Palestinian Refugees of Deheishe Camp: WEEK OF SOLIDARITY WITH THE CHILDREN OF THE ARAB WORLD Western, Israeli, and Arab power politics aimed at controlling territories and resources in the Arab world trigger conflicts and tensions in the region. Arab children – whether in Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, or Palestine – are the most vulnerable victims of these conflicts. In response to the current escalation of the political crisis between Turkey and Syria, community organizations based in the Palestinian refugee camp of Deheishe/West Bank have launched a Week of Solidarity with the Children of the Arab World from Saturday 10 October until Saturday 17 October. Activities include lectures on the situation in the Arab countries, presentations of video documentaries, and drawing competitions. Deheishe refugee children gather signatures on a petition demanding protection of the internationally recognized children’s rights. On Friday 16 October, the children of Deheishe will conduct a march to the local UNRWA offices to submit the petition to the UNRWA camp director. The flags of Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq and Palestine, five of the Arab countries most effected by current imperialist aggression and sanctions, will be raised during the closing ceremony above the Deheishe camp’s memorial for the martyrs of the struggle against the Israeli occupation.   Deheishe Camp, children and adults, extend a warm invitation to everybody to come join their events in solidarity with the children in the Arab World.       For more information contact:              IBDA Children’s Center, Deheishe Camp, tel/fax (02)-2776444 or BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights, tel/Fax (02)-2747346, or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it