United Nations S/PV.5375 Provisional Security Council Sixty-first year meeting Tuesday, 21 February 2006, 11.20 a.m. New York 5375th President: Members: Mr. Bolton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (United States of America) Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russian Federation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . . . . . United Republic of Tanzania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Mayoral Mr. Wang Guangya Mr. Okio Ms. Løj Mr. De La Sablière Nana Effah-Apenteng Mrs. Telalian Mr. Oshima Mr. De Rivero Mr. Al-Nasser Mr. Rogachev Mr. Burian Mr. Thomson Mr. Mahiga Agenda Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room C-154A. 06-24785 (E) *0624785* S/PV.5375 The meeting was called to order at 11.20 a.m. Adoption of the agenda The agenda was adopted. Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council The President: I should like to inform the Council that I have received letters from the representatives of Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Indonesia, Israel and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which they request to be invited to participate in the consideration of the item on the Council's agenda. In conformity with the usual practice, I propose, with the consent of the Council, to invite those representatives to participate in the discussion, without the right to vote, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the Council's provisional rules of procedure. There being no objection, it is so decided. At the invitation of the President, the representatives of the aforementioned countries took the seats reserved for them at the side of the Council Chamber. The President: In accordance with the understanding reached in the Council's prior consultations, I shall take it that the Security Council agrees to extend invitations under rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure to Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001), concerning counter-terrorism; Ambassador César Mayoral, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities; and Ambassador Peter Burian, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004). It is so decided. The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda. The Council is meeting in accordance with the understanding reached in its prior consultations. I wish to draw the attention of the members of the Council to documents S/2005/800 and S/2006/107, which contain letters dated 15 December 2005 and 15 February 2006, respectively, from the Chairman of the 1373 Committee and addressed to the President of the Security Council. At this meeting, we will hear briefings by the Chairmen of the 1373 Committee, the 1267 Committee and the 1540 Committee. I now give the floor to Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001), concerning counter-terrorism. Ms. Løj: As Chairman of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), I would like to review with the Council the Committee's activities since the last report to it, in October 2005. I am pleased to present to the Council the Committee's eighteenth work programme, for the current three-month period ending 31 March 2006. Before I begin, I would like to thank the head of the Counter-Terrorism Committee's Executive Directorate (CTED), Mr. Javier Rupérez, and his team, as well as the Secretariat staff, for their valuable support. I would also like to recall that the Committee declared CTED operational on 15 December 2005, in accordance with resolution 1535 (2004). Members of the Council will recall that that decision had long been awaited. The Committee had been eager to develop the support structure called for in resolution 1535 (2004) so as to be better able to carry out mandated tasks such as monitoring the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001), assisting States to improve their capacity to implement resolution 1373 (2001) and enhancing the implementation of resolution 1624 (2005). We hope we will now be able to make greater progress to achieve the Committee's mandate. The Committee also hopes Member States will profit from the additional resources available to guide and advise them in fully implementing the provisions of resolution 1373 (2001). I invite States to take advantage of those valuable tools. Let me briefly explain what the Committee's focus has been since my last report to the Council. First, I am pleased to report that the Committee has cleared the backlog of reports from States on their implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). Once the 2 S/PV.5375 CTED became fully staffed, in September 2005, clearing the backlog became a priority. Timely analysis of States' reports allows the Committee to engage in substantial dialogue with States regarding the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). Such dialogue is essential if the Committee is to fulfil its Security Council mandate to monitor States' implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) and to facilitate technical assistance. That brings me to the Committee's second priority during the last quarter, namely, determining how to fulfil our mandate to facilitate technical assistance to States that lack the capacity to implement fully the provisions of resolution 1373 (2001). In order to create a common understanding about how to fulfil that role, the Committee discussed and agreed upon policy guidelines. Those guidelines are accessible on the Committee's newly redesigned website. In short, the guidelines stress the importance of engaging with States that may need help in identifying and prioritizing needs and describe how the Committee can work with potential donors to link them to States with identified and agreed needs. The next step is to convert those guidelines into action. The Committee is currently discussing a CTED proposal on how to ensure that results can be achieved. I would like to reiterate the Committee's invitation to States to engage with us on that matter. In the same vein, I would like to call attention to the Committee's continuing focus on visiting States. Those visits, which take place with the consent of the State concerned, provide an opportunity to engage in detailed discussions to monitor the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001), in line with resolution 1535 (2004). The objective is to offer additional analysis to States already engaged in the fight against terrorism and in implementing resolution 1373 (2001). Specifically, the visits enable the CTC to get a clearer picture of where there are capacity gaps and what the priorities should be in filling those gaps, including through the facilitation of technical assistance, if necessary. Such an outcome can be useful not only to the States that the CTC visits, but also to the donor community as it decides where to channel its limited technical assistance. Since I last reported to the Council on the work of the CTC, CTED staff members have visited Algeria and Tanzania and are making advanced preparations for a visit to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. I would like to thank the Governments of those States for their hospitality, as well as their cooperation with the visiting team. Also, it has been almost a year since the first visit to Morocco. The Committee will make a special effort to ensure appropriate follow-up to enhance the results of those visits. In the months to come, the Committee will put more emphasis on enhancing visits to States, upon their consent. Let me say a few words about our work regarding resolution 1624 (2005). As all members are aware, when the Council adopted resolution 1624 (2005) it entrusted the Committee with the task of including in our dialogue with Member States their efforts to implement that resolution. The Committee has developed a few questions to States on how they implement resolution 1624 (2005). Those questions have been included in the Committee's ongoing correspondence with States and can also be found on the Committee's website. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all States to share that information with the Committee. If States have received a letter, we would be grateful for a prompt response, but States need not wait for such a letter - we would be very happy to receive replies from States based on the information on the website. The Committee will also use visits to States to enhance dialogue about implementation of resolution 1624 (2005). Before turning to the current work programme, I would like to point out that the Committee also spent time in December preparing the Council's comprehensive review of the CTED, as mandated by resolution 1535 (2004). The report the Committee prepared for the Council in connection with the review sets out an ambitious agenda for the Committee and its CTED. The Committee, through its guidance to the CTED, will do everything it can to realize the goals set out in that report, which the Council adopted. This leads me to the Committee's current work programme. There are three top priority areas: revising the reporting regime; enhancing dialogue with States on technical assistance; and revisiting and deepening relations with international, regional and subregional organizations. I am happy to report that the Committee is now taking concrete steps to revise its reporting procedures. As a first step, the Committee has decided to focus on 3 S/PV.5375 analysing individual States' accomplishments in implementing resolution 1373 (2001). That analysis, prepared by CTED, will guide the Committee in determining how to engage most fruitfully with the States concerned in furthering each State's implementation. The Committee may need to make written requests for more information from a State. On the other hand, the Committee may suggest that the CTED seek to visit the State to obtain a clearer picture of the progress being made and to enable dialogue about what further steps may be needed, including concerning requests for technical assistance. Other tools may also be used, such as encouraging enhanced cooperation with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations or working to identify priority needs for technical assistance. Such a process would allow the development of a tailor-made approach for each individual State. I would like to stress that the process will be guided by the Committee's principles of cooperation, transparency, even-handedness and consistency in approach. It is my hope that the streamlining of reporting procedures will encourage States to cooperate more fully with the Committee. Our efforts are designed to indicate that, while implementing 1373 (2001) and monitoring that implementation is an ongoing process, requests for possible further reporting will be based on very thorough considerations, also taking into account the resources required to prepare those reports. As such, the Committee will no longer, as an automatic response to a State's report, forward a request for further information. We invite States that have fallen behind on reporting to re-engage. Also, we hope that the revised approach will allow the Committee to engage more substantially with States that seek assistance and we invite States that have already put in place the basic tools to implement resolution 1373 (2001) to keep us informed of developments in strengthening their systems, while placing greater emphasis on thinking about how to assist and share experience with other Member States. The 2005 world summit outcome recommends that the Security Council look into consolidating States' reporting under the three regimes, taking into account and respecting the different mandates of the Council's counter-terrorism subsidiary bodies. Therefore, the CTC has asked its CTED, in cooperation with the experts concerning resolution 1540 (2004) and the Monitoring Team established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), to see how that consolidation can be most efficiently accomplished. The Committee looks forward to a cooperative effort in drafting a proposal to the Council in that regard. On the question of capacity-building, the Committee will focus especially on States that have requested assistance, working with them to identify priority needs and to disseminate information about those needs to States and organizations that might be able to meet them. The Committee has also continued its discussion of the identification of best practices in areas relevant to resolution 1373 (2001) in order to assist States seeking to broaden and deepen their implementation of that resolution. The Committee is updating its list of identified best practices to assist States in implementing the provisions of resolution 1373 (2001). It is hoped that the updated overview will be posted on the Committee's website shortly. Finally, the Committee is reviewing its cooperation with international, regional and subregional organizations. The aim is to develop a closer working relationship. The Committee will remain committed to previously established cooperative arrangements with many regional organizations, while making a special effort to reach out to other regional groupings that are developing their own counter-terrorism agenda. I invite such organizations to work with the Committee. In that light, I would also like to thank the Caribbean Community for welcoming CTED to have discussions about how to enhance cooperation with the Committee. Over the coming months, it is my hope that such cooperation will develop further. The CTC remains a crucial instrument in the international community's fight against terrorism. Developments since I reported last have shown once again that its task remains vital and urgent. Support from and cooperation with Member States remains invaluable. I would therefore like to thank Member States for their important contributions. The President: I thank Ambassador Løj for her briefing. I now give the floor to Ambassador César Mayoral, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) 4 S/PV.5375 concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities. Mr. Mayoral (spoke in Spanish): I have the honour to introduce my four-month briefing pursuant to paragraph 16 of resolution 1617 (2005). Since the last briefing to the Council, I wish to inform members that 17 individuals and four entities have been added to the list. Two individuals were removed from the list during the same time period, and the Committee has upgraded the information concerning 46 individuals and three entities. Efforts to enhance the quality of the list also continue. In that regard, the Committee will soon implement its decision to render all names on the list in their original language and is actively considering other further improvements to the identifying information of individuals already on the list. On 21 December 2005, the Committee approved a partial revision of its guidelines. As the Council is aware, the Committee had been considering such a revision for more than a year and a half, and it was therefore a source of great satisfaction that agreement was reached on most of the issues under discussion. The Committee is continuing to discuss the listing and delisting of names from the Consolidated List, as requested by the Council in resolution 1617 (2005). I shall not go into detail as to all the changes, but I would encourage Member States to familiarize themselves with the new guidelines, which enhance the Committee's decision-making procedures and clarify the rules concerning updating the Consolidated List and the application of exemptions pursuant to resolution 1452 (2002). As I indicated in my most recent briefing to the Council, the Committee has substantially increased its cooperation with Interpol. That cooperation has led to the adoption of concrete measures, reflected on 6 December when Interpol issued its first four InterpolSecurity Council special notices concerning individuals placed on the Consolidated List. The dissemination of those notices will significantly enhance the application of sanctions, as it will make it possible to utilize the already existing communications network between Interpol and the police authorities of almost all United Nations Member States. In the near future, the Committee will submit further names to Interpol so as to ensure that as many special notices as possible can be issued. For that reason, we wish here to express our gratitude to Interpol for its efforts in that regard. Likewise, at several of its meetings, the Committee considered the issue of Afghan nationals placed on the Consolidated List who have responded to the appeal of the national commission for the consolidation of the peace process and declared their support for peace and stability in that country. In its communications with Afghanistan, the Committee has stated that it deems the process under way very important for the development of Afghanistan. The Committee has also noted that the removal of the names of those individuals from the list should be a requirement for their full reintegration into Afghan society. In that regard, the Committee is seeking further information from Afghanistan concerning the process in general and the decision to reintegrate those individuals in particular. In that regard, the Committee has also requested the Monitoring Team to assist Afghanistan in that respect. On 31 January, the Committee received a response to the request made by the Secretary-General in summer 2005 for information on what measures were in place within the United Nations system to ensure that it did not enter into any contractual relationship with individuals or entities on the Consolidated List. We were informed by the Legal Counsel that to date no such contract had been entered into. At the same time, it was noted that, at this stage, there was no uniform procedure in place to ensure that such contractual or financial arrangements did not occur. The Secretary-General has decided to carry out a review of all internal procedures with a view to developing a uniform approach in that regard. The Committee welcomes that initiative and hopes to be informed of its progress on a regular basis. While acknowledging that this issue falls outside of the Committee's mandate, members have noted that a uniform procedure should apply to other sanctions regimes as well. The Committee continues to place great emphasis on resolving the pending issues on its agenda. Currently the Committee has before it some 20 issues upon which no agreement has yet been reached. Those issues relate to requests for listing and delisting, 5 S/PV.5375 notifications under resolution 1452 (2002), and suggested technical updates to the Consolidated List. The Committee acknowledges that a large number of outstanding issues could negatively affect its reputation, especially since some of those requests date back as far as April 2003 -- which means that they have been pending for almost three years. For that reason, the revised guidelines include language to the effect that the Committee will review the status of pending issues at least once a month. It should be emphasized that holds are not the same as rejections. It is our hope that many of these pending issues will be resolved shortly. The second issue I should like to address concerns the activities of the Monitoring Team. The Monitoring Team continues to work closely with the Committee. It is invited to attend almost all its meetings and makes comments and suggestions on a range of issues, as requested. The Monitoring Team has completed its fourth report, as required under paragraph (c) of Annex I to resolution 1617 (2005), and the Committee looks forward to considering it in the coming weeks. The Committee has also asked the Monitoring Team to assist in analysing the checklists to be submitted by States by 1 March 2006 at the latest so as to report on action that they have taken with