Source:|/bss/d109query.html||/bss/d109query.html| Date: June 28, 2006 H.AMDT.1154 (A058) Amends: H.R.5672 Sponsor: Rep McCaul, Michael T. [TX-10] (offered 6/28/2006) AMENDMENT PURPOSE: An amendment to prohibit funds from being used for the administraton and operation of the United Nations Human Rights Council while countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism by the Secretary of State are members of the Council. STATUS: 6/28/2006 7:52pm: Amendment (A058) offered by Mr. McCaul (TX). (consideration: CR H4758-4759; text: CR H4758) 6/28/2006 8:04pm: On agreeing to the McCaul (TX) amendment (A058) Agreed to by voice vote.