Cr¡¡6..r¡ .,"Y*l ¿ti*itåål'r .S"j+¡*, .rfl¡U,r.n¡t.l Permanent Mlssion of the Islamie Republic Afghanistan to.the Unlted N¿tlons dst"¡fi. t Ls"Al¿,j È.$Ui ¿ti*iUit sáy.-,.¡l 6JJC.ÀÌ r-S¡þ¡i - J¡i¡ c!" _l¡ 5 February 2010 Excellency, Following our productive 19 and 20 January exchange, during which Member States united behind the need for a transparent texþbased fifth round, I am herewith, as a Chalr impartial to any of the positions yet partial to progress, providing guidance to Member $tates on the path to early reform of the Security Council. ln thís regard, I have the honor to recall consensus decision 63/565 adopted on 14 September 2009 by the sixty-third session of the UN General Assembly under its agenda item 111 on the "Question of equitable representation on and increase in the rnembership of the Security Council and related rnatters", through which the Assembly decided to: "...immediately continue intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform in informal plenary of the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session as mandated by General Assembly decision 621557 of 15 September 2008, building on the progress achieved during its sixty'third session, as well as the positlons of and proposals rnâde by Member States, while noting with appreciation the ínitiative and efforts of the President of the General Assembly and the Chairman in the process of a comprehensive reforrn of the Security Council." Per consensus decision 621557, the basis of the ongoing intergovernmental negotiations, which continue to be governed by the modus operandi as collectively embraced by Member States during the successful 19 February 2009 launch of the intergovernmental negotiations, consists of the following, enriched with the progress achieved during thè sixty-third session in accordance with consensus decisíon 63/565: "i. ii. The posítions and proposa/s of Member Sfafes, regional groups and other Íúember Sfafes groupings; The fíve key r'ssues: categories of membershíp, the question of the veto, regional representation, size of an enlarged Council and working methods of the Security Council, and the relationship between the Council and the General Assembly; diJ"¡.Ét *Slk¡*, -"3.ürþ t "al.r Permanent ll,Iission of the Islamlc RepublÍc Afghanlstan to the ünited Nations dY*l¿U*itååtr æþ,Áàrtct.".i ¿U;tååt cr¡>l--*,¡l ú JJ+¡+ LSJI+9¡i - Jâi¡ dlo "¡¡ iii. Assembly;' General Assembty decision 61/561 and the report of the Open-ended Working Group on its work during the sixty-second session of the General AssemblY;'" its work during the sixty-first session of the General The fottowing documenfs: report of the Open-ended Working Group on Over the course of the first three rounds of negotiations, Mernber States looked at the interconnected five key issues, as set out in the abovementioned subparagraph ii, from all possible angles. The fourth round first saw a focus on the'positions and proposals of Member States as mentioned in subparagraph i and then on the points of convergence between them' The next step in the strict and good faith implementation of the negotíation mandate is to now move towards transparent text-based negotlations, as universatly requested by Member States. Since per consensus decisions 62/557 and 63/bb5 their positions and proposals are at the heart of the negotiation process, Member States can put the Chair in a position to put together a negotiation text by submitting in writing, by way of input, their positions and proposals with regards to all of the interconnected five key issues, in language lnai is fit for negotiation p.urposes. Member States should feel free to do as a member of group and/or on individual basis. ln strict conformity with decision 63/565, Member States are urged to reflect progress achieved in the texts they submit, ln order for the negotiation text to be äs up-to-date as possible, only substantive inpui, including conference room puperr, submitted in writing so far during the fourth round (see atiached documents3) and until March 5 will be taken into account for the negotiation