respect names added to the Consolidated List between 29 July 2005 and 31 January 2006. Let me underscore that an expert member of the Team, Ms. Christine Lee, accompanied me on my recent visit to Japan and Indonesia, and that, since I presented my last report to the Council, certain Team members have also travelled to Central Asia, East Africa and Australia to consider issues related to the effective implementation of the sanctions regime. The Team has also held a further meeting of heads and deputy heads of the intelligence and security services of a group of Islamic countries. The Committee very much values their support for, and contribution to, its work. Moreover, the Team has continued to strengthen its ties with international and regional bodies, including a particularly productive relationship with Interpol, and with other United Nations bodies. The Team is coordinating its travel plans with the CounterTerrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), and a member of the Team joined the CTED in a visit to a Member State earlier this month. The Monitoring Team has continued to encourage the 45 States that have still not submitted a report, as required by resolution 1455 (2003), to do so. Since October, three more States -- Cameroon, Sierra Leone and Mali -- have reported to the Committee. In addition, the Team has worked with the CTED and the experts supporting the 1540 Committee to identify a common approach to the 31 States that are late in reporting or have not reported at all to any of the three Committees, without, however, undermining the individual obligation of States to provide a report. Finally, the Monitoring Team, together with the Secretariat, has finalized plans for a comprehensive database that is expected to be launched before the end of this month. It is hoped that this database will lead to a more efficient system of information-sharing with the CTED and with the experts who support the 1540 Committee. Between 27 January and 4 February, I undertook a visit to selected countries, pursuant to paragraph 15 of resolution 1617 (2005). I visited Japan and Indonesia. Both countries have made remarkable progress in the struggle against Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities. I appreciated having had the opportunity to be able to review with them the experiences both countries acquired. As Council members, perhaps, may know, an individual included in the Consolidated List, Mr. Lionel Dumont, resided in Japan under a false identity for a couple of years before he was apprehended in Germany in 2003 and later sentenced in France. It was very interesting to hear the Japanese authorities' frank assessment of this case and to learn about the considerable changes made in the Japanese legal system to prevent such a case from recurring. I was personally impressed by the dedication shown by the Japanese authorities at all levels to ensure that their country would not become a target of terrorism. It was clearly understood that domestic security was intrinsically linked with international security, and, as a consequence, Japan is providing valuable technical assistance to the entire region and beyond. As a member of the Committee, Japan contributes to its work in an outstanding way, and I was glad to have the chance to express my gratitude for this to the ViceMinister for Foreign Affairs of that country. 6 S/PV.5375 For its part, Indonesia's important role in the fight against terrorism in the region convinced me that it would be useful to visit Jakarta. In recent years, Indonesian authorities have neutralized a number of high-ranking terrorists, especially many of whom were followers of the Jemaah Islamiyah, an entity that, as you know, is included in the Consolidated List. This is a very good example of the will shown by all the officials of Indonesia with whom we met to aggressively address the problem caused by terrorism. I am pleased -- and all members of the Group were impressed at the fact -- that Indonesia has provided assurances that it will provide the Committee more identifying information about the persons included in the List. Such information will surely ease the implementation of sanctions by all Member States and dispel concerns expressed in Indonesia about the possibility of incidental targeting of individuals with the same names as those placed on the List. Both in Japan and Indonesia, I was very favourably impressed with the high level of domestic and international coordination and cooperation. We believe that such cooperation is essential in the international fight against terrorism. I believe that the visits of the Committee underscore this fact and also help to bring awareness of the crucial role that the United Nations plays in this regard. As far as the future work of the Committee and the Monitoring Team are concerned, considerable work lies ahead. In the coming months, the Committee will be considering the Monitoring Team's fourth report; it will continue its revision of the guidelines with respect to listing and delisting names; it will seek to reduce to a minimum the number of pending requests before the Committee, including consideration of the requests from Afghanistan to delist names of nationals of that country; it will ensure that our cooperation with Interpol is effectively executed; and it will develop new ties to other international and regional organizations. The Committee also hopes to improve its website, which already contains much useful information for Member States and other users but which could be modified so as to be more user-friendly. Shortly, I intend to undertake another visit to selected States, and I plan to take the opportunity this time to focus on nonreporting countries, of which, unfortunately, there are still far too many. Pursuant to paragraph 10 of resolution 1617 (2005), all Member States are called upon to report to the Committee by 1 March 2006 on specific actions taken with regard to individuals and entities added to the Consolidated List. I have sent a note verbale to all Member States reminding them of this requirement. In this note, I also included a checklist that Member States should use in this connection. The checklist is a new tool for the Committee in assessing the effectiveness of the sanctions measures, and I, therefore, strongly encourage all Member States to submit this checklist in due time. Indeed, busy times lay ahead, and I wish to express my appreciation in advance to the members of the Committee, and to the Monitoring Team, in particular Mr. Barrett, who will have to dedicate much time and effort to successfully accomplishing these many tasks. As I have always stressed, the Committee will need to rely on the vital contributions of each and every Member State to carry out its tasks. The Committee remains open, speaking personally, to handle all pertinent questions that could be brought to the attention of Member States. The President: I thank Ambassador Mayoral for his briefing. I now give the floor to Ambassador Peter Burian, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004). Mr. Burian: I have the honour to brief the Security Council on the activities undertaken by the 1540 Committee since 4 January 2006, when I was appointed Chairman of the 1540 Committee, and to introduce the Committee's fourth programme of work, covering the period 1 January to 28 April 2006. The main task ahead of the Committee is to complete by 31 March 2006 the examination of additional information provided by States in response to the letters addressed to them by the Committee in the second part of last year. During this period, the Committee and its experts will continue engaging in informal interaction with the Missions in New York and the designated Points of Contact in capitals in order to clarify, where necessary, any issue arising from their correspondence with the 1540 Committee, in particular on the issues related to national reports. The examination of national reports is an important part of monitoring States' efforts to 7 S/PV.5375 implement resolution 1540 (2004). The outcome of this process will be addressed in the report on the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) that the Committee has to submit to the Security Council by 28 April 2006. In this regard, I would like to inform the Council that 64 States have provided information additional to their first reports. All of that data, as well as any incoming first reports, will continue to be processed by the Committee. In order to deepen its knowledge about States' efforts to implement resolution 1540 (2004), the Committee decided to use information offered by States to build a database to bring together information about States' legislation in one place. I am very pleased to announce today that the database has been finalized. It contains links to public sources of information about legislative and other regulatory measures relevant to the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) from States that have reported to the Committee. The database is constructed on the basis of information provided by those States in their reports submitted to the 1540 Committee, as well as on the basis of other relevant information that States have made public on their governmental websites or provided to international and regional organizations. In the spirit of transparency, the Committee will share the database with States and seek their comments and consent to make public the information the database contains about their legislation. The Committee intends to place the database on its official website. It may be used as background data by countries seeking a legislative reference or information in their efforts aimed at establishing, developing, reviewing and maintaining appropriate effective legislation, in accordance with their national procedures, to implement resolution 1540 (2004). The facilitation of further reporting and the conduct of outreach activities remain at the top of our agenda. Without all countries reporting, as the Council has called upon them to do, the Committee cannot provide a holistic and truly comprehensive report to enable the Security Council to assess the progress all Member States have made in implementing the resolution. As of today, 67 Member States have yet to submit any report. I would like to call again on those who have not yet done so to submit their first reports without further delay. While the Committee would appreciate receiving further first reports at any time, it will be difficult to include, in the Committee's report to the Security Council, information submitted late. Reporting is the best tool to allow the Committee to account for States' implementation efforts and to promote assistance for those who encounter reporting or implementation difficulties. The Committee recognizes that full implementation of the resolution will be a long-term undertaking that needs continuous dialogue and coordination. The fact is that all States are vulnerable to being used by non-State actors who might want to gain access to weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. The best defence is for States to implement resolution 1540 (2004) in full by, for instance, enacting and enforcing effective national legal and regulatory measures. Otherwise, others could decide that their territories may be used for the shipping or other transit of weapons of mass destruction and related materials, for financing illegal activities or as a safe haven to broker the sale of materials related to weapons of mass destruction. The Committee will continue to raise the issue of further reporting and to promote the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) through outreach activities. I will continue to approach, formally and informally, all countries that have yet to report. In the coming days, I will send a new reminder to their respective Missions in New York, and I will also continue the practice of reaching out to the members of all regional groups in New York. I have already planned to meet the States members of the African Group next month. Informal interaction with other regional groups will follow. The Committee, with the support of Member States and the Department for Disarmament Affairs of the Secretariat, will continue its outreach activities on the basis of existing financial resources. Seminars and workshops aimed at raising awareness of proliferation problems worldwide, facilitating further reporting and advancing the implementation process are useful tools for helping us to succeed in our work. The three Committees consider the issues of improving reporting and late submission in a coordinated manner. We are making use of country visits by the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) in order to raise the issue of reporting with the States that those bodies visit. 8 S/PV.5375 As the examination process of national reports continues, the Committee will interact and cooperate, as appropriate, with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations in order to facilitate the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). Working relationships with those organizations are being developed, as appropriate. The 1540 Committee will maintain close cooperation with the CTC and the 1267 Committee, as envisaged in resolution 1566 (2004) and the relevant statements by Security Council Presidents adopted during joint briefings in 2005. The Committee's experts work closely with their colleagues from the other Committees, making every effort to maximize synergies between and among the experts of those three Committees. Transparency remains a priority for our work. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairmen will reach out on a regular basis to Member States. That will include work with the United Nations media, including through joint briefings with the Chairmen of the CTC and the 1267 Committee. The Committee will keep updating its dedicated website as a source of information on issues related to resolution 1540 (2004). Within existing resources, the Committee will continue its practice of informing organizations outside the United Nations about its work by attending meetings and conferences. I will make full use of such opportunities to address, in particular, the issues of reporting and implementation. In further examining the first reports and additional information from States, the Committee will collect up-to-date information on matters relating to assistance in order to contribute to the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). I will continue to request States to update the information already provided to the Committee regarding their points of contact and States that have yet to do so to designate points of contact on assistance and to inform the Committee in that regard. As I mentioned earlier, full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) by all States is a long-term objective that goes beyond the current mandate of the Committee. As the end of the current mandate is approaching, the Committee is engaged in considering how best to continue its work to provide an enduring contribution to ensuring the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials. On behalf of the Committee, I look forward to the cooperation of all States as the Committee goes forward with its work. In conclusion, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to Committee members for their contribution and to the group of experts of the Committee, as well as Secretariat staff, for their valuable support and efforts to promote and advance the agenda of the 1540 Committee. The President: I thank Ambassador Burian for his briefing. I invite those Council members who wish to take the floor to so indicate to the Secretariat. Mr. Rogachev (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): I would like first of all to express my gratitude to you, Mr. President, for having convened today's meeting. I would also like to thank Ambassador Løj, Ambassador Mayoral and Ambassador Burian for their briefings on the activities of the Committees that they head. The Russian Federation fully supports the development of coordination and cooperation between the three Security Council Committees that are tasked with combating terrorism, and considers those activities to be an important aspect of strengthening the anti-terrorist capacities of the United Nations and the Security Council. We welcome the notable progress in enhancing the work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), which has been made possible because of the activities of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED). The Committee's eighteenth work programme is based largely on the basic guidelines for the overall activities approved by the Security Council for the CTED in December 2005, including broad tasks reflecting the Committee's new and strengthened potential. We support the programme's priorities, which indicate a shift towards a differentiated approach to reports submitted by States, and the initiatives to establish more effective coordination in providing technical assistance and strengthening systematic work with donors and deepening cooperation with international organizations. We attach great importance to improving CTC field visits. We believe that the first round of those 9 S/PV.5375 visits has already enabled us to draw initial conclusions. We have clearly made progress in enhancing the quality of expertise with which States comply with the provisions of resolution 1373 (2001), in evaluating requirements for technical assistance and in forming a reliable pool of international and specialized organizations participating in the CTC's visits. At the same time, we believe that we must devote greater attention to the mechanism for monitoring State compliance with the final recommendations made by the missions after they have completed their work. We must also make more effective use of the opportunities provided by such visits to develop the necessary dialogue with States on compliance with the provisions of resolution 1624 (2005), which is designed to combat incitement to terrorism and to prevent the spread of intolerant and extremist ideas. We hope that the CTC as a whole will become more actively involved in implementing the resolution's provisions, which are an important component of its mandate and truly assist States in their efforts to prevent terrorism and to create conditions that will strengthen dialogue among civilizations and religions. We continue to attach priority to the work of the 1267 Committee, concerning sanctions on Al-Qaida and the Taliban. The threat posed by those groups to international peace and security remains real and recently has even increased. We must further intensify the coordinated international efforts to neutralize that threat and to ensure full and scrupulous compliance by all States, including the Government of Afghanistan, with their obligations under the relevant Security Council resolutions. In that connection, we welcome the strengthening of the 1267 Committee's cooperation with Interpol, which is reflected in particular by specific steps for the issuance of joint special notices by the Security Council and Interpol regarding individuals on the sanctions list. We should also establish the practice of country visits by the Chair of the 1267 Committee and members of the Monitoring Team. Such visits enable us to become familiar with the situation on the ground and to report first-hand to Member States regarding the importance of this area of the Council's work. They allow for more substantive consideration of States' needs for technical and other types of assistance in implementing sanctions against the Taliban, Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities. Russia, working together with its partners in the Security Council and all interested delegations, will continue to help further enhance the effectiveness of the activities of the 1267 Committee and the Monitoring Team. Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) is an important non-proliferation and antiterrorist instrument aimed at preventing weapons of mass destruction from entering the black market and, above all, from falling into the hands of terrorists. Ensuring full compliance by all States with its provisions is our priority task. We are satisfied with the work of the Council's 1540 Committee in analysing national reports. We support the proposals contained in the statement of its Chairman, Mr. Burian, with regard to working with States that have been late in submitting their reports, including by holding regional seminars and strengthening cooperation with international nonproliferation and export control mechanisms. Because of the broad scale of the tasks set out in resolution 1540 (2004), the resolution's implementation should not be limited to an infrequent formal listing of accountabilities. Much painstaking work lies ahead of us to establish an improved national monitoring and non-proliferation regime. That is why, in November 2005, we spoke in the Security Council in favour of an initiative to extend the 1540 Committee's work for two more years. We agree with Ambassador Burian's view that, in view of the limited time remaining until the Committee's mandate expires, we should undertake practical work on this matter as soon as possible. Mr. De Rivero (Peru) (spoke in Spanish): Peru firmly supports the Security Council's efforts to promote international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. My country has zero tolerance for terrorism. We forcefully and unequivocally condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed. No ideological, political or religious reason justifies those who commit, contribute to, finance or defend terrorism. Peru, which has experience in fighting terrorism and has overcome that scourge at the national level, believes that terrorism must be dealt with in a comprehensive manner, taking to account legislative aspects, but also the coordination of intelligence services and programmes to combat poverty and social exclusion. Firmness in the comprehensive fight against terrorism also requires firmness in preserving civil 10 S/PV.5375 liberties and full respect for human rights. Our experience has taught us that the basic task in counterterrorism is to isolate terrorists from the population. That is why the State must be democratic and must not use force outside the law or in an indiscriminate manner. Peru thanks Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj, Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, Ambassador César Mayoral, Chair of the 1267 Committee, and Ambassador Peter Burian, Chair of the 1540 Committee, for their briefings. I take this opportunity to congratulate the three Chair on the important work that they have accomplished. We welcome in particular the progress outlined by Ambassador Mayoral in cooperation established between the 1267 Committee and Interpol. Peru has repeatedly emphasized the need for action in that area. My country hopes that the cooperation between the 1267 Committee and Interpol will continue to be strengthened so that all individuals on the Consolidated List can also be incorporated into Interpol's database. In that context, it is essential to improve the quality of the List. To do that, there should be sufficient information to identify individuals and supporting documentation for every case. The Committee should also review the listing and delisting of individuals, as well as the application of humanitarian exceptions in accordance with resolution 1452 (2002). Peru is concerned about the lack of a consistent procedure to ensure that the United Nations does not enter into contractual relationships with individuals or entities on the consolidated list. We hope that the Secretariat will quickly complete the work it has begun and that the outcome will take into account not only the sanctions within the framework of resolution 1267 (1999) and subsequent related resolutions but all the sanction regimes administered by the Security Council. Regarding the work of the Counter- Terrorism Committee, Peru supports the programme of work introduced by Ambassador Løj and agrees with the priorities it sets out. The review of the reporting regime is a fundamental change, and Peru firmly supports it. We consider that analysis of what individual States have achieved in the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) will reveal the specific situation of each State. Case- by- case examination will indicate which tools are most effective for each country and will identify the needs for technical assistance. All of this will lay the foundation for improved dialogue between the Committee and States. Peru supports identifying best practices for the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). In our view, such best practices would not necessarily create international obligations per se. My country stresses the importance of the work of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004). Preventing non- State actors from acquiring weapons of mass destruction is a genuine concern. Peru has submitted its national report on implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and urges States that have not yet done so to make whatever efforts are necessary to submit their reports promptly. Review of the reports will enable the Committee to identify areas in which the States may need technical assistance. In the last quarter of 2006, Peru intends to organize in Lima, with the support of the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, a regional seminar on the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). The seminar will follow up on a similar event that took place in Buenos Aires in 2005. Currently, we are awaiting a positive response from friendly Governments so that we can get the financing under way. My delegation considers the upcoming discussion on updating the mandate of the Committee to be of the utmost importance, and we will actively participate in it. My delegation would like to highlight the importance of cooperation and coordination among the three Committees and their teams of experts. It is important that the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and the 1540 Committee's group of experts continue to coordinate their work, especially with regard to the exchange of information, the organization and programming of visits and the identification of areas in which technical assistance is needed. We would not want to conclude without expressing our wish that at the next meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly resolution 51/210, to be held at Headquarters from 11 S/PV.5375 27 February to 3 March, we will be able to conclude -- or make substantial progress in -- the negotiations on a draft comprehensive convention on international terrorism. We appeal to all Member States for flexibility so that the remaining differences can be resolved. Mr. Wang Guangya (China) (spoke in Chinese): The Chinese delegation would like to thank Ambassador Mayoral, Ambassador Løj and Ambassador Burian for their presentations on the work of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), the Counter- Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) respectively. I should like once again to congratulate Ambassador Burian on his assumption of the important post of Chairman of the 1540 Committee. Over the past three months, the 1267 Committee partly completed its revision of the guidelines for the conduct of its work and started the initial stage of its cooperation with Interpol; the Counter- Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) was reviewed by the Security Council and became fully operational; the CTC made progress in clearing its backlog and in facilitating technical assistance; and the 1540 Committee not only carefully considered reports submitted by Member States but also played an active role in coordinating the assistance provided to Member States in their implementation of the resolution. All of that is conducive to the effective worldwide implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions and to the strengthening of the Security Council's constructive role in the international struggle against terrorism. China would like to express its appreciation for the outstanding work carried out by the three chairpersons and the Committees under their leadership. We believe that in the ensuing stage the 1267 Committee should, in connection with the revision of its work guidelines, further improve listing and delisting procedures so as to ensure the fairness and integrity of the consolidated list and that it should work to reduce the number of pending issues. The CTC should continue its efforts to help developing countries build their counter- terrorism capacity and should expedite the implementation of the provisions of resolution 1624 (2005). The 1540 Committee should focus its attention on the key task of producing by April a comprehensive, objective and balanced report. Moreover, it is our hope that the three Committees and their subsidiary bodies -- the Monitoring Group, the Executive Directorate and the group of experts -- will strengthen their cooperation and coordination and put forward as soon as possible practicable recommendations for improvements in areas such as the simplification of reporting mechanisms. Terrorism continues to wreak havoc in various parts of the world. Numerous innocent civilians, including many Chinese citizens, have been deprived of their right to life in a most cruel manner. Bloody events have shown once again that the threat of terrorism is ever- present and that no country can hope to remain unaffected by minding its own business. A poisonous snake will hurt people no matter what disguise it wears. If one pays attention only to combating terrorist individuals or entities endangering one's own country while turning a deaf ear to the legitimate demands of other countries or even blocking other countries' efforts, or if one is focused only on combating individuals or entities currently plotting terrorist attacks while showing leniency towards, or even deliberately shielding, terrorist forces which lie low and conceal their true colours, then there is little hope that international anti- terrorism cooperation can develop smoothly and continue in the future. Only when countries regard terrorist forces threatening other countries as their own enemies and join hands with other countries in effectively combating such forces will all the gaps in the international struggle against terrorism be filled. Only then can there be hope that this scourge on mankind will finally be eliminated. Finally, I wish to reiterate that resolutely fighting terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is both a common obligation of all countries and the basis on which the Security Council can deepen counterterrorism cooperation. China will continue to take an active and constructive approach in promoting genuine and effective implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. Mr. Oshima (Japan): I would like to thank the Chairpersons of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the 1540 Committee for their briefings today, as well as to express our appreciation for their hard work and achievements in their respective Committees. I also wish to congratulate Ambassador Peter Burian of the Slovak Republic on his assumption of the chairmanship of the 1540 Committee and to thank his 12 S/PV.5375 predecessor, Ambassador Mihnea Motoc of Romania, for his remarkable contributions during his tenure. My Government firmly upholds its position on the fight against terrorism. Whatever the purposes of terrorists may be, terrorism must never be condoned. We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. One of the key issues in the follow-up of the 2005 World Summit Outcome as regards counterterrorism is to reach agreement on the pending comprehensive convention on international terrorism. We have come fairly close to reaching agreement on the convention. We very much hope that, at next week's resumed session of the General Assembly's Ad Hoc Committee on International Terrorism, all Member States will strive to achieve agreement at an early date. At the same time, we must act in parallel in the Security Council by promoting greater cooperation among the Committees charged with fighting terrorism, so as to enhance the Organization's overall counterterrorism policy. Another point I wish to stress is that States not members of the Security Council follow the activities of the Council's subsidiary organs with great interest, including those of the three counter-terrorism-related Committees. They do so because the activities of those Committees affect the concerns and interests of nonmembers in important ways. Transparency and inclusiveness are therefore critical. I welcome the fact that the briefings of the Chairs of the three Committees are taking place in a public meeting. I also welcome the efforts being made to improve the websites related to the activities of those Committees. They serve as an effective means to enhance transparency and to respond to the interests and concerns of Member States. In that connection, let me say that I have recently been appointed Chair of the Informal Working Group of the Security Council concerning the Council's documentation and other procedural questions. In that capacity I intend to work closely with members of the Council and to listen to non-members' views in order to help improve the working methods of this body in all its aspects -- including subsidiary organs such as those under discussion -- to bring about greater transparency and inclusiveness in the work of the Council in general, as required by our leaders in the outcome document. To that end, we hope to be able to draw upon the opinions and views expressed in today's discussion. We are pleased that the three Committees are further broadening the range of their activities, and are doing so with resolve and consistency. First, with regard to the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, it is necessary to continue to search for ways to make Council-imposed sanctions more effective, as they are unquestionably an indispensable part of the terrorism-prevention measures being undertaken. My Government is therefore grateful for the recent visit to East Asia -- which included Japan -- by the Committee's Chairman, Ambassador Mayoral of Argentina. That visit was of benefit to my country and, I believe, the region as a whole, in its efforts to improve effective implementation of sanctions measures. Among the measures for which the Committee has been responsible recently was the issuance last December of the first set of Interpol-Security Council special notices. That was the result of cooperation between the Committee and Interpol. It was a significant development, given that linking the Committee's Consolidated List with related Interpol resources gives Member States access to a broader range of information and enables them to implement travel restrictions more effectively. As discussed during the Chairman's visit to Asia, it is essential to increase the precision of the Consolidated List by inviting Member States to submit any additional related information they may have. For its part, Japan is taking preventive measures that include the full implementation of the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force, as stipulated in Council resolution 1617 (2005). We are also strengthening our travel-ban measures. The fourth report of the Monitoring Team, which was submitted to the Committee recently, includes recommendations to improve sanctions. My Government looks forward to the discussion of that report in the Committee in the near future. Secondly, the role of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) remains crucial in enhancing the capacity-building of Member States in the area of counter-terrorism. We welcome the fact that the technical-assistance policy guidelines approved by the CTC in December last year are now being 13 S/PV.5375 implemented. As Ambassador Løj, the CTC's Chairperson, has mentioned, the conditions and requirements are different in each individual State, making it inevitable that the process involves some degree of trial and error. We hope, however, that the CTC will accelerate its work, so that requests from Member States for technical assistance will be acted upon as quickly as possible. In that connection, we are pleased that, as a result of the comprehensive review conducted in December last year, we now have a system to enable the CounterTerrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) to engage vigorously in activities on the basis of the policy guidelines approved by the CTC. We hope that, under the leadership of Executive Director Rupérez, the CTED will facilitate work between States requesting assistance and the donor community, thereby making tangible progress in building the counter-terrorism capacities of Member States. We also hope that the best possible use will be made of the limited resources for State visits. Furthermore, we look to the CTC to pursue closer cooperation with the Counter-Terrorism Action Group and with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations in carrying out its mandate. Thirdly, we welcome the fact that the 1540 Committee has approved its first programme of work under the new Chair. We look forward to examining the second set of reports submitted by Member States and to intensifying our discussions on effective ways by which technical assistance can be provided before the Committee's current mandate expires at the end of April. The role the Committee is expected to play under its extended mandate needs to be determined in the light of its work record over the last two years. We intend to participate actively in that discussion. Finally, it is clear that all the critical tasks entrusted to the three Committees cannot be fully addressed without the expertise and dedication of the experts who serve in each body. My delegation would like to express its appreciation to the experts on the Monitoring Team of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, including Mr. Richard Barrett, the Coordinator, the members of the CTED and the experts on the 1540 Committee for their unstinting efforts and excellent work. