Explanation of Vote (EOV) by Norway before the General Assembly 64th Session Vote on Report of Fact Finding Mission on Gaza Conflict New York( 5 November 2009 NORWEGIAN REPRESENTATIVE: Thank you Mr. President. The significance of this decision goes f ar beyond the Gaza conflict. It is about our responsibility to protect vulnerable groups in armed conflict. It is about restoring the role of international humanitarian law and the full respect for fundamental principals which are at the foundation of the UN -- nothing less. We believe that the main focus of the draft resolution is relevant and constructive. The investigations by the parties should be independent and credible and comply with international standards. The UN Security General and the Human Rights Council should be mandated to secure the international monitoring of the national investigations. In order for this message to come through, we presented a very limited proposal that would have allowed for much broader support. Now we strongly regret that the main sponsor did not take this onboard. We believe that the failure to do so demonstrates that this decision is not only about protecting victims of armed conflict in Gaza in Southern Israel or indeed elsewhere. We cannot interpret this as anything but a wish to preserve the politicalization of the Middle East issue we see far too often. Yet again we are turning what is an existential question at the UN into a highly politicized debate. This is not in the interest of the victims we all claim to speak for. And for these reasons, Mr. President, Norway abstains.