text' The Member States that submitted the attached documents of course have the option to revise those texts in light of the second exchange of the fourth round and in light of this letter. As the guardian of the transparency of these negotiations, I am estabtishing a consultativd process through which I will make myself availabfe to any delegation or group of delegations seãking to exchange views with me on the content and/or roñOuci of the enterprise ahead of us. This consultative proces$ shall remain in place both before and after March 5, when I assume my responsibility as Chair to assemble the negotiation text. 2 A.fficiaÌ Records of the General Assembl¡t, Síxty-/ìrst SessÍon, Strpplement No' 47 (11/61/47) (iþcial Records o¡thu Gtnurot Assewbly, Sixty-second Sessian, Supplement No. 47 (A/62/47) 3 JanuarY*2010... Ãtso attache4 is aietter received fiom the ,focal point for the Uniting{or Consensus.gtoup. on 13 t dlÐJ{.a+ ,JdL ¡i¡" sôt*l ¿ti*ilålll -"3.r¡U "at.r Permanent Mlsslon of ühe Islamie Republic llfghanlstan to the United Natlons t Lfilr,j ¿U*,itåål à+Llj Lful;3¡¡i .5¡k¡¿, - Jriá cI" .rall--*.,| crJr34Þ ¡¡ After its presentat¡on, this open text - a paper of the Member States, by the Member States and for the Member States - will evolve in a membership-drìven way, so as to blaze a trail towards early reform of the Security Council. -_ h,l,,f u-Zahir Tanin Permanent Representative of the lslamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Natlons Chair of the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council W^rFn,ú/rw.&. FAXÍ(4tÐ ?m"t.tAt8),llû'rfü0 B-áli!4 'rf PH.ÞMANüÑT I}IIFS¡ON OF THE FEPUBL'C OF ÊIERßA LEONE TO THE UNITED NATIONS a.FHAgr xew.ronr. ålr" nmn¡n I N.Y. tOOrT i C:.:,o/ÇONft1J"/1212 Ðcernbcr 23,2009 'i , E:'l :elleucy onf dear Collcaguc; . erd þ lew ¿ letftr to vou on bchalf oítlo Afiica¡ aroÇ'-f*tuh-;-'offi,] orcc r¡u, 'r) you for q:JreciarÍon ¡oru un*ravo*ng åå ooai*¡do 6 "ilrtoo*, sl:,rç¡ft s¡ld rn¡ccessful couduct of ü*oi"gãt.go"rlrarrro¡ta¡_ñegoU*riã*¡in Ir.l',rrmal plør*ry of ths cilìerÅt ¿r*uu¡y o"-ùii-däå" on r¿,oøc¡se ìn tha MembershÍp.yr:rà s"*riúl*;r;th¿ "tø¡u;;,; iSãä*pn øhu, Raralod rutatt*.¡. ' ?l'r 'ind (inoúp '{fricaq ï¡r|ains os stcøasuy io a cpeeey qüd ,nssrú'å;i rclt.rn of the tlecurirf Cor¡acil wifirl¡ thc "ãdr*ä".¿-*-r* ao¡ûæc ofthe q"*il gäpdtd;.t;.alJdäl;i th* slobst cnmmunity vrs.å.vfs rú û"Iffiþ;;="f, F *irüãtiå,î*äffi, arit ¡ bave tlæ.hgryïlro.qryFlo¡,r l:Tf of Novrrnbcr 16, 2009 *',titä *.,ñi; ;;, md:rlcaàncea:linremisonalpcåacanddilü's u,. iYe do co¡cur wirb;ror¡¡ $rong de&nni¡qtio¿ go co¡rtinrre ro cngngs this procùra tåc $a¡oorvork of Ocnffel ¿ã*¡ty ¡ø"r"i-6,i;;; s'd 63/s6i Oo,iä vi¡r'tle nrcûns of rorchiug tbe broads;;ËihË;Ë;ä;i-* lu. awcomç we are úúr $tlirriqg to sch!fi'o Tfc takc notc wìth ititeccgttl,e Ëonr o*Jop.u"tr and tho o¡ngoii¡g ini'i'rtívs int¡r¡tcd t9 cûTttÊgc voolo.*me ûTrth;'ltl;'ü* or s,,,nqrõlior¡ onrtho Inr,: governmerrtnl Ncgotrårions trus r¿r in o¡da ø ¡r,go"-"'#;ng'iofr'liiJ*ä r, ¡sa¡¡;,rÍng decisl¡ns oqpgl.of b'rldging tbedffrrauccs ovcf oitrJ?**!¿* .TT'r rsoortcxcltange õrnece'nborã tËoua g d;; tääriprorisrng u,frh*ffi --to ti: s dírcc&o¿ mcmbcr søtcs *ant thc pro*sg to ar"*r. wt''f1rir * ü *4¡* " frili$#i:;:o* _ Io.Sg-{ }ûÊ+ tbg aim of thi¡ oonÊspoddÊûce is to rÊfrgih you nr'nd aborrt issr¡cs wc I ave higbti¡hled in prwious inÞracûúi *,åä*ufond<¡occ ro cn$ie thar a:1v aüi os ,c.L:c!l E),-.-13 6¡-,_F, .Jr^ ù* A4t-rll tlJÞJl ¿+l+,,r, .,o-#!l å-c-r+Jl ,-**r*r LHI '+' rJÌ ¿+"*,,J ,¡;#1 é*¡l ç-:St å+"_rill *L*3tiJl ,63ls6s d!lJ'^ll åils Jt^,å+ ¿i .,r+J \-"äJtÅi L!:¡ rl.:-c.) ù1 .rl" å-d*JJl bJ^+^Jl rSj¡ ¡s* rl*.oït ¿r*:t dÄJ," éu¡.,J Lo+ cel-,;-c"!t ¿r".tt L6+ di^.r-li5 ll *L*_.¡itJl3 ¡-c.iiill 4li #,*lgi^" 6l.^,,¡l.,,fl *Ê tl. u+-p 'J$4,Jt-tåll 4i+-"Jl cJ3.rll L"ç ¡+¡l 13 ,¡ Ut¡Jl åIL-,JJI # 4ie çl-'oYl i ç!l ,¿*!l ,J"\^ .,-å Aihll cl+--l4ii.--+ lir -iJf f--Vl qg-r-j ¡:l,rJl L+Q-r¡^ r*:3.t-.ra dr.- {.4;¡uoll ,¡2008 ä+'-,ì ll üjtJlJ t"*lüJt äJJJI c¡*.-l c,J! re2008 ¡+** 4,#JJl 4ÉJ"+Jl -re..