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Guillermo Kendall of the Permanent Mission of Argentina, who has contributed immensely to the work of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee in assisting the Chairperson, as he has recently assumed another important post. My Government will spare no effort in cooperating with other Member States in advancing the work of the three Committees so that the Security Council's crucial work on counter-terrorism will be further enhanced. Mr. De La Sablière (France) (spoke in French): At the outset, I, too, should like to thank the Chairmen of the three Committees for their reports. It is truly most useful to be able to address all the Council's counter-terrorism activities in a single meeting. It allows us to ensure due understanding of and coordination in the Committees' work. I fully agree with the statement to be made by the presidency of the European Union, which particularly emphasizes the fact that respect for human rights is necessary to ensure the efficiency and legitimacy of the fight against terrorism. I should like to refer to a few specific aspects of the work of the Committees. With regard to resolution 1540 (2004), my delegation has already had the opportunity to affirm France's commitment to that tool, which supplements existing multilateral non-proliferation instruments, in particular in addressing the issue of access of non-State actors to weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. When we refer to non-State actors, we of course mean terrorists, as well as traffickers who play a dangerous key role in proliferation activities. In that regard, resolution 1540 (2004) is an important long-term tool of our collective security. France favours renewing the mandate of the 1540 Committee for at least two years, and I believe that it is time for the Security Council to work on that renewal. It would send a useful signal of our common commitment to non-proliferation. The unity of the Security Council on that objective is crucial and should be demonstrated forthwith. As to the Committee's work, France attaches great importance to its activities to promote the adoption by States of the necessary measures to meet their obligations under the resolution. That cooperative approach has helped States to make the nonproliferation objectives of the Security Council their own. It is in pursuit of that path that the Committee will be able to undertake useful work in its second 14 S/PV.5375 term. That approach is in utmost conformity with resolution 1540 (2004), which draws attention to the promotion of dialogue and cooperation in the field of non-proliferation and stresses the issue of assistance. The resolution is more than just the legally binding decisions it contains; it also makes political appeals. For instance, it calls on States to work to universalize the non-proliferation instruments to which they are party and to discharge their obligations under such instruments. It recommends that they also strive to promote non-proliferation. Such messages demonstrate that, ever since the resolution's adoption, the Security Council has sought to prioritize a cooperative approach to its proliferation objectives. Those provisions allow the Committee to use the tools it needs to pursue its work harmoniously, and I hope that the report to be made by the Committee will cover all those issues. The Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions Committee, established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), has undertaken important work to improve its working methods on the basis of resolution 1617 (2005). The Committee's guidelines have been partially revised with a view to creating greater efficiency and transparency. The information on the consolidated list drawn up by the Committee will now be rigorous and more accessible. The review of the guidelines should be concluded as soon as possible, especially with regard to provisions for listing, delisting and humanitarian exemptions, so as to make such procedures more transparent. Greater transparency would meet the need for justice and enable us to enhance the Committee's credibility and the Member States' understanding of its work and, hence, their own cooperation. It would also meet the need for efficiency. Above and beyond procedures relating to the listing of individuals and entities concerned, we should undertake the effective implementation of sanctions formulated in resolution 1617 (2005). The development of the Committee's cooperation with Interpol is very useful in that regard. It enables the Committee to have recourse to additional information on individuals and entities on the list, and in particular to mobilize the Interpol network in the implementation of sanctions. We need to further enhance that cooperation, and especially to increase the number of notices that are accessible on the Interpol network. In December, we approved a far-reaching action plan for 2006 for the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its Executive Directorate. I should like to thank my colleague Ambassador Løj, Chairman of the CTC, for directing its work in its first quarter. The Executive Directorate is now operational. The backlog in the consideration of reports has been caught up and we can now bring our efforts to bear on other aspects of the mandate arising out of resolution 1373 (2001). It is especially important that we make progress in the area of reporting. Too many States are tardy. We should help them, with the support, inter alia, of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and regional and subregional organizations. Moreover, we should adapt reporting requirements to specific situations and make progress on the concept of consolidated reports. The field visits begun last year have met the expectations of the countries visited and of the Counter-Terrorism Committee. They should be undertaken more frequently and become a priority means of evaluating performance and need. The visits should involve international and regional organizations with the necessary expertise or the potential to offer technical assistance, such as the European Union and the Counter-Terrorism Action Group created by the G8 at the Evian summit. The spirit of dialogue among States that has guided the CTC should be reflected in greater transparency in its activities. The communications strategy it has just adopted and the publication of its activities and increased contacts with States, both in New York and at conferences and visits, should help to that end. In conclusion, I recall the importance my country attaches to mobilizing all United Nations bodies and agencies to combat terrorism. Mr. Thomson (United Kingdom): Like others, I would like to begin by thanking the three Committee Chairmen for their detailed briefings, as well as the experts and staff who support the Committees. My delegation fully associates itself with the statement to be made by Ambassador Pfanzelter of Austria on behalf of the European Union. We find these regular quarterly briefings to be very helpful. The level of detail and focus that delegations have already generated in this discussion 15 S/PV.5375 underlines, I think, their value. It demonstrates, we believe, the key importance of all three Committees as part of the collective efforts that the United Nations and the international community are making to fight terrorism. Many good points have already been made. I just want to make some brief ones on each Committee and then say something about all three Committees. Turning first to the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, my delegation is pleased at the completion of several major tasks by the Committee in the last reporting period. We would highlight in particular the important partial revision of the Committee guidelines completed in December. I look to the Committee to conclude its revision of the guidelines by introducing improved guidance on listing and delisting procedures in the near future. I would echo the Ambassador of France's points in that area. I should like also to commend the Committee and in particular its Monitoring Team for their work with Interpol. The issuance of Interpol's special notices for those on the Consolidated List should prove to be a valuable tool for enforcement and border authorities. During the next reporting period, we look forward to the Committee's completing its consideration of the Monitoring Team's fourth report. Turning to the work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), I want to underline how useful the Council's review of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) was in December last year. That process set some clear priorities and direction for the year ahead of us, as well as an agreement that a further review would be appropriate at the end of 2006. The CTED is at last beginning to function as we planned when we created it, and I am pleased to see that the CTC, with the aid of the CTED, is intensifying its dialogue and interaction with Member States. I am also glad to note that the CTC is currently reviewing the reporting cycle and procedures for that dialogue in order to take into account the varying needs and situations of individual Member States. The United Kingdom attaches real importance to clear objectives for the CTED that will enable us to measure and demonstrate the difference the Council is making. We look forward to hearing very soon, in very concrete terms, what impact the CTED has made in the world outside New York. We are also pleased that the CTED is beginning work on the report on implementation of resolution 1624 (2005) that it needs to submit to the Council in six months' time. The United Kingdom intends to anticipate the request for information from the Committee under resolution 1624 (2005) and proactively submit the information required, and we would like to encourage others to do the same. I wish also to say a few words about the 1540 Committee. First of all, I would like to thank the outgoing Committee Chairman, Ambassador Mihnea Motoc, for his contribution to the Committee over the last two years. His experience and thoughtful leadership of the Committee have been a great asset to the Council. Of course, I heartily welcome Ambassador Burian to his new responsibilities as Chairman of the Committee. That brings me to the question of how long Ambassador Burian will continue to have a job. The United Kingdom strongly supports a renewed mandate for the 1540 Committee. I want to say, and underline, that resolution 1540 (2004) remains a key strategic piece of the international community's defences against the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, in particular to non-State actors. We see no need to review the basic framework of the resolution. It will remain a vital tool in the international non-proliferation and counter-terrorism effort, with or without a Committee. But we see a lot of work for the Committee still to do that it cannot complete by the end of April. Thanks to the contributions of Member States, the Committee has amassed a significant amount of information. However, information alone is not enough, and it is not the purpose of resolution 1540 (2004). The key challenge of the resolution, in our view, still lies ahead -- translating that information and that knowledge of the current situation into improved implementation of the resolution itself. We know that that cannot be achieved overnight. It is a challenge for all Member States, for the 1540 Committee and for the Council. In looking at the new mandate, therefore, we need to think about those issues that will promote implementation -- for instance, how to unlock technical assistance for States that need it, including the potential for assistance from international and regional organizations. The United Kingdom has 16 S/PV.5375 supported one regional seminar in the field of resolution 1540 (2004), and we would like to see more of that sort of outreach activity. The key should be how we can use the Committee to make a difference on the ground. Finally, looking at all three Committees, I want to reiterate that the United Kingdom remains committed to getting results from the Council this year on the summit conclusion of September last that the Council should consider ways to strengthen its monitoring and enforcement role in counter-terrorism, including by consolidating State reporting requirements, taking into account and respecting the different mandates of its counter-terrorism subsidiary bodies. In the same context, we welcome the efforts that the three Committees and their respective experts are making to ensure that their work with States is better coordinated, including with respect to information-sharing and visits. We hope that this coordination will increase. I wish also to welcome Ambassador Oshima's interest in this area in his capacity as Chairman of the Informal Working Group of the Security Council concerning the Council's documentation and other procedural questions. Finally, I want to add that the United Kingdom attaches importance to the United Nations counterterrorism effort as a whole, including all the membership and all the United Nations family. United Nations efforts are an essential part of the global fight against terror. We therefore look forward to receiving the Secretary-General's revised strategy and his proposals to improve United Nations capacity and coordination in helping States to combat terrorism. My Government, of course, stands ready to play a full part in the upcoming General Assembly debate on this issue. Mrs. Telalian (Greece): We welcome today's joint briefing, and we would like to express our appreciation to the Chairpersons of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Committee established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) -- Ambassador César Mayoral, Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj and Ambassador Peter Burian -- for their tireless efforts to improve the work of their respective Committees. At the outset, I would like to associate myself with the statement to be made later on in the debate by the Permanent Representative of Austria on behalf of the European Union. The fight against terrorism is an ongoing process, as terrorism continues to pose a serious threat to our security, to the values of our democratic societies and to our rights and freedoms. The indiscriminate killing of civilians can never be justified, even by the worthiest of causes, and there can be no impunity for such criminal acts. The United Nations plays a leading role in containing terrorism and in legitimizing a robust multilateral response to this phenomenon. However, in order for such a response to be effective in the long run, it has to be consistent with the very nature of democracy, the rule of law and respect for universal human rights and freedoms. In the fight against terrorism, a clear definition of terrorism is necessary to provide legal and moral clarity and to create conditions for real unity in the global struggle against this scourge. For this reason, we strongly urge the Ad Hoc Committee on terrorism, which is meeting next week, to make a real effort to finalize the negotiations on the comprehensive convention on international terrorism, so that this convention can be adopted during the sixtieth session of the General Assembly. Likewise, we support the adoption and implementation of a comprehensive United Nations strategy to fight terrorism, based on the elements proposed by the Secretary-General. We welcome the efforts made by the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee to improve the quality of its List and to revise some of its Guidelines, taking into account the recommendations of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team. We hope that the Committee will soon finalize the revision of its Guidelines concerning listing and delisting requests. We urge the Committee to continue its consideration of this issue, taking also into account important work that has been carried out outside the Committee in this respect. In our view, the incorporation of international due-process standards within the listing and delisting procedures will increase the effectiveness of sanctions and the credibility of the Committee. In this connection, we would like to reiterate our position concerning the need to establish a mechanism to review, as a last resort, cases of individuals and institutions claiming to have been 17 S/PV.5375 wrongly placed or retained on the watch-lists of the Committee. We welcome and support the eighteenth work programme of the CTC for the coming three months. With the valuable assistance of a fully staffed CounterTerrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), which has recently been declared operational, the Committee will be better able to pursue its mandate in the future. We thank the head of the CTED, Mr. Javier Ruperez, and his team for their continuous efforts in support of CTC. The elimination of the backlog of State reports is a positive development, since analysing State reports intensifies the dialogue with the States concerned and improves their ability to implement resolution 1373 (2001). The CTC should continue to carry out this dialogue with the same cooperation, transparency, even-handedness and consistency in approach. We are pleased that the CTC has decided to streamline its reporting procedures, which will allow it to have a more substantial interaction with States. Another positive development is the elaboration by the CTC of policy guidelines concerning its role in facilitating the provision of technical assistance by donor States to States in need of such assistance, after identifying and prioritizing such needs. The implementation of these guidelines should be a high priority for the CTC. The Committee has carried out a number of visits in Member States with their consent; these are useful in allowing the Committee to better assess the situation on the ground and identify existing implementation gaps. The Committee should now focus on the proper follow-up to these visits. Now that the CTC has taken important steps that will allow it to carry out its important mandate, it is significant that the Committee take a more active stance on human rights issues by addressing these issues in the implementation of resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005). In this regard, we believe that the Committee should complete at the earliest its discussion on how to strengthen the human rights perspective in its future work. We welcome the progress made by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004), particularly in examining State reports. We urge late submitters to fulfil their obligations and to fully cooperate with the Committee. Likewise, we consider that the establishment of a legislative database concerning legislative and other measures relevant to the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) is a useful development that will enhance transparency and will provide practical guidance to States in implementing the aforementioned resolution. We also thank the Committee for its close cooperation with the CTC and the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee. Despite the different mandates of these Committees, we believe that better coordination and interaction among them will maximize their effectiveness and will also assist States in better implementing the aforementioned resolutions. We attach great importance to the work carried out by the 1540 Committee -- namely, to ensure the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related material. As the current mandate of this Committee comes to an end, we would like to support the prolongation of this mandate in order to allow it to accomplish its task. Nana Effah-Apenteng (Ghana): I wish, first of all, to thank the Chairpersons of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), the 1267 Committee and the 1540 Committee, Ambassadors Ellen Margrethe Løj, Cesar Mayoral, and Peter Burian, respectively, for their comprehensive briefings and for their leadership. The Counter-Terrorism Committee, established by United Nations Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) to monitor the implementation by States of antiterrorism measures adopted by this Council, is the foremost tool in the arsenal of the international community in the fight against international terrorism. On this point, we need to stress the importance of getting all Member States to support the work of the Committee through cooperation and by providing the necessary resources. Within this context, we welcome the process of the revitalization of the CTC and the consequent establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) under United Nations Security Council resolution 1535 (2004) to give expert advice and analysis to the CTC in the execution of its mandate. In this connection, we are happy to note that the CTED is now fully operational and has taken up its responsibilities. The core responsibility of the CTC in its monitoring role is to collate and evaluate States' 18 S/PV.5375 reports in order to assess the level of their implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001). It is evident