Sixty-first session Agenda item 120 Administrative and budgetary coordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency Budgetary and financial situation of organizations of the United Nations system Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the statistical report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination on the budgetary and financial situation of the organizations of the United Nations system Corrigendum The titles of document A/61/203 should read as above.   sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/203/Corr.1 sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/203/Corr.1 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 06-53403 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 06-53403 United Nations A/61/203/Corr.1 General Assembly Distr.: General 25 September 2006 Original: English jobn \* MERGEFORMAT 06-53403 (E) 250906 Barcode \* MERGEFORMAT *0653403*