Source: Date: March 16, 2006 16 March 2006 \* MERGEFORMATINET Security Council SC/8664 Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York SECURITY COUNCIL PRESS STATEMENT ON INVESTIGATION INTO ASSASSINATION OF RAFIK HARIRI The following Security Council press statement was delivered today by Council President César Mayoral ( Argentina): The members of the Security Council received a briefing today from the Commissioner Mr. Serge Brammertz on the third interim report of the International Independent Investigation Commission on the assassination of former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri. The members of the Security Council welcomed the report and commended Mr. Brammertz and his team for their outstanding professional work. The members of the Security Council noted with satisfaction that the investigation into the terrorist attack has advanced further.  They also welcomed the steps taken by the Commission to extend additional technical assistance to the Lebanese judicial and law enforcement agencies with regard to their investigation into other terrorist attacks that have occurred in Lebanon since October 2004.  They commended the Commission and the Government of Lebanon for their excellent working relationship. The members of the Security Council took positive note of the common understanding reached between the Commission and the Syrian authorities regarding Syria’s required full and unconditional cooperation with the investigation on legal and operational matters.  They look forward to its implementation consistent with Security Council resolutions 1595, 1636 and 1644. Finally, the members of the Security Council reiterated their unwavering support for the Commission and its central role in identifying the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of this heinous terrorist act so that they can be brought to justice.  They stand ready to assist the Commission as necessary. * *** * For information media • not an official record