OFFICE DES NATIONS UNlES A GENEVE HAUT COMMISSARIATAUX DROITS DE L'HOMME @$ HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA Ch Z & Palais des Nalions CH-1211 Genbve 10 First session of the Human Rights Council (19 -30 June 2006) The Office of the United Nations High Co~nmissioner IIuman Rights presents its complimenis for to all Permanent Missions in Geneva, United Nations departments and bodies, specialized agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and, further to the 11" meeting of the Human Rights Council held on Friday 23 June 2006, has the honour to attach an extract of the statement that was read out by the President of the Council at that meeting. The attention of all Permanent Missions in Geneva, United Nations departments and bodies, specialized agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations is also drawn to the fact that on Monday 26 June the Human Rights Council will be meeting in Conference room XVIII and that it will hold lhree meetings from 9.00 an to 6.00 pm non-stop. & 23 June 2006 MARANA. EXTRACT0 DE LA DECLARACION DEL PRESIDENTE DEL CONSEJO SOBRE: LOS TEMAS QUE PODR~AN SER ABORDADOS EL LUNES POR LA IJabiendo realizado consultas muy amplias y inuy intensas con miembros y no miembros del Consejo, yo quisiera lmcer ula declaracibn sobre 10s temas que podrian ser abordados en la sesi6n del lunes por la maiiana. Como lo he seiialado en ocasiones anteriores, para poder tener una reuni6n mils productiva y sobre la base de esas consultas que ya 1 e inencionado, yo creo necesario en este inomento que la discusi6n 1 se centre en 10s siguientes temas. La situaci6n de 10s derechos l~unanosen 10s territorios kabes ocupados, incluido Palestina; apoyo a 10s Acuerdos de Paz de Abuja respaldando 10s esfuerzos para el fortalecirniento de la promoci6n y la protecci6n de 10s derechos 11unanos; evitar la incitaci6n a1 odio y violencia por motivos religiosos o raciales, a trav6s de la proinoci6n de la tolerancia y el diilogo. Creo que es importante una discusi6n teinitica sobre 10s derechos humanos de 10s migrantes, en el contexto del diilogo de Alto Nivel que se desarrollari en la Asanblea General el pr6ximo mes de septiembre y sobre el papel de 10s defensores de derechos l~unanos la promoci6n y protecci6n en de 10s derechos huinanos. Having had very broad and intensive consultations with different members and non members of the Council, I should like to inalce a stateinent concerning the themes that could be tackled at Monday meeting in the morning. As I pointed out on previous occasions, in order to be able to have a productive meeting and on the basis of the consultations I have mentioned already, I believe it is now necessary to propose that the discussion be focused on the following issues: Human rights situation in the occupied Arab Territories, including Palestine; Support for the Abuja Peace Agreements by providing back-up assistance for enhancing the promotion and protection of human rights; Avoiding incitement to religious or racial hatred and violence, through the promotion of tolerance and dialogue. I also propose to have a thematic discussion concerning the human rights of migrants in the context of the High-Level Dialogue that will take place at the General Assembly next September, and concerning the role of human rights defenders in promoting and protecting human rights.