General Assembly Security Council Sixty-first session Sixty-second year Agenda items 13 and 14 The situation in the Middle East Question of Palestine Identical letters dated 18 January 2007 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council I am writing to inform you of the alarming number of terror attacks carried out by Palestinian terrorists operating in the Gaza Strip over the past three weeks. From Monday, 25 December 2006, until yesterday, Wednesday, 17 January 2007, no fewer than 46 rockets were fired by Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip at Israeli communities in the south. These rocket attacks included the launching of Qassams and mortar shells. In total, 19 rockets landed and detonated inside Israel, seriously injuring a civilian and causing damage to infrastructure and vehicles. Countless civilians were also treated for trauma and shock. Palestinian terror over the past few months has continued in grave violation of the ceasefire agreed upon by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Mahmoud Abbas in late November. The persistence of Palestinian terror is an outright act of provocation, threatening the viability of sustainable peace and security in our region. The Palestinians must adhere to the agreed principles of the ceasefire and spare no effort to put an end to the violence and terror against Israel. I should be grateful if you would arrange to have the text of the present letter circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda items 13, “The situation in the Middle East”, and 14, “Question of Palestine”, and of the Security Council. An identical letter has been sent to Vitaly Churkin, President of the Council. (Signed) Daniel Carmon Ambassador Chargé d’affaires a.i.   sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/705 sss2 \* MERGEFORMAT S/2007/23 sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/705 sss2 \* MERGEFORMAT S/2007/23 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 07-21478 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 07-21478 United Nations A/61/705–S/2007/23 General Assembly Security Council Distr.: General 19 January 2007 Original: English jobn \* MERGEFORMAT 07-21478 (E) 220107 Barcode \* MERGEFORMAT *0721478*