General Assembly Sixty-first session Agenda item 13 The situation in the Middle East Security Council Sixty-first year Identical letters dated 11 December 2006 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council On instructions from my Government, I transmit to you hereinafter a statistical summary of Israeli violations committed from 1 to 7 December 2006 (see annex). I should be grateful if you would have this letter and its annex circulated as a document of the sixty-first session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 13, and of the Security Council. (Signed) Caroline Ziade Chargé d’affaires a.i. Annex to the identical letters dated 11 December 2006 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council Israeli violations, acts of aggression and other activities carried out from 1 to 7 December 2006 Air violations Between 0800 and 0922 hours on 1 December 2006 an Israeli enemy warplane flew at extremely high altitude over Tebnine and Jabal Maroun (north-west of Borj Qalaouay), thus violating Lebanese airspace. Between 0805 and 1105 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre and circling over the South region, then left over Al-Naqoura. Between 1054 and 1405 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off AlBayada and circling over the South region, then left over Al-Naqoura. Between 1405 and 1705 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aalma al-Chaab and circling over the South region, then left over the sea off Al-Naqoura. Between 1015 and 1645 hours on 3 December 2006, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the occupied Shab`a Farms, heading in the direction of the Bekaa and circling over the Riyaq area, then left over Kfar Chouba. Between 0940 and 1320 hours on 4 December 2006 an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre and circling over the South region, then left over Aalma al-Chaab. Between 2010 and 2235 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre and circling over the South region, then left over Aalma al-Chaab. At 2305 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre and circling over the South region, then left over Al-Naqoura at 0200 hours on 5 December 2006. Between 0700 and 1400 hours on 5 December 2006 an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aalma al-Chaab heading north and circling over Riyaq and the South. Between 0720 and 1015 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Aalma al-Chaab heading north and circling over the southern regions, whereupon it left over AlNaqoura. Between 0904 and 1247 hours on 6 December 2006, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre heading east and circling over the southern regions, after which it departed over Aalma al-Chaab. Between 0910 and 1000 hours on 7 December 2006, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft overflew the Blida region, thus violating Lebanese airspace. At various intervals between 1100 and 1310 hours on the same day, Israeli enemy military aircraft overflew the regions of Bent Jbail, Tebnine and Al-Naqoura, thus violating Lebanese airspace. Between 1600 and 1850 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off AlNaqoura and circling over the South region, the left over Al-Naqoura. Between 1615 and 1920 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over the sea off Tyre and circling over the South region, then left over Al-Naqoura. Sea violations None. Other Israeli activities At 0920 hours on 1 December 2006, in the open sea off Ra’s Al-Naqurah, an Israeli enemy gunboat fired a number of rounds of medium-weapons fire over occupied Palestinian territorial waters. At 0959 hours on 3 December 2006, a bulldozer, a concrete mixer and two pick-up trucks belonging to the Israeli enemy were observed performing fortification work at their position at Dahr al-Jamal (opposite the Lebanese town of Ramiye) within occupied Palestinian territory, accompanied by an Israeli Hummer vehicle. At 1015 hours on the same day, an explosion was heard within occupied Palestinian territory opposite Ra’s Al-Naqurah. The reasons for it were not known. At 1115 hours on 4 December 2006, an explosion was heard within occupied Palestinian territory opposite Ra’s Al-Naqurah. The reasons for it were not known. At 1720 hours on the same day, an Israeli enemy warplane flew at high altitude over the occupied Palestinian territory opposite the town of Aaita al-Chaab, releasing hot-air balloons. At 1014 on 6 December 2006, Israeli enemy forces strafed the area around their position within occupied Palestinian territory (opposite Labboune) with medium-weapons fire.   sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/626 sss2 \* MERGEFORMAT S/2006/965 sss1 \* MERGEFORMAT A/61/626 sss2 \* MERGEFORMAT S/2006/965 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 06-65641 \* MERGEFORMAT 2 \* MERGEFORMAT 3 FooterJN \* MERGEFORMAT 06-65641 United Nations A/61/626–S/2006/965 General Assembly Security Council Distr.: General 12 December 2006 English Original: Arabic jobn \* MERGEFORMAT 06-65641 (E) 131206 131206 Barcode \* MERGEFORMAT *0665641*