^,, clE3:s.Jt cJ*lJl údJ.ll J+;x, ú" (2) Ê-{J ú,^LIl ,J ,Jß1¡ ksLt-,J é çrJl¡ ,Ll*Jl /çj^å^Jl ¿;^+ # .r'l; úi ,rl' ,{A162147) rl.Tt U^L^ e+-..É¡ C}-.-l dJ'^ ç5i et^:''lt .jr.¡t t-s*+^ ú^%11 dlg ùtJr I.-r.JÉ^il {#JJl cJ¡rll ¿f *VtJt .ä r*r Jl *!1 , ,i:i i¡o,.' i.'',lì.'{r. i,:rjii" .'l l.,ti-,:liì, .,'ír;''' ¡1ii.r1,¡ 1 it:Í,'' ìiiíii-;T iliii, ' ,:iì"Ïii ri'il':. "'";;ll:' iiif, ' :':.Ì '':l:;t¡Îtir:'" 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 494, ; .u-"*al t f ! t .¡ ¿-J dl Åll kÅJt;Jr"#a ,*,{n New York, NY l00l "t*it I ? ,,Jc i-e-¡ .ti 4+,"11 d-rJl â-'*L+ çJ et ås,ït ¡rr-tt ùli ,fS 1* ,slo låÞ¡ ü*Yl ,J+J ,.J,LS; *r¡r* C}*J f#J 4¡cé*Tl dil,åJli^lt *s å¡\++L å-À1*,,^\t å4tl¡Å4": JiSl e+,-+ ,i'Jrr f.-Vl # 4rJ.à*lt ¿e*¡-X+L:,, aploj¡ Lllrca ,Ë:.i"ll CiJt ç¡*: cj-lr ôJ^+ Cl*-^J d:\åL[.i_, J^åUl LnÄ¡ ó:lji- U!,'S-i .jS,& .çdJe ürs åiti>\: k# t"¡ Ofäcc of the Permanent Observer to the Uíitçd Nations NY' 100Ì? feõ Unf*O Nations Plazq Suie 494, New York, THE LEAGU.E OF ARAS STÄTHS Tel; (212) S3S-8?00 Fax: (212)35s-39t9 Unofficial Translati on January I2.,2A10 Ambassadar Z*hir Tanin Pçlrfi¿nsnt Represørrtativç of Afghanistan to the Unitçd Naticns of Chairman of the Intergovemrnental Negotiations CIn the Question Equitablc Representuton on and Increase in thc Membership of the Securify Council and Related Matters Exceilency, As the Çeneral .Assembly begins the fourth round of ths intergovunmental negotiations in informal plenary.Ûn the increase in the rnenï*t*hip of the Se""tity Çouncil and refarm of its working methotls' allow me to exprsss to you, in my capacity as cttainÏan of the Arab $oup a the appreciation of the Arab Group for yow efforJs -aimed at seekiüg by soluri,on rhat can gårner the widest possible wttt!1{1çceplance and 631565. Membsr states as-envisaged by GA Decisions 62/55'*/ The ^Arab Group sfresses the need to include in the negotiatirrg -document includin'g fuab all posirions *å propcsals submittedby Member states, LAS Si"i**. Tt should be not*¿ that the Arab States - members of the in the demanded a pçrnânsr]t.Arab representation in any fufure expansion This posi.tion category of pernrancnt memberittip of the Secunty Council.. *u*ã*pr**sãd i1the lerþr dated June 13, 2008 addressed by tkie Nations in his Permarienr Representative of Maurítania to the uni.ted a'q annex II of Çapâcity as Chairman of the Arab Grouq, and was-inciuded of thå repårt of the Open Encled'fforking Group on the Question the Equitäble Represeåtation on and Increase ín the Membership of Council Security Council and othEr Mattsrs Related to the Security tepresent (A16214?). it shonld be recalled here fhat Arab Mcmber States 11% of thc totål UN membershiP. In light of the abcvÊ, Mernber States of the League of Arab Stats renew their conrmítment to contribute posÍtívely to the ìntergovernmental negotiâtions with a vtew to realizing ã, cornpfehensive and genuine reform of tl:ç $ecruity Council. TVe will remain engaged in order to make the Council â mtre dprnocratic and just Organ, one tJrat Ís more representa,tive of the entirs membership of the United Nations,,and more capable of refiecting the reaiities of our etå, as wçIl as the ïnterests and aspiratiolrs of all thc countries and peoples of the world, including those of or'êr 3û0 miilion Atabs. Rest assured, Sir of our highest e$Îeem, a Onrar Charge d' Affaires, a.i. Þeputy Permanent Representative of the $ultånatc of Orna¡ to thc United Natíçns Ctrainnan of thc Arnb Oroup r'() niting for Cons çn lus " Foca[c?oi¡tt NewYo¡ik, 13 JanuæY 2010 $xru'la*t) in b-is letter of 24 Decembçr 2009, the Presider¡t of the tencral Assembly stated fh¿tl ic a,-gpnilíre desire by Member Statesto achieve prQgrøsså buildilg oalhe-important 'during the previoirs scssion and continuing the rregotiations within the framework work dorre and taks of Dccísion ízlsil." ihe Member $tates of the UfC füt1y subscnbe to this statemon! t¡is oocæion to oxpress appreclation for your constnrstive role iu facilitatiñg tjre negotiation p**"* wítÍr the goat of aolieving a comprehearsive raform ofthp Secr'uity Couriçil along this .,There lìne, tÖ presilt ã