my be sed to supportmy OHCER actvity, in acorddce fith lplloved costpl4. Cenru contriburios nay be licldl eamdke4 giline 1heHich ComissioM soDe laritnde itr 6sieling fiose fsds to activitis wjtnin the rcsioMl or th@tic tra or ueamked, de appliedto lle !rcscnbed. All contlibutios. ffiked elevdt eriviti$ ofrhe O6e in acordee wilh the alprovedcostples. 30. What are th. cftcn. fo. rppohtitrg tLe Eigh Conni$iotur for Eubm 30.1 Tne High Comissiorer for Hul@ tuelts is aploinled in acordace wilh *hich ftated thepost Asenbly resoltrtio!48/141, theporisions al General to of Eigh Comissione. Tnepdagophsperiaining alpointbrat of lle Hig! Comissionr follow: _&xiagjgo5iibtq! the tmmetrdltioD co ainedi! paltg6p! 13of ectior Il of theVie@ Delmlion ad ?rogme of Action, l DEq!&! 10qate the posl of th Hieh Comisioner for IlMm 2. Decids tneHig! Comissiond for Emm Rishtss!al: thai dd G) Be a p@n of highmml staddine peeDt inlegrityand irclndirs in $e Eeld of hlll@ dClts, shall possss expertise, md lhe gaerEl loo{ledp dd unde$tztdilg ofdiv* cultues md ne@ssary imlaaial, obj*tjve, non-selective etrectiE for pdfodd* of theduiiesof |Ie High Comissionei ol by O) B appointed the Secrclarr-Gere$l rnUliled Naiiotu ed a9?rcvedby the Gendal Assebbly, wil! due legard to' geogdphical rclalio4 ondhaye5 fixed tm offou t@s with a losibiliry of onedertl fot molher6xedrem offou rdsi (s) B of fie rankof UldeFs4ebry'Getreral" 30.2 The nalionalilis of th p.$ons who hav stred in the posl of Hiel Comissiond haveb@ Cs.dia4 BEzilid, lish dd E udond. 21 31. Wrs rh Shatsic Mrnasendt PId pBeoted lo or lpprcr.d Etrm.r Righb CotrDcil or othr legtuktiv bodies? by t! T|e StratgicM@ag@at Ple is not ndddtd by my legislativedrge. It is pcpaed ai ilE initiativ of the }Iieh Conf,hsionq d @ OtlcHR plblietiotr. n is addBsd to lhe gqsal plblic dd to donoB wilh a view to pnviding acmte md mnsolidateddata aboutthe us of aow* 6 well s of tsrsaMt infomation on th iroDeot th work of OHCHR. 32. Plorc clirify th requertsmde !Dd.r 4 (ihemtic f.ct' llDdirg prccedrret giventhat rbe ERC {t[ ddt likly redue tbc nuhber ot SoecidP@dur$ naDdatB. pmcdus m.lates ha so far @1Iadlo my The o4oirg !de{ of sp@ial leduotionh ur nmbd of ihmatic n&dats. Mddat6 dis@ntinued in 2007w@ tutry nddd6 unild SubprcCrene 3, h f&! following fie Ear *tablis6hat of a new sp@ial prcc.d@ nddale (th sp*ial foms of slavdy),lne S!cialProcdG Btuh tugpodeu on @nlenporary abolt the possible eill sdic 26 n&d.ts in 2008. Dirusio4 @ntiau particdd in l! @a of datiotr of additionaturdatic mdates. in e@noFiq socialmd clnhnalnghts, Althoughthe trhbd of slaff dsisting s!cial ptocdus hd grcm duilg t]le Mat bimiuD, th* is stil irsmoiat *peity 10 malcl tlte inae4ing ned for prcf$ionalizd ssistarcero all rmdales md 1odE systm at ldge. 12 thdatic M&tes *@ swj@d by ihe Bmctt 03 R.gdd p6k in 20042005) Budget 8 ESCR nodats v@ novn froo Snb-lmelmme I to SUF . 2006-2001: 25 th@atic dddates v@ setcd by lh B@cn, includinc 3 worldngeoups (24.e8ulf budget loste in 2006.200?) 2008i 26 or nd thdalic mddtes (including3 wdking golPt ed the Coordination Comine to b swjced by dreBrmch . ' rolsof th Dl postiequ6ted for tle Ofiie 33, Ptsrc explrin the proposed of tn Eigh CotMisiorcr (Cbt f of St{o ,!d the P4 pdt .eqllted to hodl Rule ofl-lw issrcr in the N* York Ofice. 33.1 Dl Clifof Staq Otrce of thHiChComissiond - To efre.tivelyi eraclon behalfof ihe High C<'misiors vith the D23 talins relfut decisios or belalf of rh. hadingthe 4 slb-progrd6, 22 r.Iigh Comisiona to sw tlut pno.ily issB @ jdmtifed md - To awe u freclive &d efficimt lro6s of infomation flow dd osdtadon bdwd the Hieh Comi$i@a, D@utyEiel ComissioM, ed rbe D2s dd othd sdior heuCss plmjn& coordimdonlnd : Tle DHC wiu @ltinue to hlve ovGiehl ovd (includi4 PSMS, PPMES ad Civit Society, RMU, 1lldclme S*tior) vhne the nw Dl wil tulw smitire FMrel Clrouicriio ed I:)@gm@i issus for rheOffe s a wnole,@o'dinate i.!ub of aI the ed have the ovdall moaglmat Divisi6 for the budeBtsDbmissi@ nspoBibility tur rhesrafin theEl@utiveotrcq 33.2 P-4E@e Ri8'is Otrd (R'neof riv), Nw Ydk of6cc (NYo) Ite OIOSr@ort on ih NYO rcq)mods etrsgthaing of the NYO, Ihe sisting ?