Source:|/bss/d109query.html||/bss/d109query.html| Date: June 28, 2006 H.AMDT.1166 (A070) Amends: H.R.5672 Sponsor: Rep Renzi, Rick [AZ-1] (offered 6/28/2006) AMENDMENT PURPOSE: An amendment to revise amounts in the bill by increasing the amount made available under title I for Community Oriented Policing Services and reducing the amount made available under title IV for International Organizations--Contributions to International Organizations, by $5 million. STATUS: 6/28/2006 9:36pm: Amendment (A070) offered by Mr. Renzi. (consideration: CR H4771-4772; text: CR H4771) 6/28/2006 9:46pm: On agreeing to the Renzi amendment (A070) Agreed to by voice vote.