that, while the commitment to fight international terrorism is not lacking, and is in fact universal, compliance with resolution 1373 (2001) has not been perfect. This could be due to the following factors; first, the lack of a sense of immediacy of the problem; and, secondly, the lack of capacity to meet the reporting requirements in some countries. On the first point, there is a need for all Members to be sensitized to the problem of terrorism as a universal plague from which no individual, and no country, is immune. Any feeling that the problem is remote is a dangerous illusion. It is this kind of false sense of security that provides opportunities for terrorism. On the question of capacity, my delegation wishes to express its appreciation to the CTC, CTED and its Secretariat for the advice and assistance they have been offering to individual countries from the developing world so as to enable them to meet their reporting obligations. In this regard, we wish to suggest that, in addition to CTC/CTED assistance to countries and country-to-country assistance, the CTC should consider organizing regional and subregional seminars for countries within particular areas. This one-stop approach would be a very efficient method of channelling technical assistance, where experiences, best practices and common problems could be shared. My delegation also wishes to call for the simplification of the reporting regime to make it more user-friendly. It is necessary to avoid a situation of reporting fatigue. For this reason, we call on the CTC, in consultation with the 1267 and 1540 Committees, to speed up the task of consolidation of the three reporting regimes, as recommended by the 2005 World Summit Outcome (resolution 60/1). We believe that this will not only help in coordinating the work of the three Committees for more efficient results, but will also ease the reporting burden on States. The war against international terrorism requires all States to muster the necessary political will, human and material resources to design innovative and effective approaches to confront and neutralize this menace. The only way to achieve this is to sustain our momentum and pressure, a task in which the CTC is playing a prominent role as the vanguard. It will therefore need our strong commitment and support in the coming years. With regard to the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, my delegation is pleased to note that work is proceeding on the revised Guidelines of the Committee and that agreement has been reached on a partial revision. We believe that it is necessary for transparency and clarity in the Committee's working methods and decision-making process that the process be pursued to its logical conclusion: the complete revision of the guidelines. Since its inception, the Taliban and Al-Qaida sanctions Committee, set up pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) with the aim of implementing sanctions targeted at Al-Qaida, the Taliban and associated entities, has had an important impact on the global war on terror. That achievement can, undoubtedly, be attributed not only to the commitment of its membership and its secretariat, but also to the cooperation of Member States. As a specific, operational body with its sanctions targeted at identified individuals and entities, the Committee needs to develop a strong global network of contacts with law-enforcement and security agencies at both the bilateral and multilateral levels so that it can discharge its mandate effectively. That requires serious cooperation and commitment from all Member States -- which, we are gratified to note, is not lacking. It is in that context that we support the increased cooperation and the formalized arrangement between the Committee and Interpol, which culminated in the issuance by Interpol, on 6 December 2005, of the first four Interpol-United Nations special notices on individuals placed on the consolidated list. We hope that this arrangement will be broadened to cover cooperation with other law enforcement agencies at the multilateral, regional and subregional levels. The steps being taken to ensure that the United Nations system does not inadvertently enter into any contractual relationship with any individual or institution on the consolidated list are necessary, since such an unfortunate situation would undermine the credibility of the system of anti-terrorism measures that is in place. The attempt to review internal procedures with the aim of developing uniform procedures for all sanctions regimes is, therefore, timely and should be pursued as a matter of urgency. 19 S/PV.5375 The issue of the listing and delisting of individuals and entities with regard to the consolidated list, which is at the core of the mandate of the 1267 Committee, raises certain pertinent questions which will have to be tackled boldly if we are to avoid the perception of lack of transparency, which could damage the credibility of the Committee. There is no doubt that, under Chapter VII of the Charter, Member States are under an obligation to comply with sanctions imposed by the Security Council. However, the methodology of the Committee's listing process has led to serious problems, with some Member States being under the mistaken impression that criminal proceedings in national courts are necessary before action can be taken against listed individuals. It is important that the Committee engage with Member States on this point so as to ensure that the discretion or judgement of national courts is not substituted for a decision of the Committee. Differing procedures in different countries on listing and delisting introduce a discriminatory element in the enforcement measures under resolution 1267 (1999), thus weakening the effectiveness of the resolution. Linked to this is the issue of confidentiality. Can the Committee raise the issue of confidentiality to deny a listed individual the right to know the basis of his designation? It is clear that the Committee will have to find a way to balance carefully the need for confidentiality and the requirements of due process. In this regard, we note with concern a number of lawsuits by listed individuals raising issues of due process, a development which could undermine the credibility of the Committee if the causes of the lawsuits are not addressed. That calls for an in-depth review of the listing and delisting procedures. The Committee will have to put listing requests under more rigorous scrutiny in the future. In that task, the cooperation and understanding of all Member States is essential. Finally, on the 1540 Committee, my delegation wishes to refer to the underlying reason for the adoption of resolution 1540 (2004), which was the grave concern of Member States about the menace of terrorist groups acquiring weapons of mass destruction. It therefore behoves us all to ensure the achievement of the ultimate objective of the resolution. Thus, while acknowledging the positive efforts of the Committee, my delegation cannot but admit that much remains to be done, given that 67 countries have yet to submit their reports. In my delegation's view, this is not a reflection of inertia on the part of those countries, many of which are African, but an indication of their well-known lack of capacity to meet the reporting requirements of the resolution. It is for that reason that my delegation welcomes the decision by the Committee to prioritize outreach activities in various regions, since the Committee has to receive the national reports of all countries before it can provide a comprehensive omnibus report to the Security Council so as to ensure that the Council can assess the progress of implementation of the resolution by Member States. In this regard, I wish to inform the Council that my Government is seriously considering a request to host one such programme for Africa. Those programmes are an imperative, as they offer forums for in-depth discussion on substantive and procedural issues, as well as for exchanges of views among Member States on the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). They also create opportunities for members of the Committee to appreciate the practical challenges inhibiting the submission of reports by Member States that have yet to do so, thereby enabling the Committee to take effective measures to surmount those problems. The submission of reports is not an end in itself; it is a means towards the attainment of the ultimate goal. The crucial aspect lies in the implementation efforts. We are therefore encouraged by the determination of the Committee to use outreach activities to assess States' implementation and to facilitate assistance to those facing various constraints in that regard. I would be remiss if I failed to pronounce a positive assessment of the introduction of the legislative database to be used as a supplementary source of information and of the Committee's decision to make the information available to Member States. In conclusion, my delegation wishes to urge all Member States to cooperate fully with the Committee in the execution of its mandate, which is crucial to our common determination to contain a grave challenge to international peace and security in the twenty-first century. Mr. Okio (Congo) (spoke in French): I am very grateful to you, Mr. President, for having convened this meeting on the sensitive issue of counter-terrorism to consider the activities of three subsidiary bodies of the Council. 20 S/PV.5375 We listened very attentively to the statements made by the chairpersons of the Committees -- Ambassador Løj, Ambassador Mayoral and Ambassador Burian -- to whom we pay tribute for the professionalism they have demonstrated in carrying out their respective mandates. We know that they have the assistance of eminent experts, and we would also like to express our appreciation to them. There is no threat today that is as present, as pressing and as elusive as terrorism, because it can strike anywhere, without discrimination. We often speak of it as being blind. But it is a kind of Hydra of Lerna: the seven-headed serpent of mythology whose heads grew back if cut off. It is a very real threat that demands the constant vigilance of all of us and requires concerted solutions at the international level. I therefore welcome the relevance of the provisions of resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004), as well as all other resolutions whose implementation by Member States would considerably reduce the scope of the terrorist activities. With regard to the briefings provided by the three chairpersons, I would like to make just a few brief comments reflecting my delegation's concerns. My first comment relates to the strengthening of national capacity. One of the most important functions of the counter-terrorism Committees is to help States to build their capacity to combat terrorism. The actions of the counter-terrorism Committees are directed principally at State actors and, from what we have heard and know about the genuine threats that terrorism poses for the whole of the international community, it is clear that such actions need to be further strengthened. The statements made by the chairpersons of the three Committees made it clear that there are still many delays in the submission of reports. The reasons for such delays should be carefully studied so that appropriate solutions can be found. I would like to stress the necessity of providing assistance to States that request it so as to help them to develop their national capacities. Here, my delegation urges better coordination of efforts to make available the best practices of codes and norms permitting compliance with the obligations arising from the counter-terrorism resolutions. The 1540 Committee's establishment of a legislative database containing links to public sources of information on legislative and other measures taken by States at the national level is a commendable initiative. We hope that it will very soon become a valuable source of information for States that need it, with a view to improving their internal procedures concerning the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). We know, for example, that many developing countries have not yet acceded to the 13 international conventions and protocols on terrorism. The legislative database could be very useful in improving performance in that regard. We encourage any other initiative to enhance States' awareness -- including through their permanent missions in New York -- regarding the need to implement the resolutions on terrorism. My second comment concerns interaction among the three Committees and strengthening international cooperation. Better interaction among the counterterrorism Committees and their expert groups, as envisaged in resolution 1566 (2004) and emphasized in presidential statement S/PRST/2005/64 of 21 December 2005, would promote optimal results. Likewise, increased cooperation with regional and subregional organizations would help to improve the procedures for the implementation of the various resolutions on terrorism. We therefore encourage the development of those kinds of contact. Here, my delegation appeals once again for the strengthening of international cooperation at all levels. Cooperation between the counter-terrorism Committees and the international financial institutions and functional organizations -- such as the World Customs Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization -- to discuss areas of interest, including money-laundering, the transfer of sensitive materials, et cetera, and also to finance and provide assistance for capacity-building in the area of counter-terrorism, is not just a necessity; it is one of the essential elements of the counter-terrorism system. My third comment concerns the strengthening of visiting missions. I would like to highlight the importance of field visits. They are the best way to observe the progress made by States concerning their counter-terrorism obligations and to become familiar 21 S/PV.5375 with needs that must be taken into account. However, there must be better coordination among the expert groups of the various Committees to reduce duplication and to promote the optimal use of resources. These visits can enable the three Committees to better assess areas for assistance and to facilitate and rationalize the needed technical assistance, as stressed by the Chairperson of the CTC in her statement today. In addition, the results of these visits should be utilized with a view to the improvements we seek at various levels. In that regard, and without wishing to influence the work of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) or to change the criteria determining which countries are to be visited, my delegation would like all regions to benefit from the same attention, in view of the need to build the capacities of every Member State to deal with an unpredictable actor. There must be an active dialogue with Member States -- for example, regarding the needs perceived by the CTED -- in order to establish priorities and to aim for concrete results. The work programmes of the three Committees are quite ambitious, and we endorse them. We understand and support the concern for clarity that underpins them, particularly with regard to establishing consolidated lists of individuals and entities suspected of having violated the relevant United Nations resolutions, including with respect to the Al-Qaida/ Taliban Sanctions Committee. Nonetheless, we express our concern over the time involved in addressing certain sensitive cases regarding the delisting of certain individuals covered by resolution 1267 (1999). We welcome the strengthening of the cooperation between Interpol and the 1267 Committee to expedite the procedures in that regard. In conclusion, I wish to reaffirm my delegation's support for the efforts of the Chairpersons of the three Committees in carrying out their respective mandates. I assure them of our constant support as they go about their tasks, which remain urgent and vital for the entire international community. Mr. Al-Nasser (Qatar) (spoke in Arabic): Permit me at the outset to thank Ms. Løj, Mr. Mayoral and Mr. Burian for their comprehensive briefings on the activities of the Committees over which they preside, which are part of our comprehensive fight against international terrorism. Terrorism remains one of the main challenges facing the world today. The State of Qatar has always emphasized that we reject terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and that we have supported all legal procedures aimed at eradicating terrorism. We have dealt firmly with this phenomenon through legal means and with full respect for democracy and human rights. We have adopted many counter-terrorism laws, we have acceded to many of the counter-terrorism conventions, and we continue to cooperate with the Counter-Terrorism Committee, established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001). We must fight extremism by tackling a number of issues, including making a joint commitment to work together to oppose hatred, in the name of liberty and freedom. I believe it is appropriate to remind everyone that Council resolution 1624 (2005) stresses the importance of continuing to do everything possible at the international level to enhance dialogue and interaction and to reach out to various civilizations and cultures so as not to arbitrarily attack any particular religion or any particular culture. The resolution also stresses the important role of the media in enhancing such a dialogue among cultures and civilizations, in encouraging tolerance and coexistence and in creating an environment which is not conducive to terrorism. Here, we urge the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) to address this issue with great resolve and call upon States to stop criminalizing and demonizing certain religions. Qatar believes that we should not seek security at the expense of freedom. Our belief in human rights is the cornerstone of our fight against terrorism. Counterterrorism efforts must conform to the basic principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and to the norms of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights law, and they must avoid double standards in moral and political matters. Many issues are being addressed by the Al-Qaida/ Taliban Sanctions Committee, and they are a source of grave concern. We must work as swiftly as possible to deal with them. In the short time since it became a member of the Security Council, my delegation has therefore undertaken substantial, objective, transparent and professional efforts and will very soon offer proposals for the needed development of the Committee's work and for identifying fair, honest and balanced procedures within the Committee's guidelines for 22 S/PV.5375 placing individuals and entities on the consolidated list and for delisting them for humanitarian and religious reasons. My delegation shares the moral assessments of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004), whose main task is to analyse country reports. In that connection, my delegation congratulates the many States that have submitted their national reports; it welcomes those submissions. We call on those States that have not yet submitted reports to begin the submission process, and we urge the Committee to provide the technical assistance such States need so that we can make further progress in facing the threat posed by the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction. The Committee should be vigilant in pursuing its activities in order to ensure the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction either by States or by non-State actors. Non-proliferation measures should not be selective. Finally, I call upon the three Committees to closely coordinate and cooperate with a