Sixty-first session Agenda item 117 Programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007 Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Programme budget implications of draft resolution A/ES-10/L.19 Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions 1. The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the statement submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with rule 153 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly on the programme budget implications of draft resolution A/ES-10/L.19 (A/C.5/61/12). 2. The Advisory Committee notes that the requests contained in the draft resolution relate to subprogramme 1, Prevention, control and resolution of conflicts, of programme 2, Political affairs, of the biennial programme plan for the period 2006-2007 (see A/C.5/61/12, para. 2). 3. The estimated requirements of $131,200 related to the draft resolution are detailed in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the statement submitted by the Secretary-General. 4. The Advisory Committee requested and received information on the state of expenditures under section 3, Political affairs, of the programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007. On that basis, and taking into account the possibility of obtaining assistance from other United Nations entities in the area where feasible, the Committee is of the opinion that requirements related to the draft resolution should be absorbed to the extent possible and reflected in performance reporting on the programme budget for 2006-2007. Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 6 and corrigendum (A/59/6/Rev.1 and Corr.1). __________________ __________________  sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/587 sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/587 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 06-62264 \* MERGEFORMAT 2 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 06-62264 United Nations A/61/587 General Assembly Distr.: General 20 November 2006 Original: English jobn \* MERGEFORMAT 06-62264 (E) 211106 Barcode \* MERGEFORMAT *0662264*