-4 is primily onlost @nicr sitrEtions, nd P-4postn*i!i to fie fow on rul of law al lqge, includingaclivitievrcld iltrt ni@ Ge@a (alE, to jBti@, adnidslration of jud@, poli, dd n@tiotu} In adilitiorL0E lost should bnild ElatioN wi6 6os. agag.d ir 1mg-rm rne of law d*elopnat (I-NDP, LNDG. ?@@!uildingComhsion, the Wdld Ba* md noFuN atiti*). Thenew!os! wouldalsobetle NYO iocal loint F the impldarado! ofthe Ruloflav Indq (ROLIE, a sigri6@t $1.3 billion joint O]ICII&D?KO projdt 6!@t to get mdwar wifl a sbdtractor btsdi! New Ydk. 33,3 ti No\mbd 2006,lh. Sdetary-Cneal Fshaped how rhc UN pmvide de of lawftrsidonal jutie asistmce. fte S@1arr-G6qd FqEBted UN d@dhats to "st dglha its @pacirie,dnd@ iti irstitutionolomoty moE efotirely" vith reeard theUNs nle of law mrk. To to md @ordimte dtaubnd a divi8ior of labor &hieve ilBe objc1iv6, seftrey4add tlE mons thekey UN a.t6 wilh dfin.dBpor$ibilities. OHCHRb ld in the dca of rrusirionaljutie sd !s bd desigatedr key 6titt in Dey otha rule of law-a@. ircludins legal ard jndicial i$titutioff, eurt adninistratioAcivil law. polie, pries, aictim ed wihes pmt@tio!,lcd rlu@tiordd juMile ju(@. Much ofihis wort will be dore h l.IY silce N !@ (D?KO, [-NDP, ou @urdlarts in the tN d thde iM UNICEII). 33,4 Tle OIOSEport or the llYO l@m6ds strsglhding of the NYO, fte NYO !s tso postr worldng @ !8e dd serui!4 developddti dld Ixsonic dd $cial affai6, while only onepmon .rch is crlddy oEins the nne of law ed buditdim afaiF. Vrhib tur hmmitarid atraiB the @tre ofhMdirade actio! Iis in Gsstra. this @ nol be saiitfor tne nrl. of law. Onrule of law is$6 ruir @uterpdts in theItN systd te bded in NewYork, 6 is th6tsl @ddimtion nehuisn. NYo Eddtakes 5 tuge ofiule of law-elaled substdtivc, polioy ed rcpcar ationaltunctid, s allority to r@reent the Hig! Co@issiod dd lhe w.ll N delegaled (N hljl@ nehts progrm viea-vis intdgovmatd md lolicis of the inleagdcy lecotiatioN, dsats ed .liscsiom in Nw Yo& OHCHRis )J wftn poviding rul of 1awadvi@od 6sist& in tbe ds of cnarged rrmitioDal jutie. l%al sd judicial istiftiolq coun adoinj36a,tion, civil pofica Fi$N, victim dd {itns !tu1crion,Iegd educalionod 14, juvmile jEn. For ile lN srtem, mEh of this work is mtad in NY. The one distitrg ru16of law ?4 in the NYO js prinaily forued @ posl onflict sftuadoru. pmposed ?4 lost wouldfotu on ole oflaw al Tlr nw ldsE, i&luding etiviti.Vrcb lnat mimr G@a (ac6s to jnstie, ad,ainistationofjBti@, !oli@, @neaioB), In additior! lhe po$ snornd build Elalions witl those dgaged in long-tem rule of law .levelopmal (I-NDP, ttNDG, PabuildinsComission, dre Wdld Banlr ed non-UN 6ritia). The na lost wodd als b the NYO focal loiit fd ilre idd@dlalior o{ ln. Ruleof kw l,rder (ROLIE, a sienifi@t $1.3nilion joint OHCH&/D?KO !rejed aboutro gdr udwoy, wiln ! sub-dtactor ANNEX I Counis invit'ed to particiorte in Em Rdruitmni Ermibrtiors Risht! Nrlionrl Cobperidve )5 ANNEX G) tr Office of fhe Iligh CommbsioDer for Huban Rights ol SelcrionSt fl-fttrurry2006t rP-2lncluded) ANNEX (b) tr Officeofthe High Commissionr Hrnau Rights lor Seleciior Sirfi - Fmn 1 Jarnrry 2007ro 31 O.tober2007 ol e2ilebdsd) 29 ANNEX III Tolrl popoerd rcsourc ot OE( HR rnd orhrr sccrjoDs for rh. bicoDiub2008-2000 or us. resuttorrhe dechiotr the tmC l/t04 rnd UR( resolution sa) Or.rull crtiDarcd rddilionrl tor tbc bieDDitrn2008-200e rlhoudds otUnired Shtesdollrs) ll object Btiqrted additiod.lrequirenenbfor tne bi.nnium2008.r009by 35 2, dpendirur. for secrions X3,27 of ,248, ^n.t (rr4) .; '; for ofpostsby section t[ bienniun 2008-2009 Overllt qtinared distriburion by io! of post8 for lL bitrrirD 2008-2009 g}.de Ov6rell dtioited disfib 2' 23, 27,288, ard 35 for sectiols ; ; 35 a]{NEX lV Breakrlm ofthe prcposed Bontu ErnnRishi3 Brncl t l rcquircnnts for tbe Hunan Risbts coucil. . HuDrtr Righb Bbn.h nd Jruneo Rieb15 Tru*is Di,o.b -subp63dDo. ! l6 ANNEX V Extrabudgetary Fundlng foTOHCHR Offlces Fleld J7 ArnexVIU Tablel: OverallSummaryOHCHR of extrabudgetary resources 2ooa in