view to ensuring the greatest possible cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Mr. Mahiga (United Republic of Tanzania): I thank the chairpersons of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001), the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) for their respective comprehensive briefings on the work of the three Committees in the global fight against international terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. I congratulate Ambassador Burian of Slovakia on his assumption of the chairmanship of the 1540 Committee. My delegation is gratified by the increasing coordination of operations, given the interrelated and complementary nature of the work of the three Committees. The Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and the experts who support the work of the 1540 Committee share information and have a common approach to the reporting obligations of States. The CTED and the Monitoring Team coordinate some of their visits to Member States, which minimizes costs in time and resources. We also encourage the reported initiative of the 1373 Committee to follow up on the implementation of resolution 1624 (2005), adopted at the Security Council summit last September. We commend the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) for devising a comprehensive technical assistance implementation plan. The plan will improve the capacity of Member States with respect to the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). The current activities undertaken by the Committee to enhance dialogue and cooperation with Member States are producing positive results. In that regard, I am glad to report that the CTED delegation led by Mr. Rupérez just last week finished a visit to my country. The delegation was accompanied by delegations from relevant international organizations such as Interpol, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization. The CTED had useful discussions on future cooperation, including enhancing reporting obligations with respect to other Committees and exchanges of information on international terrorism. There is an urgent need to improve the quality of the 1267 Committee's consolidated list. In his statement, its Chairman made reference to the Committee's intention to consider additional improvements to the identification of and information on individuals currently on the list, which I very much welcome. Of equal importance in the Chairman's statement was the acknowledgement that scores of pending issues exist on the Committee's agenda. The Committee should expedite the modalities for reviewing pending issues, including cases related to listing and delisting. We commend the Chairman for undertaking visits to Japan and Indonesia. Visits to Member States increase the Committee's awareness of problems that States grapple with in the implementation of the sanctions regime. My delegation attaches great importance to the coordination role played by the 1540 Committee in denying non-State actors the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction or related materials. So far, the Committee has done laudable work in examining all national reports that have been submitted. The Committee's target of finishing the examination of information additional to the first reports by 31 March 2006 is highly commendable. Timely consideration of Member States' first reports enables the Committee to determine which States need assistance in this highly technical area. In that context, the Committee should strive to increase States' awareness of the availability 23 S/PV.5375 of bilateral and international assistance in facilitating the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). The President: I shall now make a statement in my capacity as representative of the United States. I too would like to thank all three chairmen for their leadership in our counter-terrorism efforts. Their hard work and dedication, along with that of their Committees' staffs, are essential to the success of the Council's effort to combat terrorism. The Council must remain focused and resolute in combating the threat of terrorism, while adapting flexibly to new challenges. The Council's three Committees must be proactive and action-oriented, keeping in mind always the importance of achieving concrete results in the fight against terrorism. Today's presentations provide various examples of initiatives these Committees and their staff bodies are pursuing, often in collaboration with one another. Expanding such collaboration is essential. We applaud the joint initiative to rationalize the reporting that the three Committees request from States. We also commend the work of the three staff bodies to coordinate joint visits and outreach to States and urge them to do more. All three presentations note efforts to enhance cooperation with other international and regional organizations. We urge the Committees and their staffs to collaborate to ensure that these important efforts reinforce each other. Above all, these Committees play an essential role in monitoring States' implementation of the counter-terrorism obligations the Council has established. As they proceed, all three Committees should examine the important issue of non-compliance. The Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) should develop concrete standards for measuring States' efforts to implement resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005) and 1540 (2004). The 1267 Committee should develop standards for measuring States' implementation and enforcement of the sanctions regime under resolution 1267 (1999). Finally, we encourage both the 1267 Committee and the CTC to devote more attention to the elements of the resolutions under which they operate that do not relate to terrorism financing. Resolution 1624 (2005) contains important language concerning the need for States to deny terrorists safe haven. It is important for both bodies to focus more intensively on the provisions of the resolutions relating to terrorist travel, safe havens and arms bans. I should now like to comment specifically on each presentation. Chairman Løj, the United States appreciates your effective leadership and welcomes your report. The CTC and its Executive Directorate (CTED) play an essential role in ensuring that States implement their obligations under resolution 1373 (2001), and we welcome your proposals for ways in which the CTC and its CTED can achieve concrete results. We look forward to working closely with you on the important task of identifying best practices relevant to the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). These best practices can be an important way to give States a better sense of the steps the CTC expects them to take to implement resolution 1373 (2001). We welcome the CTC's work to develop a more pragmatic, focused approach for linking States that need assistance to enhance their implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). As not all needs can be met, we think that the CTC and CTED can play an important role in identifying priority needs for assistance and in conveying that information to donors. Above all, as the CTED implements the CTC's new policy on technical assistance, the CTC must strike the right balance between facilitating the delivery of technical assistance and monitoring the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). The CTC should keep in mind that work to facilitate technical assistance must occur in the context of monitoring States' implementation of their binding obligations under resolution 1373 (2001). I appreciate the comments of members regarding the Committee's work to facilitate States' implementation of resolution 1624 (2005). The United States will endeavour soon to provide the Committee with information about our efforts to implement that new resolution. To Ambassador Mayoral I say that the 1267 Committee has made important strides in the past 120 days. The United States commends that work. We welcome the Committee's successful cooperation with Interpol and the concrete results we have seen from that initiative. The new measures Ambassador Mayoral described in his briefing will provide important tools to law enforcement officials around the world and will 24 S/PV.5375 strengthen the sanctions regime, especially the travel ban. The United States hopes that the 1267 Committee will continue its robust dialogue with other international and regional organizations, in an effort to replicate the successes with Interpol. We also hope that the CTC and the 1540 Committee can use the 1267 Committee's initiative as a model to pursue comparable efforts. In his briefing, Ambassador Mayoral spoke about the 1267 Committee's important work with Afghanistan and about the Afghan Government's reconciliation process. The United States fully supports the reconciliation process. We are pleased that the Committee is strengthening its dialogue with Afghanistan on that matter. I should note that the Monitoring Team is an invaluable resource for the Committee. The United States appreciates the Team's professional and highquality analysis in all aspects of its 1267 sanctions regime. We look forward to the Committee's discussion of the Monitoring Team's fourth report. I also wish to thank Chairman Burian for his presentation and for his accomplishments since he assumed his position in January. Resolution 1540 (2004) is a significant tool for addressing the threat to international peace and security posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials. We applaud the Committee's efforts to monitor and promote the implementation of the resolution. In particular, we appreciate the Committee's work to examine the additional information States have provided regarding their implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). We look forward to the Committee's report to the Council regarding the results of the former's evaluation of States' reports. We share Ambassador Burian's concern that nearly 70 Member States have yet to report to the Committee. We welcome his proposals to reach out those States in order to encourage them to report. We agree that the Committee's mandate should be continued, and we are carefully considering what its future mandate should entail. We look forward to participating actively in discussions on this issue in the near future. I now resume my functions as President of the Council. Pursuant to rule 37 of the Council's provisional rules of procedure, I now give the floor to Ambassador Pfanzelter of Austria. Mr. Pfanzelter (Austria): I have to honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and the countries that align themselves with this statement. First of all, I would like to thank the Chairpersons of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) for their comprehensive and informative briefings. We attach great importance to such regular public debates of the Security Council in the field of counter-terrorism and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Open discussions are an important contribution to strengthening the acceptance, legitimacy and transparency of the Council's efforts in this field. The European Union believes that the Committees should continue their efforts to increase cooperation and coordination with regard to monitoring the implementation of their respective Security Council resolutions, as well as with regard to sharing information and coordinating country visits. We encourage the Council to consider ways to strengthen its monitoring and enforcement role in counterterrorism, including by consolidating State reporting requirements. The European Union emphasizes the importance of respecting international law, human rights law and refugee law -- including due process and the rule of law -- in the fight against terrorism. We welcome the efforts of the 1267 Committee to further improve the Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions regime, especially the Consolidated List and the Committee's guidelines, in the light of Security Council resolution 1617 (2005) and the recommendations contained in the recent reports of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team. The adoption of the revised guidelines, on 21 December 2005, was an important step. With regard to the sections dealing with listing and delisting procedures, no agreement has been reached thus far. The European Union expresses its expectation that the Committee will expeditiously continue its work on those sections, as mandated by the Security Council. 25 S/PV.5375 We stress the call made at the 2005 world summit to ensure that fair and clear procedures exist for placing individuals and entities on sanctions lists and for removing them, as well as for granting humanitarian exemptions. The European Union fully supports the work programme of the Counter-Terrorism-Committee presented today. We particularly welcome the envisaged revision of the reporting regime through the development of a tailor-made approach and by streamlining reporting procedures. That would help to address the problems of non-reporting and the so-called reporting fatigue of Member States. We are also pleased to hear that the Committee has cleared the backlog of State reports. We note with satisfaction that, on 15 December 2005, the Counter-Terrorism Committee's Executive Directorate (CTED) was finally declared fully operational. We have also taken note of the review of the CTED undertaken by the Security Council last December. We look forward to another comprehensive review by 31 December 2006. We strongly encourage the CTC, with the help of the human rights expert in CTED, to continue its efforts to streamline human rights throughout its entire work. With regard to the efforts to enhance dialogue with States concerning the area of technical assistance, the European Union stands ready to continue its cooperation and participation in CTED visits to countries with which it has a close relationship. We are also pleased to note the exemplary cooperation between CTED, as the key facilitator of technical assistance, and the Terrorism Prevention Branch of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which provides technical assistance to requesting countries in the area of ratifying and implementing the 13 universal conventions against terrorism. The European Union remains deeply concerned about the danger posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and about the acquisition of such weapons by non-State actors, in particular terrorists. We fully support all international efforts to prevent the proliferation of WMD. The 1540 Committee plays an important role in that regard. The European Union commends the 1540 Committee and its group of experts for their work in developing a matrix and building a legislative database on the basis of the State reports examined and other relevant information received. That database will be an important information tool for Member States. We look forward to its publication on the Committee's website. With the end of the 1540 Committee's two-year mandate approaching, on 28 April, the European Union notes with concern that 67 States -- more than one third of the membership of the United Nations -- have not yet submitted their first reports. We urge all States that have not yet done so to submit their reports to the Committee. We would be glad to consider any request for assistance or advice to such States as might be required. We look forward to the Committee's final report before the end of its current mandate and, in particular, its analysis of existing problems in the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). In the light of its ongoing work and the numerous tasks that are still to be completed, the European Union believes that the mandate of the 1540 Committee should be extended as soon as possible. Terrorism continues to pose one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. It is imperative that the United Nations and its Member States continue to show their unity and resolve in the fight against terrorism. The European Union strongly supports the measures outlined in the outcome document adopted last September. In the light of the upcoming meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on terrorism next week, we reiterate the call of the world summit to make every effort to conclude the comprehensive convention on international terrorism during the sixtieth session of the General Assembly. We also look forward to the speedy adoption and implementation of a comprehensive United Nations counter-terrorism strategy, based on the elements proposed by the Secretary-General, to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations system to assist States in combating terrorism and to enhance the coordination of all United Nations activities in that regard. For its part, the European Union adopted a counter-terrorism strategy at the end of last year, complemented by a detailed action plan for implementation, as well as a European Union strategy for combating radicalization and recruitment to terrorism. We believe that those documents, agreed at the regional level, could complement a comprehensive and global United Nations counter-terrorism strategy very well. 26 S/PV.5375 Let me conclude by reaffirming the commitment of the European Union to combating the continuing threat posed by terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through a comprehensive, integrated and multilateral approach, reinforcing both internal and international cooperation, in accordance with the principles on which the European Union is founded. The President: I give representative of Indonesia. the floor to the other countries so that they can all focus their efforts on pursuing all the persons listed. Permit me now to turn to the Counter-Terrorism Committee work programme for the eighteenth 90-day period, which covers the period from January to March 2006. Indonesia welcomes and supports the work programme. In our view, it will enhance the effectiveness of existing counter-terrorism measures. Let me add, in that connection, that Indonesia supports all measures intended to enhance the counter-terrorism capabilities of States requesting aid. We hope that such aid will be made readily available. On the particular issue of State visits, while Indonesia recognizes its importance in monitoring the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001), as well as in identifying areas needing technical assistance, we are of the view that the planning of such visits should be coordinated with the 1267 Committee and the monitoring team for reasons of efficiency and effectiveness and so as to avoid the possibility of creating "visit fatigue" in particular countries. With regard to paragraph 4 of resolution 1540 (2004), Indonesia submitted its report in October 2004. In addition, we submitted further information in November 2005 in compliance with the request of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004). I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of the 1540 Committee. We look forward to the fullest possible cooperation with it and to receiving assistance in implementing resolution 1540. In that connection, we would like to note that the mandate of the 1540 Committee will be completed this April. We have no difficulties with an extension to the mandate so long as the scope and modalities are clearly defined and do not go beyond the provisions of resolution 1540. Along with that, however, we think that we should try to explore the possibility of formulating a comprehensive and multilaterallynegotiated legal instrument to address, in all their aspects and on a permanent basis, the specific questions related to preventing the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by non-State actors. Allow me to provide an update on Indonesia's continuing efforts to combat international