F..-,41 Ea,t E-. å ffi FI P.i -:{ [çË Ilocro¡¡¡uü l'Ipegcraaurqnb Poccuücroü Oogepaquu npu Opranusaquu O6reguner*u'D( Harn¡r) Permanent Repreaentative bf the Rusaian Federatlon to the ünlted.Nations ' ' ; 136 East 67th Street /Yerv York, NY ¡10065 ",f wlh Excellency, ¡ i-l**York, March j I ,zoto i. : U/ith reference to your letter dated 5 Febrqary 20IA I have the honour to enclose hel'awith the non-paper containing o *ù,o,orry of Russian position 'l on thc koy issrres of the $ecurity Çouncil reforml. We are confident thât, you will take the¡n duty into account, I AIIow me to assure you of our ft¡ll coiperation and construetive l' engâgement in the collective endeavour aimcd åt seeking a solution to the Sacurity Council reform that oan garner the rþidest possible support by Membor States. Please accept, Excellenoy, consideration. the asslÂrançes of my highcst i Vitaly Churkin ^ H.E. Mr. i Reiresentativo of the Islamic Republic of Af$ränistan Pennanent to the United Nations (Chair of the Intergovarnmçntal negotiations on the Seourity.Couricil refonn) ZahirTanin, Copy: - H.E. Dr. Á.li A.Treki President of the 64rh Session ofthe ,UN Gene¡al Assembly , - AII Fermanent Representativçs to thc Unitod Nations, New Vork Non-Pao.cr I POSÍTION OT THE NUSSIAN FDDERÀTION ON COUNCIL RtrF'ORM irsn uN sDcURITY INTRODUCTION Unfortunately, tho four rounds ot'intorgovemntentll neßotiations on the UN refoln that lrave talcen ploce failed tolsignificantly narrow the gap of clifforenóes bctween the Member Statcs on thi five key issues of thc Socurity Council reform, So fär none of üre existing þodets of rctbr:ning the Security Council Corrncil eljoys prevailing support in t'he United Nations. trn suoh citcumstfilces ws sce t10 other altemative but to cont¡lrrrû tltoughorrt þc cr¡rlent UN Ggnoral Ässembly Session the metículous work within üo i intergovorn¡nental talks launched in Fcbruary 2009. This wor.k shouffi unfold in a calm, trans¡:arerrt and inclusive âtrtlosphere l'ree ftom apy artificial deadti¡res. It should be aimed A tìnrting a cotnprornise possiblc * enjoyirrg æ rvide support of Mernber States of the bfganization as At thc lecl on Membsrs, .signitìcantly broader tharr two thirds of votes of the celierat Assontbly cuffent stage it would be countcrprtcluctiv, ,[o pt.*aturoly limit the negotiations, trgenda down to one or two ruodcls only. iThe discussion should be all options availablc in the talks' I Any attempt to prÇ$s tluough any scheme, wltioh cloes not eqioy widest I .possible supporr þreferably consensus), by pul;ting ít'to voto rvould inevitably pelarizo thc General Assenrbly. Evon if one of.tho modéls gains the necessary 2/3 rurajorityo as rcquired by tlte Charter, the Council wduld hardly become ntoro authoritative in thc eyes of the "objccting rninority", ámong wltich thele rvoulcl havc becn infJuenrial states. CATEGORIPS OT'MIMBERSIIIP : ) I¡r a s,i:tuation when positions of tho two main grolìps of states I I - thosc who support the idea of the UN Seourrty Çouncil's expansioh in both categories and thoss who do not - remain polar, one can advancc in thelnegotiating process otrly by searohing for a cornproürÍso. Irr these cirçumstances þe bolev-e i-lp-g¡siblc to look oloqcrjrt the''l$gliU_t"gSlellg$*q[9 d thgEitions, i I So tlu we only h¿ve somc general undcrstanclirig of what the "intcri¡n modcl" Ís, If Membcr States opt for lhis partioula,r variant of the Security Couucil enlargement, tfiey would have to agree on its modalities. sIT,ß,, OF AN ENLARGtrD SECURITY COUNqIL Russia believos ít iirlportant to ntaintain compact composition of ohaf I thc Securily Couneil to providc im adoquatc and f'ast rcactioil to ¡rew lcnges. For this reason we advocate tha idea that thç nurnber of inembcrs I in an cnlarged ". Securiry Council should not exceecl a rcason¿ble levol of iow twenties. -J.-*.-"--*-.,i I -- \ryORI{ING METHCIDS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL Working methods of thc Seourity Çouncil havc to üc improvecl, It shor¡ld be l" done in â transparent way based on the opinions of the inembcr states. I-lowovcr. j i tJro prcrogative in this process shor¡lcl belong to the Secür'ity Council itself. Thus. Russia belicvcs it_would hc appropli&tç to wÍthdraw tho_Êgg$U_Courcilworking '"f*gg"Tjf:@ -"b.,.'r r. Ñ;l'iiil,**- "r tt- il*n, of thc Counoil reform after the Member ^ Statcs come course the intergovernnrental talks to a package rurangcment oo thç Council reform issue, Both tho Sccurity Council working rncthocls and thc i.u*unt Securþ Council Pennanont Mêrnbers' vcto right.issuo shoul