Explanation of Vote (EOV) by Iran before the General Assembly 64th Session Vote on Report of Fact Finding Mission on Gaza Conflict New York( 5 November 2009 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN REPRESENTATIVE: My delegation voted in favor of the resolution adopte d under the agenda item Human Rights Council report contained in document A/64/L11 on the followup of the report of the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict. However, I would like to state the following. With regard to this resolution, my delegation believes that there is an imbalance and unfair treatment in putting the occupying power that committed so many abhorrent crimes against the people in Gaza with that of the Palestinian side on the same and equal footing. Moreover, the report itself reflected only partial and minimal dimension of the war crimes committed by the Israeli regime in the Gaza. Mr. President, in response to the baseless allegation -- in response to the baseless allegation made by the representative of regime of occupied territory, my delegation would like to point out that the illegitimate regime of occupied Palestinian territories tried to distort the fact and in turn through dissemination of this information and raising relevant issues to subject under consideration of this august body, to evade the very important dilemma with which this regime faces. That is lack of legitimacy emanating from more than 60 years of occupation and brutality in Palestinian occupied territories. Thank you Mr. President.