terrorism. On 9 November 2005, in the effort to apprehend Dr. Azhari and Noordin M. Top -- the prime suspects of many terrorist bombings in Indonesia -- our counter- Mr. Jenie (Indonesia): I would like to start by expressing the appreciation of my delegation to you, Sir, and the Security Council for convening this public meeting on the briefings by the Chairmen of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the three Committee Chairmen, as well as the Committee members and all the experts involved, for their dedication and hard work in pursuing their mandates. Allow me also to reiterate my Government's strong commitment to combating terrorism. We ourselves have been the unfortunate victims of acts of terrorism, but even before those tragic events, Indonesia had decided to put into effect various measures to combat that scourge nationally, bilaterally, regionally and internationally. The recent visit to Indonesia by the Chairman of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and his subsequent meetings with high-ranking officials in Jakarta underline the commitment of the Indonesian Government to that endeavour. The visit by the Chairman was fruitful not only in enhancing collaboration and further strengthening international efforts to combat terrorism, but also in sharing the experiences and in understanding the challenges being faced by Indonesia in implementing the sanctions. In that regard, Indonesia wishes to welcome and support the determination of the Chairman of the 1267 Committee to continuously improve the quality of the consolidated list. In our view, adding the missing identifier for many of the individual names would greatly assist countries in their efforts to apprehend such individuals. We believe that problems arising from the incompleteness of background information on individuals can be resolved through adding more information to the list. In that case, countries that have submitted particular names to the list should be able to give more information or share such information with 27 S/PV.5375 terrorism police, following information it had received, tracked Dr. Azhari to Malang in East Java. Unfortunately, he was killed. It is our hope that the elimination of Dr. Azhari as one of the masterminds of the terrorist bombings in Indonesia will weaken the capacity of his group to launch further attacks in the country. In addition, I am happy to inform the Council that, since its establishment in July 2004, the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation has held various training courses to enhance the capacity of law enforcement officers in the Asia-Pacific region to cope with transnational crime, including terrorism. In 2006, the Centre will hold more training courses, including a coastal patrol seminar to be sponsored by Italy; a critical incident management event to be sponsored by France; a major investigations management workshop; as well as an event on Islamic law and politics in Asia. Finally, I would like to stress Indonesia's conviction that terrorism is a problem affecting all nations and that we can best fight and vanquish that menace through a multidimensional and multilateral approach, based on international law and respect for human rights and characterized by international cooperation, collaboration and a spirit of dialogue among all States, civilizations and religions. Indonesia is one such party, and, as we have said in the past, we stand ready to take every measure necessary and to work with other States and organizations to ensure that terrorists can find no place to hide and that terrorism is defeated. The President: The next speaker is the representative of Algeria, to whom I give the floor. Mr. Yousfi (Algeria) (spoke in French): May I at the outset congratulate you, Sir, on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council and on the manner in which you have been guiding our work. I should like also to thank and commend the Chairpersons of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), the 1267 Committee and the 1540 Committee for the presentation of their reports and to thank the experts of the Committees for their continued efforts in carrying out their missions. The threat posed by the Al-Qaida organization remains very real, and we must remain vigilant. We welcome the fact that resolution 1617 (2005) has enabled the 1267 Committee to fine-tune its guidelines, especially regarding the modalities for listing on the Consolidated List and the updating of information on individuals and entities inscribed on the list. We hope that this will enable us to overcome not only the difficulties encountered by States that have chosen to cooperate with the Committee and put names on the consolidated list, but also the hesitation of some member States of the Committee to acknowledge the existence of links between certain terrorist individuals and groups and Al-Qaida. Algeria would like to emphasize the importance of cooperation and mutual assistance among Member States in the judicial area, in keeping with the relevant Council resolutions. The legal rule of "extradite or prosecute" must serve as the cardinal principle guiding international cooperation to combat terrorism. In that framework, we welcome the cooperation between the 1267 Committee and Interpol, which will no doubt help to enhance our effectiveness in bringing to trial terrorists included on the Committee's list. The first four Interpol-United Nations special notices issued on 6 December 2005 represent a positive step towards translating such cooperation into reality. My delegation fully supports the work of the CTC and welcomes the fact that the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now operational. We are convinced that this achievement will fully redound to the benefit of Member States. I welcome the successful visit made by the Executive Directorate expert team to Algeria in November 2005. We hope that other Member States, including Security Council members, will volunteer to host similar visits, especially in the light of the adoption of resolution 1624 (2005) on inciting acts of terrorism, which mandates the CTC to ensure its follow-up and implementation. Algeria, which took part in the drafting of that resolution, believes that it represents significant progress in the anti-terrorist struggle in all its aspects. My country welcomes the steps taken recently by certain countries to criminalize acts advocating terrorism or inciting hatred or violence. I should like to emphasize the major role that the United Nations must play in providing developing States with technical, institutional and legal assistance, so as to enable them to overcome the difficulties they face in carrying out their tasks under the relevant Council resolutions. 28 S/PV.5375 That is the case with many African countries, which, despite their goodwill, cannot alone cope with the threats posed by terrorist organizations. Indeed, terrorist organizations and their networks find our continent a fertile ground for their deployment and for the recruitment of militants. That is due to several factors, including the geographical expanse of the Sahel region, the permeability of certain borders, the existence of many situations of internal conflict, poverty, and the lack of resources on the part of security services. It is with that in mind that the African Centre for Study and Research on Terrorism, in cooperation with the United States' Africa Centre for Strategic Studies, is, even as we speak, hosting an international seminar in Algiers on cooperation to combat terrorism in the Maghreb and in the Sahelo-Saharan region, with the participation of several subregional African organizations and United Nations experts. Allow me to recall that in April 2004 my delegation joined in the consensus in the Security Council on resolution 1540 (2004). Indeed, it felt that, given the lack of internationally binding norms preventing the access and use by non-State actors of weapons of mass destruction, it was the responsibility of the Security Council to act, on an exceptional basis, in order to address the threat of the possible use of such weapons by terrorist groups. That achievement illustrates the determination of the international community to act decisively, in a spirit of solidarity, against the terrorist threat. The measures proposed by that resolution represent a collective response that could prevent the proliferation of such weapons. It is important to note that the results achieved by the 1540 Committee, which has been in existence a little less than two years, have reflected a significant involvement by Member States, which have submitted numerous national reports on schedule. We must now consolidate the gains made by enabling the Committee experts to pursue their work, especially regarding assistance to States that request it, as set out in the mandate of April 2004. Finally, Algeria remains convinced that the best way to cope with the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is to eliminate them totally. The President: The next speaker on my list is the representative of Brazil, to whom I give the floor. Mr. Sardenberg (Brazil): I wish to thank Ambassadors César Mayoral, Ellen Løj and Peter Burian for their briefings and for their able work regarding, respectively, the activities of the 1267 Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1540 Committee. The delegation of Brazil sees this open meeting as an enriching experience that will ensure synergy in the functioning of the various Security Council Committees. My delegation commends the genuine effort made by the 1267 Committee in gathering a considerable amount of information, mostly from sources other than the direct processing of Member States' reports. These inputs should allow for a more thorough understanding of the ongoing combat against Al-Qaida-related terrorism as well as the identification of key mechanisms to proceed in this fight, including the fine-tuning of sanctions when applicable. In addition, we believe that further steps must be taken to increase cooperation between the Committee and Interpol in order to enhance the effectiveness of the Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions regime. Given the similarities between the travel controls applied by Interpol and those sought by the Committee as regards the travel ban, there seem to be ample opportunities to make use of Interpol's very efficient informationsharing mechanisms. Brazil recognizes that the efforts made by the Chairman to improve dialogue with Member States, including through visits to selected countries, are of great relevance to the work of the Committee. It is also worth pointing out that the conclusion of the revision of the draft guidelines of the 1267 Committee ensured the long-overdue update of the Committee's task and working methods. Special attention should continue to be paid to the issues of listing and delisting, including of legal entities. The importance of the contribution of the Committee in combating the threat of terrorism represented by Al-Qaida is directly related to the international community's perception of its work. A renewed effort to incorporate the recommendations put forward by States is, in our view, the best way to ensure the maximum effectiveness of sanctions. 29 S/PV.5375 As to the CTC, my delegation believes that, as the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) has been formally declared operational and the Council has concluded a comprehensive review of its work, the CTED will be in a better position to carry out its ambitious work programme under the policy guidance of the plenary of the CTC. It is our view that the CTED should continue to focus its attention on identifying States' technical assistance needs and facilitating the provision of such assistance, with a view to enhancing Member States' capacity to deal with the threats posed by terrorism. Brokering assistance to States in areas related to institution-building is one of the most efficient ways to counter the scourge of terrorism. Member States should have access to that type of cooperation on a voluntary basis and in accordance with their real needs. Potential areas for technical assistance should be identified by mutual agreement through increased dialogue with Member States. After the dreadful terrorist acts of 11 September 2001, the United Nations has been enhancing its activities in the field of counter-terrorism. This has resulted in a legislative activity that concerns us all. In accordance with the United Nations Charter, the General Assembly is the only organ with universal representation that has the competence to make recommendations with regard to general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security. The Committee's work should be in line with that provision, including through the identification of best practices in various areas related to the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). Best practices are not, however, treaties. They are neither binding nor mandatory. The Committee should be extremely careful not to stray into areas that belong to the exclusive domain of Member States. Another important issue on the CTC agenda is the incorporation of the human rights perspective while countering terrorism. Despite the fact that the CTED mandate does not include a monitoring role in this field, it is important that its work actually contribute to strengthening the observance of human rights standards. In our view, General Assembly resolution 59/191, entitled "Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism", which was adopted by consensus, should be a primary reference for the Directorate's work in this area. As regards the 1540 Committee, our delegation is pleased to note that, with the valuable support of the group of experts, the Committee, under the leadership of Ambassador Burian, concluded the examination of the first round of national reports submitted by Member States. This is a most welcome achievement. We continue, on the other hand, to encourage those States that have not yet done so to present their first report as soon as possible. The Committee should seek ways to assist countries that are willing to report but are, for technical reasons, unable to do so. I would like to reiterate that Brazil is ready to provide technical assistance, as appropriate, to States in the Latin American and Caribbean region and to other developing countries lacking the legal or regulatory infrastructure and implementation experience required to apply the provisions of resolution 1540 (2004). The Committee has already begun considering the responses to its requests for additional information. This exercise will certainly allow the Committee to achieve a full, comprehensive picture of the state of worldwide implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). It will also serve as the basis for its final report, to be submitted to the Council by April 2006. Once the present mandate of the 1540 Committee is concluded, there will be important lessons for the wide membership to consider, and the General Assembly will certainly benefit from the work accomplished. In this context, we recognize that there is a clear difference between the obligations encompassed in resolution 1540 (2004) and the mandate of the Committee. We continue to believe that extension of the 1540 Committee's mandate should be avoided, as it deals with areas within the competence of the General Assembly. Terrorism continues to be a major threat to international peace and security. The international community is indeed aware of that challenge, as reflected through the work of the General Assembly and of the Security Council over the last years. In parallel with the important activities of the Council on the issue, States should continue to focus on the need to better explore other mechanisms of international cooperation for the promotion of the fight against terrorism. The full use of existing mechanisms could further contribute to our common effort. 30 S/PV.5375 The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Israel. Mr. Gillerman (Israel): Allow me, at the outset, to thank you, Mr. President, for your leadership of the Council during the month of February and for convening this very important meeting. I wish also to thank the Chairpersons of the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee and the 1540 Committee for their hard work, concise reports and invaluable contributions. As we are convened here today, the world is witnessing the formation of a dangerous new alliance -- indeed, an axis of terror -- comprised of Iran, Syria and Hamas. As many here are quite aware, the Iranian leadership is hosting Hamas in Tehran at this very moment and has committed itself to a more active role in the Palestinian Authority. As Khaled Mashal, head of the Hamas delegation, stated during the visit, Iran "will play a major role in the shaping of the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian nation in light of the many challenges facing us". The President of Iran and the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei subsequently called for a continuation of acts of terrorism against Israeli citizens. This meeting follows a recent visit by the Iranian President to Damascus, the capital of terror, which is home to the headquarters of over 10 different terror organizations. During that visit, the Iranian President used the Syrian presidential palace, which has been put at his disposal, to meet with terror organizations and plan and direct orders for specific acts of terrorism. One can only wonder what will be the real nature of this deeper Iranian involvement in the Palestinian Authority. This new axis of terror poses a major threat to regional and world stability and is a recipe for the world's worst pandemic. Should we neglect this imminent threat, the axis of terror may be the seed of the first world war of the twenty-first century. We call on the international community, through its relevant organs and, especially, this Council, to take seriously these joint efforts by Iran, Syria and Hamas, and act decisively and swiftly to prevent Iran, an extremist and dangerous terror-supporting regime, from acquiring the capability and know-how to develop nuclear weapons. Time is of the essence. The provisions Hamas seeks from Iran and Syria are all the more dangerous, considering its recent political empowerment and its goal to eliminate Israel. The recent elections in the Palestinian Authority cannot whitewash the radical nature of this new ruling party. Hamas is a terror organization. It is responsible for more suicide bombings, terrorist attacks and more deaths during the current period than any other terrorist organization, murdering 482 Israelis in total, some 44 per cent of the total killed. Hamas's goal is to strike deeply and in a deadly way, leaving its victims motherless, childless and limbless. I invite each Council member to read Hamas's charter, which calls for killing Jews and eliminating Israel. Only last week, Hamas, whose headquarters are in Damascus, released a video where one terrorist states, "We will hunt you everywhere, when you wake and when you sleep ... there is no better blood than Jewish blood ... [We will] quench ourselves with your blood and we will quench the thirst of our children with your blood." This statement was made, by the way, after Hamas's election as the governing party of the Palestinian Authority. The democracy of despots is a dangerous facade. To imagine Al-Qaida at the ballot box, Om Shinrikyo in the primaries, ETA celebrating an election victory and the PKK with a democratic majority are a frightening nightmare, where evil tries to pass itself off as something it is not. The Hamas majority is not democracy; it is fanaticism propagated under the veil of democracy. Indeed, Hamas denies the very international agreements