Ttre UfC ha¡ leamt úrat you have received requests by Member States In this draft dooum,ent for considçratiorr in the ir:fornral plenaly of tlre $eneral Assembly. t}e General ,ootu"t, as alreacly statcd in the last exch¿nge o{ the ilrform¿I plonary-of to a doolrment for tho Assembiy held on S arrd 9 Ðccç¡nber 20û9, UfÇ con$rms iTs opeuness contlnuation of the iutergor¡srnntenfål nogotiatío[s on Socruity Council feform' and This documerit shouldbe elaboråtecl in frli conformiry withl)ecisions 621557 the propooals and 63/565, tha only ¡uuir fo, rregotiations. it must [rclude iatsr'alia åll $rares in ihetu entirety and all the five lcev íssues irr a comprehensive ;;;;-t;i.;f läu-t fæhion. states for the Moreovör, \^,ô erooûïage you to oousult widely with all Member applo¡ch and.stnisfLlreof elaboÏation of such a docrrment and to id,eDtiry and agree tho the negotiations. This *goti*tion* thereon, Cl"--y çhould be obtaincd ónthe nrethodology of woulcl bo no rçæon or incentive for theír CIannot bo a process ofulit"inut¡on of posilions: Ihere aimed at propÀ*t*tt io p*ti*ipttu in t*t* n"gotiations. On the corrtraryo it should be lploo91s the table wiule moving ffi,íi-g rr*prã*ir.â ilnong different positionu, that will s{ay on document the io*t¿'* ono another. l" tltii legard'o it maY be usesd to also idenfiff in thc oompronrise positions of varioru sides' IfP. ÄmU*sador Zahir The UnitedNations New York Tanin intergovernmental negotiations Chajrn:an of tire on Security Couucii refonn cc.t H.E. Dr, Ali AbdussalamTro'ki Plesicient of the 64tir session of ^ üre General AsseurblY - all Permanent Representatives to tire Unitcd Natior:s TheUfC remains ccinvincçd that sueh an apploach wiil ailow a refornr of ttrç SEcurity Council that garrrers the widest possible politicat acceptan+e of Membor States. ThoPemanent the Cesare å Kâg4gIUx Arooic*t. 2l January t 2010 English only Sixty-fourth session Agenda item I l9 Question of equitable xepresent*tion on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters Security Cou ncil reform As Chair of the intergovernmental negotiations on equitable representafion on a¡d increasc in the membership of tho Security Council and lelated matters, I have the honour to submit the following conferenoe room pâper, which was presented by the delegations of Colombia and Italy during the intergovernmental nogotiations and is issued at their request: l. Since the iast amendment of the Charter of the United Nations in 1963, which incieascd the number of non-permansnt members'of the Security Council, world realities have continued io change. Adapting the Council's structure and wolking methods to these realities is an urgent priority. as its objeotive the more equitably representative, morç establislrment of a more democratic, lransparent, more effective and more accountable Council, o¡e that respocts the 2. Any reform of the Security Council . should have diversity and plurulism of the contemporâry international community. Such a roform wciuld need to pay particular attention to the substantial increase in the number of cleveloping countries within the United Nations membership since the last expansion of the CouncìI, as well as tho legitimate.interests of small and medium-sized States with respect to serving on the Council, The preservation of democratic principle lies at the heart of the legitimacy of any reform of the Security Council, The discipline of regular elections is irreplaceable in ensurin.g an accountable, accessible Council, one in which membership is earned as a privileged responsibility, nof granfed as a permaneni 3. right. Only an'expansion in the number of elected seals can ensure the preservation of t¡at democratic principle; the.authority, through it, of the Oeneral Assembly; and, ultimately, Èhe long-term legitimacy of reform; The subject of Security Council reform is one of the most çontentious issues in the Unitcd Natiolls. The review çonferencc envisaged by Article 109 of thc Cirarter of the UnitedNations never materialized. In the 63 yearq of its existence, thêre has been only one