United Nations A/63/661­S/2008/810 Distr.: General 24 December 2008 English Original: Arabic General Assembly Security Council General Assembly Sixty-third session Agenda item 15 The situation in the Middle East Security Council Sixty-third year Identical letters dated 22 December 2008 from the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council On the instructions of my Government, I transmit to you herewith a statistical summary of Israeli violations from 1 to 16 December 2008 (see annex). I should be grateful if you would have this letter and its annex circulated as a document of the sixty-third session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 15, and of the Security Council. (Signed) Majdi Ramadan Chargé d'affaires a.i. 08-66894 (E) 261208 291208 *0866894* A/63/661 S/2008/810 Annex to the identical letters dated 22 December 2008 from the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council Subject: Israeli violations, acts of aggression and other activities from 1 to 16 December 2008 Air violations On 1 December 2008, 14 enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace as follows: at 1046 hours, six planes entered over al-Naqurah and two planes entered over Rumaysh; at 1050 hours, two planes entered over the sea off Jubayl; at 1058 hours, two planes entered over the sea off Jubayl; at 1152 hours, two planes entered over `Alma al-Sha`b. All of them circled over all Lebanese regions. At 1118 hours, 10 planes departed over the sea off al-Naqurah; at 1140 hours, two planes departed over Kafr Kila; at 1204 hours, two planes departed over the sea off Shikka in the direction of Turkey. Between 0720 hours and 1450 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre. It circled over regions of the South before departing over Rumaysh. On 3 December 2008, at 1015 hours, four enemy Israeli aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the Shab`a farmlands. They circled over the southern regions of the Shuf, the western Bekaa, and Dbayeh before departing over `Alma al-Sha`b. On 4 December 2008, between 0645 hours and 1005 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over al-Naqurah. It circled over the Beirut region before departing over the sea off al-Naqurah. Between 1030 hours and 1435 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off al-Naqurah. It circled over the regions of Beirut and the South before departing over al-Naqurah. On 6 December 2008, between 1300 hours and 2130 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over al-Naqurah. It circled over regions of the South before departing over Rumaysh. On 7 December 2008, at 2040 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over `Alma al-Sha`b. It circled between Beirut and the South before departing on 8 December 2008 at 0035 hours over al-Naqurah. On 9 December 2008, between 1818 hours and 2005 hours, two enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Dayr Mimas. They circled over all Lebanese regions before departing over `Alma al-Sha`b. On 11 December 2008, between 0750 hours and 2335 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over al-Naqurah. It circled over Beirut and the South before departing over al-Naqurah. Between 1035 hours and 1205 hours, two enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila and flying north as far as Shikka. They circled over all Lebanese regions before departing over `Alma al-Sha`b. 2 08-66894 A/63/661 S/2008/810 On 12 December 2008, between 1200 hours and 1300 hours, four enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the Shab`a farmlands. They circled over Beirut and the South before departing over `Alma al-Sha`b. Between 1425 hours and 1512 hours, an enemy Israeli reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Sidon and flying north as far as the west of Jounieh. It circled over the sea between Jounieh and Sidon before departing over the sea off al-Naqurah. On 16 December 2008, between 1120 hours and 1200 hours, four enemy Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tripoli. They circled over regions of al-Hirmil, Baalbek and Shikka before departing over the sea off al-Naqurah. Sea violations On 15 December 2008, at 1915 hours, an enemy Israeli military launch located 100 metres south of the line of buoys and 500 metres off the coast shone a searchlight at a Lebanese fishing vessel located 200 metres north of the line of buoys. On 16 December 2008, an enemy Israeli military launch shone a searchlight in the direction of Lebanese territorial waters north of the line of buoys (in the vicinity of the second buoy) as follows: at 1912 hours for four seconds; at 1929 hours for four seconds; and at 2056 hours for 10 seconds. Ground violations On 2 December 2008, at 2142 hours, the Israeli enemy shone a searchlight for 20 seconds from its position south of Ramiyah in the direction of the MirwahinTarbikha-Jabal Balat triangle. On 8 December 2008, at 1745 hours, the Israeli enemy shone a searchlight for 10 seconds from the Zar`it barracks in the direction of Jabal Balat. 08-66894 3