that instituted the recent elections. Israel cannot and will not recognize a terrorist regime. We will not provide legitimacy to its practices, and we call on the international community to recognize that terrorism and democracy can never coexist. As Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated on behalf of the Quartet last September, there is "a fundamental contradiction between such activities and the building of a democratic State" (Press release SG/SM/10115). He further emphasized last month, "It is the view of the Quartet that all members of a future Palestinian Government must be committed to non-violence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations, including the road map." The international community, which recognizes the new enemy called international terrorism, should 31 S/PV.5375 upgrade its joint efforts against the threat of terrorist organizations disguising themselves as democratic bodies. Moreover, the fight against terrorism cannot be combated by a handful of States, no matter how strong their resources may be. This dangerous phenomenon is a global crisis, and it is our moral duty to work together to combat this pandemic. We additionally call on the international community to hold accountable States that provide safe harbour to terrorists, host its infrastructure and promote a culture of hatred and incitement. We are particularly troubled by the connection between terrorism and money-laundering, and we must work together to block the steady flow of finances that enables terrorist cells to operate. In this regard, we urge all States to join and implement the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. Israel believes that the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), the Al-Qaida Committee and the 1540 Committee provide valuable assistance to the international community in enhancing its capabilities to fight terrorism. We believe it is vital to coordinate the activities of those committees in order to avoid duplication and maximize efforts. Israel believes that the CTC should lead the way in setting the norms, priorities and primary objectives in the international fight against terrorism. We believe the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, which was declared operational last December, is already enhancing the fight against terrorism, in the spirit of resolution 1373 (2001). We view technical assistance and capacity-building as key tactics in enabling countries to improve their counterterrorism efforts. Yet we call on the CTC to ensure that its efforts are action-oriented, and we encourage it to utilize the expertise of States with direct experience in counter-terrorism. We commend the Al-Qaida Committee for its emphasis on State accountability. We also attach great value to the 1540 Committee. The proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, their delivery systems and related materials continues to constitute a major threat to international peace and security. We believe that resolution 1540 (2004) is an effective tool against nuclear and unconventional terrorism, and we call on the international community to implement it fully. Israel is pleased to witness the growing -- almost universal -- recognition, as stated in resolution 1624 (2005), that all acts of terrorism are condemned irrespective of their motivation. The fight against terrorism cannot be held hostage to any so-called root causes. There can be no attempt to justify or excuse the use of terrorism as a weapon. There is no such thing as bad terror and good terror. Terror is terror is terror. We hope that that sentiment will be extended during our forthcoming deliberations on the comprehensive convention on terrorism. Israel supports the goal of finalizing that convention during the sixtieth session of the General Assembly. However, it would be unfortunate should the convention be achieved only at the cost of including amendments that allow terrorist organizations and State sponsors of terrorism to argue that situations exist in which terrorism is justified. As the Secretary-General has stated, "`terrorism committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes' can never be accepted or justified" (S/PV.5261, p. 3). Somewhere, at this very moment, a terrorist's mind is being poisoned, a terrorist's pocket is being filled, an explosive device is being donned. Somewhere, right now, a country is polluting its youth with incitement, propaganda and an infrastructure that enables terrorism. This tragic phenomenon will only be uprooted through a concerted international effort. We look forward to the progress of the CTC and the Executive Directorate, the Al-Qaida Committee and the 1540 Committee in leading efforts to stop this dangerous global phenomenon before more innocent lives are lost. Mr. Toro Jiménez (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) (spoke in Spanish): We would like to thank the chairpersons of the Committees established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2005) for their useful briefings. It is our understanding that one of the main purposes of those Committees is to find more effective ways to prevent and eliminate terrorism. However, we cannot ignore the fact that the monitoring and combating of that phenomenon should be directed not only at individual or "private" terrorism, but also at those States that shelter terrorists. That should apply also to international State-led terrorism and its damaging consequences, which are witnessed daily by the entire international community. 32 S/PV.5375 Thus, we note the superficiality of the oftrepeated statement that the scourge of terrorism should be condemned wherever and by or against whomever committed. That works well as a rule, as long as it is not distorted, in whole or in part. This requires the striking of a balance; it requires equality -- in other words, the exercise of concrete justice when that rule is applied by United Nations bodies and entities. We are convinced that the United Nations, if it is to remain a meaningful and ethical institution, must act in accordance with the general interests of all of its Members. Its actions should not be determined by the political agendas of certain Members of the Organization. For that reason, in the exercise of its functions, the Counter-Terrorism Committee should not adopt -- that is, it should avoid -- policies based on double standards. Such policies undermine the credibility and reputation of and confidence in the Committee by ignoring State terrorism -- the fundamental form of terrorism of the twenty-first century. From the standpoint of international law, it is unacceptable, for example, that shelter should be provided to a terrorist such as Luis Clemente Posada Carriles, who, despite the extradition request made by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the strict basis of prevailing international agreements in that area, remains on United States territory. The Government of that country has failed to comply with its obligation to try or extradite him. That is a clear case of the disregard of resolution 1373 (2001), which, in paragraphs 2 (c) and 3 (g), prohibits States from offering safe haven to those who commit terrorist acts. It also prohibits recognizing political motivations as grounds for refusing extradition requests for terrorists. Likewise, it is utterly incomprehensible that the Reverend Pat Robertson, who is associated with the highest spheres of the Republican Party of the United States, has publicly called for the assassination of the President of our country, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías. Yet, the Government of the United States has not taken any action under resolution 1624 (2005) or under United States legislation to punish that act as a crime. If we look back at history, another example of an act of State terrorism masterminded in Latin America by the Government of the United States of America was directed against Nicaragua. It was condemned by the International Court of Justice; despite that fact, it remains unpunished. A similar and much more recent act was the Anglo-United States invasion of Iraq. The international community has still not responded to that threat to international peace and security. Rather, it seems that the well-known resolutions and conventions on terrorism are being selectively applied within the Organization. We urge the Committees -- specifically the Counter-Terrorism Committee, which is responsible for implementing resolution 1373 (2001) -- to carry out a visit to the United States of America to monitor, in the most effective manner, the implementation of that resolution. By doing that, the international community would demonstrate objectivity and impartiality in tackling the issue of terrorism. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in its firm resolve to fight terrorism, has ratified many international conventions. At the domestic level, we have developed a broad set of norms to combat this phenomenon and have created a national authority responsible for that area. Thus, our Government has adopted a diligent, responsible and consistent approach to this issue. We have also regularly submitted the relevant reports to the Security Council's CounterTerrorism Committee and to the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism. With the same conviction and perseverance with which we are fighting against this scourge, we wish to express our condemnation and repudiation of the use of terrorism as a tool to murder in cold blood or intimidate innocent, weak and helpless people anywhere in the world, including, of course, actions that some seek to justify as "collateral" effects, which are ultimately the main effects: civilian deaths. We also repudiate and combat as terrorism the day-to-day system of lies, evasions, half-truths, disinformation and manipulations of all kinds promoted and disseminated by national and international media companies, which, in the service of imperial domination, conceal and twist information and prevent the peoples and public opinion from understanding the truth about those who are working together, within their rights, exercising selfdetermination, to build their own future and to make a different world possible. For all those reasons, it is wrong to say, at least in an arrogant, disrespectful, provocative and, indeed, irresponsible manner -- and we dare to say this with 33 S/PV.5375 the President's permission, and not without a certain humorous tone -- how useless it would be to assert that our country lacks adequate credentials to contribute effectively to the Security Council's operations. Our diligent, consistent and responsible attitude has opened ways and established guidelines of dignity in the Organization concerning this issue. Venezuela's position is one of principle, in contrast to the double standards, discrimination and selectivity which some are trying and have tried to apply to the issue of terrorism. It is that perspective, once Venezuela has been elected a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the period 2007-2008, that will shape the quality of the conduct of our contribution to the work of this body. I cannot conclude without alluding to a reflection by Saint Augustine, who told the story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great, who asked him, "How dare you disturb the sea? How dare you disturb the whole world?" And the pirate replied, "I have a small boat, so they call me a thief; you have a whole fleet, so they call you an emperor". The President: I should like to inform the Council that I have received a letter from the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic, in which he requests to be invited to participate in the discussion of the item on the Council's agenda. In conformity with the usual practice, I propose, with the consent of the Council, to invite that representative to participate in the discussion, without the right to vote, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the Council's provisional rules of procedure. There being no objection, it is so decided. At the invitation of the President, Mr. Mekdad (Syrian Arab Republic) took a seat at the Council table. The President: I now give the floor to the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic. Mr. Mekdad (Syrian Arab Republic) (spoke in Arabic): At the outset, my delegation would like to thank Ambassadors Løj, Mayoral and Burian for their briefings. We welcome these public Security Council meetings to discuss this important issue. Syria condemns international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Syria was a victim of terrible terrorist acts and was one of the first countries to call attention to this grave danger. We called for developing national and international strategies to combat it. Syria carries out its obligations with regard to the Consolidated List, both electronically and through hard-copy documents, which were distributed to all of our ports and borders. We also note with satisfaction the fact that the 1267 Counter-Terrorism Committee is making great efforts to fulfil its mandates. However, in spite of those efforts, the Security Council did not pay serious attention to what the General Assembly called for in the context of the outcome document at the September summit -- that is, the need to tackle the issue of including and reviewing names in the Consolidated List, as well as delisting, and the problems related to enforcing bans, especially the similarities between names, the duplication of names and the incorrect spelling of names. We also welcome the briefing on the work of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) and its Executive Directorate relating to resolution 1624 (2005), on incitement to terrorist acts. The Committee has considered the reports submitted by States; here we wish to recall that a month ago Syria submitted an additional report supplementing its fourth report, which made reference to matters related to money-laundering and the financing of terrorism, in connection with recent legislation formulated by Syria to address money-laundering and the financing of terrorism. Syria is enhancing transparency in the areas of finance and banking related to investment and banking privacy. We have established a committee to develop legislation in these areas. While we support resolution 1540 (2004) and the work of the Committee established pursuant to that resolution, we consider that the Committee's activities should not be seen as replacing those of the multilateral disarmament machinery. They should not infringe on the powers of the General Assembly. Syria has submitted its report under the resolution, along with addenda requested by the Committee. The addenda include references to laws on moneylaundering, the financing of terrorism and nuclear materials. Syria is committed to cooperating with the Security Council Committees in the sphere of counterterrorism. It is putting in place national legislation and undertaking effective measures to fight terrorism and 34 S/PV.5375 fulfil its commitments in this area. We welcome the efforts of the three Committees to coordinate their work to fulfil their mandates. Here, we call on the three counter-terrorism Committees to avoid duplication of work, both among themselves and vis-à-vis bodies established by the General Assembly. We call upon the Security Council, as it addresses international terrorism -- which poses a threat to international peace and security -- not to interfere in matters falling within the exclusive purview of the General Assembly, in particular legislative matters. That would affect the legislative weight of measures adopted by the Security Council and would call the Council's credibility further into question. We attach great importance to the role of the Security Council and to international counterterrorism efforts. We call upon States members of the Council to avoid double standards in the fight against terrorism, because these undermine the Council's credibility and the action it takes. The United Nations provides a unique framework for our collective pursuit of international cooperation and coordination among all States in fighting terrorism and preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. My delegation attaches great importance to international counter-terrorism conventions and notes that States are shouldering their responsibilities under such instruments. In that regard, we will make an effective contribution to the forthcoming discussions in the General Assembly's Ad Hoc Committee on a comprehensive convention against international terrorism, with a view to finding a way to put an end to that scourge. We call for agreement on a legal definition of terrorism encompassing the work that has already been done and drawing a distinction between terrorism and the legitimate right of peoples to fight occupation and to liberate their lands. We call upon the General Assembly to achieve this within the framework of a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy in conformity with the September 2005 World Summit Outcome (General Assembly resolution 60/1). This should promote peace and development, and should confront State terrorism. Our Arab region is a victim of terrorism in general, and State terrorism in particular. This is seen in the daily terrorism that has ceaselessly, for decades, been carried out by Israel through its continued terrorist occupation of occupied Arab territories, its ongoing killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians, its destruction of their property, and its construction of a separation wall on their territory. We believe that the Israeli representative's exploitation of this Chamber in an attempt to sell his Government's terrorist policies and to cast doubt on what other States are doing to fight terrorism is intended to cloak Israel's terrorist acts. We should not be silent about this matter, which has serious negative consequences. Over the past few days, Israel has killed dozens of innocent civilians; we are waiting for the Security Council to condemn those acts and to adopt measures to put a stop to them. Damascus is the capital of peace and understanding, whence the prophet Paul spread Christianity; Damascus was the base from which that great religion was launched. Damascus is also the capital of Islamic culture and the starting point of many other great cultures. No one can deny this, least of all someone who practices terrorism day and night and who practices hatred day and night. The work of the three Committees is of great importance for the international community. We all hope that the Security Council will continue to enhance multilateral international cooperation in safeguarding international peace and security and in eradicating terrorism in all its manifestations. The President: I shall now briefly take the floor in my national capacity to respond to the statement made by the representative of Venezuela. I want to inform the Council, as we have before, that Mr. Posada, whom he mentioned, was detained on 17 May 2005 after entering the United States without inspection. He remains in custody while his case is processed in the United States legal system. Venezuela's extradition request is under review in accordance with the bilateral extradition treaty and United States law, and I do not plan to waste any time responding to the rest of the Venezuelan statement. I now resume my functions as President of the Security Council. It appears that none of the three Committee chairmen wishes to respond to questions or comments made in the course of the meeting. We appreciate the work of all three Committee chairmen, and we appreciate the indulgence of everybody here today. There are no further speakers on my list. The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda. The meeting rose at 2.50 p.m. 35