successful atternpt to change the composition of ihe Council. The current reform process has been going on for the last 14 years without the reaching 4. ' *7A27973* r0-2r973 (E) Plcase rccycle\3fl å A/64/CRP.1 ' of any agreement, Theiefore, it is extremely important that the reform of the Council be comprehensive, including an incrêase in the size of the drembership and an irnprovement in the working methods.. I. Ca.tegories, torms ând mandate Additional seats l. The exact numbcr of seats wili depend on the total size of the expansion and the distribution sf those seats amorlg various regions, taking into account equitable geograph ical distribution Longer-term seøls . Seats allocated to the legional groups, as follows: Africa Asia Asia/Af¡ica (on a rotational basis) Croup of Latin American and Caribbçan States Western Ðuropean and Others Group/Eastern E$ropean Gloup (on a rotational basis) Alternative optionS for duration of terms: (a) A term of from three to five years without possibility of immediate re-election; or (b) A terrn of t\io years with the possibility of up to two immediate re-elections. To be eligible to run afresh, Member States will have to give a break equivalent to the consecutive period served on the Council, Regular non-permanent seãts I . Seats fqr a two-year term without the possibility qf immediate re:election, Small statesl Mediurn-sized Statesz as follows: Africa Asia Croup of Latin American and Caribbean States Ëastern European 1 Populatíon below Oroup ' I million, that is, 42 counffies, of which 37 havc never been elected to the Seóurity Council. Of the 37 nevor elected: 4 are from Africa; I I are from Group of Latin Americall and Caribbean States; l5 aie from Asia; I is ftotn Ëastern liuropean Group;6 are from ?l countries, of whish 2'7 have never been Western European and Othors Croup, 2 Population between I million and l0 míllion, that is, . elected to the Security Council. ta-21973 A/64lCItP.r 2. Arrangements for representation in respect of the seats, inoluding re*election and rotation, should be decided by the respective regional groups. II, Majority required for Security Counci[ decisions and the question of the veto . Majority requìred.for adoptíon of substantive dec,isíons in an enlarged Secarity Councí\, in accordance with Article 27 of the Charter of the United Nqtions: * Present ratio, that is, 3/5 (60 per cent) of the total Security Council , mernbership, or a greater ratio . . Options on the question of the vetoi - Abolition of thc veto * Limitations in respect of the scope of the veto: inter alia, application of the veto only on Chapter Vft-related matters ntr. Working methods and procedures l. Enhancement of transparency iu the wol'k of the Security Council, including through: . Better access to information through open briefings ' Holding of Security Côuncil meetings in an open format and keeping to a mibimum closed meetings and informal consullations as the exception that they were msant to be . Timely availability to non-Se'curity Council members of draft resolutions and presidential statements . Frequent, timely and qualitative briefings for non-Security Council members on the mâtters subsidiary bodies 'the discusscd in Council informal consultations and in the 2. Enhancement of access and participation of non-security Council members in work of the Council, including through: . Full and more vigorous implementation of Articles 3l and32 of the Cirarter of thç Uniied Nations within the context of the work of the Security Council and its subsidiary bodies . lnteraction of the Security Council with all interested and concerned parties, particularly ín the decision-making process . Timely decision on the format of meetings to allow the membership sufficient pleparation . Establishing mechanislns to ensure that views and interests of Member States affected or concçrned by any' inatter in the agenda, including lroopcontributing countries and host countries, are heård and taken into account 10"21973 A/64/CRP.I . Expansion of consultation and cooperation of the Security Council with regional organizafions and countries in the region conçerned 3. 