UNITED NATIONS A Word.Picture.8 General Assembly Distr. Distr. \* MERGEFORMAT LIMITED Symbol \* MERGEFORMAT A/HRC/1/L.16 Date \* MERGEFORMAT 29 June 2006 Original: Orig. Lang. \* MERGEFORMAT ENGLISH HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL First session Agenda item 4 IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 60/251 OF 15 MARCH 2006 ENTITLED “HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL” Algeria, Iran (Islamic Republic of)*, Jordan, Lebanon*, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman*, Pakistan, Qatar*, Sudan*, Tunisia: draft decision 2006/… Incitement to racial and religious hatred and the promotion of tolerance The Human Rights Council, Taking into account the statements made during its first session expressing deep concern over the increasing trend of defamation of religions, incitement to religious hatred and its recent manifestations, Decides to request the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief and the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance as well as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to report to the next session on this phenomenon, in particular its implications for article 20, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ----- * Non-member State of the Human Rights Council. GE.06-12856 (E) 290606