4. Adoptior: of formal rules of procedure of the Security Council, after appropriate consultation with the general membership. Review of the implementation of decisions of the Security Council, W. Relationship between the Secufity Councll and the General Assembly . Enhancement of the accountability of the Security Council to the general membership . Suhmission of substantivè and analytical annual reports and, when nocessary, of special reports of the Security Council to the GeneralAssembly, pursuant to Articles I5 (l) and 24 (3), of the Charter of fhe Unired Nafions ' . Sffengthening of the interrolationship among the Security Council and other United Nations principal orgalls, including through regular and institutionalized consultationso cooperation and adequate exchange of information V. Review mechânism . Review after 10'12 for thc seats years ot after 15-16 years, taking into account the terms . Comprehensive of the Council reassessment, including the composition and working môthods t0-2t973 afk Ø***,*tt W^fr**tAn* r/á" ç%,*o/o Wrlá" /b.tÁo EJ',ik/ a/ffiär'* New York, January Zg, Z0I0 Reference : 2 I 3 2/Z 0 I ï-USSMI /MK Excellency, on behatf of the states members of the Group of Eøstern European states etígibte for non-permanent membership of the securìty councít, Iet methe genuine tp ,?ppreciqrion ,þr your steadfast -eiteid promote a comprehensive r-eform of the securÌry douncì\. wu^ ao hope io ,;u-lesutts sooner rather than later, ard rest ,sswe that youLan rctaily ,ety on oui ioilur**r. ul ffirt In the spírit of a collective strive reform I heve the honor to transmit hereby to þr the securíty you the øttached positìon of the siate'¡ members..of ^courycit me c_r'oui i¡ Eastern European states eligíble for nonpermanent memberslzip of the securíty cowtcil às enclosed íå the document A/sg/72J and reìterated on -the '¿mba*ador behøIf of the states men'tbers af Group by Il, E. Tiina In¡etlnmnn, permanent Representative of Estonia to the Unìted ¡'lat¡oni, on Feb,riary 2007, ,¡tn ä"-üid'r;ï;';;;';; appropriately take ít into (tccount while drafting the document that you ìntend to submit to the attention of the General Assemblyfor the next round of negòfiafions. zl, P\ease accept, Excellency, the assurances ofmy highest consideration. A ntbas s atlor, Exh" aord' in a4v and. p leniper e htiary . Enclosure: 3 pages Hís Excellency Mr, ZahÍr Tønin C ha ir of the ín t e r g ov e r n nr. e n tal ne g o t i at i on,¡ on the queltion of equitable ,eprrlentation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related the Security Counc:Ìl New Yorlc 801 Secorrd Avenue, 12f:h Floor, New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212> 286-8880, Fax: (21 2) 286-8419 United Nations Atssnzt Distr.t General 3 March 2005 Original: English General Assembly Fifty-ninth sesslon Agenda item 53 Question of equitable representation on and incre¿se in the membership of the Security Council and related mattrs Identical letters dated 28 February 2005 from the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of fhe Permanenf Mission of Croatia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary*Gener¿l and fhe President of fhe General Assembly ln my capacity as chairman of the Group of Eastern European states for the month of February, I have the honour to folward to you herewith a letter from the States mçmbers of the Group of Bastern Buropean States eligible for non-permanent mernbership of the Seourity Council in response to fhe recomrnendations of the High-level Panel on Threats, challenge and change concerning the enlargement of the Security Council, endorsed by the members of the Group (see annex), In addition, as chairman of the Group of Eastern European states for the month of February, I propose that the letter be circulated as a document of the fiftyninth session of the General Assembly. For informationalpurposes, please be advised that copies of the letter will be sent to the President of the General ,Assembly and to the Chairmen of the four regional grcups, (Signed) lvan Nimac Chargd d'affaíres a.i. 05-255s6 *o525,5,56,t (E) 070305 ^1591723 Annex to fhe identical letters dated 28 February 2005 from úhe Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Croatia to fhe United NatÍons addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the General Assembly Letter from the States members of the Group of Dastern European States eligible for uon-permanent membership of the Securify Council in response to the recommendatÍons of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenge and Change concerning the enlargement of the Security Council l. The States members of the Group of Ëastern European States eligïble for non- pernrarient membership of tlre SecurÍty Council thoroughly analysed the reoommendations concerning the enlargement of the Security Council contaíned in the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenge and Change, entitled "A more secure world: our shared responsibility". 2. 3, 4. enlargement These Member States wish to emphasize that the two models for the of the Security Counoil, as presented by the High-level Panal on Threats, Challenge and Change, do not meet their expectations. These Member Sates further emphasize that existing regional groups should be maintained. These Member States reiterate their víew, stated in the joint position pa¡leL of May 1998 (see A/52/47, annex XXIII), that any increase in the non-permanent membership of the Security Council should ensure an enhanced representation of the Eastern European Group by the allocation to the said Group of at least one additional noiì-perrnanent sear in the enlarged Council. These Member States wish to emphasize the faot that, since 1991, the Eastern European Group has more than doubled its membership. 5. order fully support the need to reform the Security Counoii in represe¡:tative and effective and are confident th¿t the legitimate interests of the Eastern Eulopean Group will be fully taken into account in this process. These Membcr Statcs to make it more Statement by Ambassador Tiina lntelmann on behalf of the Eastern European Group on the reform of the security CouncÍl 21.A2.2Aô7 Madam Chair, I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Member States of the Fastern Ëuropean Group eligible for non-permanent membership of the Security Councif. I wish to thank you for convening these informal consultations to discuss the question of regíonal representation in the Secuiity Councif, We congratulate you, Madam Chair and other facititators of this pl'ocess for your appointments and look fon¡vard to closely working with you. We would also like to express our gratitude to the President of the Generaf Assembly for her efforts to give the reform prCIcess of the $ecurity Councit a new impetus, Madam Chair, Better representation of the broader membership of the whole United Nations as well as equitable geogtaphÍc representation should be the fundamental principles guiding the enlargement of the category of the non-permanent members of the Security Council. The Member States of the Eastern European Group etiglble for non-perrnanent membershíp of the Security Council would reiterate their view, stated in the Joint position paper in May '1998 (UN document: A/52/47) and Feþruary 2005 (A/591723) lhat any increase in the non-permanent membership of the Security an enhanced representation of the Eastern Ëuropean Group by the allocatíon to the said Group of at least one additional non-permanent seat ín the enlarged Council should ensure $ecurity Council, Let me also recall the fact that, sínce 1991, the Eastern Ëuropean Group has more than doubled Íts membership, including by the most recent admíssíon of Montenegro to the UN. Madam Chair, Our leaders agreed at the 2005 World Summit on the neecl to make the Council more representative, efficient and transparent thereby enhancíng its effectiveness, legitimacy and implementation of its decisions. Therefore, we are confident that the legitimate interests of our Group will be fully taken ínto account in this vitalprocess. I thank you, Madam Chair.