Pillay's Pogrom:

The UN's "Commission of Inquiry" Targeting Israel

Reports, Articles & Commentary, News: Responding to the Pogrom



Articles & Commentary

  • "Prof. Anne Bayefsky: UN report blames Israel, not Hamas, for starvation of hostages," Israel National News-Arutz Sheva, Gary Willig, October 11, 2024
  • "Shocking New U.N. Report Gaslights for Hamas," The Times of Israel, Anne Bayefsky, October 11, 2024
  • "Anatomy of a U.N. Crime against Humanity," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, May 29, 2024
  • "Stand up to the terrorists at the United Nations," Anne Bayefsky, October 26, 2024
  • "Pillay’s Pogrom: The U.N. Tells Palestinian Terrorists, 'We Have Your Back'”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, October 22, 2023
  • "Rewarding a U.N. antisemite," Jewish News Syndicate, Arsen Ostrovsky, October 5, 2023
  • "U.N. ‘inquiry’ greenlights Palestinian terror: A right to “resist” for Ukrainians and Palestinians," The Times of Israel, Anne Bayefsky, June 21, 2023
  • "Pillay’s Latest Propaganda Crusade against Israel: The June 2023 U.N. Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry Report," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, June 18, 2023
  • " U.N. report targets 35 US states over laws banning anti-Israel bias," Fox News, Benjamin Weinthal, June 9, 2023
  • " Bombshell U.N. report attacks Israel’s ‘supporters’ worldwide," Jewish News Syndicate, Anne Bayefsky, June 9, 2023
  • "The U.N. inquisition to vilify Israel," The Times of Israel, Maurice Hirsch, June 8, 2023
  • "Discrimination, demonization and delegitimization has no place at the U.N.," The Jerusalem Post, Daniel S. Mariaschin, David J. Michaels, December 17, 2022
  • "The Apartheid Libel to Destroy Israel," Gatestone Institute, Khaled Abu Toameh, December 12, 2022
  • "Lies and Unapologetic Antisemitism from the U.N. 'Commission of Inquiry,'” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, November 6, 2022
  • "Diplomatic Invective: U.N. Takes Its War on Israel to Next Level," The Jerusalem Post, Dore Gold, November 4, 2022
  • "‘Who, me?’ U.N.’s anti-Semite-in-chief Pillay denies any bias," JNS.org, James Sinkinson, October 31, 2022
  • "President Biden Must Stop the U.N. Inquisition Against Israel," The Jewish Journal, Karen Lehrman Bloch, October 30, 2022
  • "If you condemn Kanye, you should condemn the U.N.," JNS.org, Asher Stern, October 30, 2022
  • "How Dare You Accuse Us of Bias, U.N. Commissioners Say After Producing Biased Report," The New York Sun, Benny Avni, October 27, 2022
  • "United Nations goes DEFCON 3 on Israel," The Washington Times, Clifford D. May, October 25, 2022
  • "New U.N. Commission of Inquiry Report a Masterpiece of Modern Antisemitism," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, October 23, 2022
  • "Navi Pillay is promoting murder and nobody cares," The Jerusalem Post, Roz Rothstein, October 19, 2022
  • "Defund the U.N.’s Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," JNS.org, Melissa Langsam Braunstein, September 11, 2022
  • "Disband this biased U.N. commission on Israel," New York Daily News, William C. Daroff, August 30, 2022
  • "The U.N.’s ‘independent,’ ‘impartial’ and ‘objective’ inquisition," JNS.org, David M. Litman, August 16
  • "The U.N. “Commission of Inquiry” into the Israel-Gaza Conflict Abuses the U.N. Charter," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Alan Baker, August 15, 2022
  • "U.N. on track to violate both Charter and Staff Rules," The Jerusalem Post, Alan Baker, August 9, 2022
  • "With Israel under attack, Biden must fight U.N. anti-Semitism," The New York Post, David May and Richard Goldberg, August 7, 2022
  • "U.N. antisemitism shows its face, yet again," The Toronto Sun, Gail Adelson-Marcovitz, August 5, 2022
  • "The Great Normalizer of Antisemitism — the United Nations," The Algemeiner, David M. Litman, August 2, 2022
  • "A New Low for Antisemitism at the U.N.," Newsweek, Arsen Ostrovsky, August 2, 2022
  • "The U.N. Human Rights Council’s “Commission of Inquiry” Goes Openly Antisemitic," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, August 1, 2022
  • "‘Biased’, ‘Selective’, ‘Antisemitic’: Accusations against the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories," EJIL:Talk Blog, Rosa Freedman, August 1, 2022
  • "U.N. bias toward Israel does nothing to achieve peace," The Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem Post Editorial, July 31, 2022
  • "UN COI “expert” really said that social media is controlled by the Jewish lobby and pro-Israel NGOs," Elder of Ziyon, Adam Kredo, July 28, 2022
  • "Al-Haq’s Antisemitic Submission to the U.N.’s Permanent 'Commission of Inquiry,'" NGO Monitor, July 17, 2022
  • "How The United Nations Overlooks Evidence Of Hamas Human Rights Violations," 1945, Joe Truzman, July 15, 2022
  • "U.N. violated its own rules, appointed biased commissioners against Israel," The Jerusalem Post, Bruce Rashkow, Gil Kapen, July 4, 2022
  • "The Latest U.N. Commission of Inquiry on “Occupied Palestinian Territory” Is an Inquisition," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, June 27, 2022
  • "Congress Should Help End U.N.’s Latest Anti-Israel Waste of Funds," JNS.org, Orde Kittrie, June 21, 2022
  • "It’s time for the U.S. to resign from the UNHRC (again)," JNS.org, James Sinkinson, June 20, 2022
  • "U.N. Human Rights Council report aims to put Israelis behind bars," The Washington Examiner, David May, June 18, 2022
  • "Is International Law Dead?," Israel Hayom, Clifford D. May, June 15, 2022
  • "Legislation seeking to shut down U.N.’s Commission of Inquiry on Israel gains momentum," Jewish Insider, Marc Rod, June 15, 2022
  • "Israeli NGO, families of terror victims urge U.S. to pull out of UNHRC," The Jerusalem Post, June 15, 2022
  • "The U.N. vs. Israel, yet again," New York Daily News, Daniel S. Mariaschin and David J. Michaels, June 15, 2022
  • "The U.N. Human Rights Council’s latest report on Israel is diplomatic terrorism," JNS.org, Danny Danon, June 14, 2022
  • "The U.N. continues Israel-bashing after Biden promised to stop it," The New York Post, Richard Goldberg, June 14, 2022
  • "Three basic lies in the U.N. commission’s report," JNS.org, David M. Litman, June 12, 2022
  • "Navi Pillay’s revitalized anti-Israel career," The Jerusalem Post, Ruthie Blum, June 10, 2022
  • "The anti-Israel travesty of Pillay’s kangaroo court," JNS.org, Melanie Phillips, June 9, 2022
  • "U.N. rights council sinks to a pathetic new low," Israel Hayom, Ariel Kahana, June 8, 2022
  • "U.N. Commission report is a declaration of war on the Jews," JNS.org, Anne Bayefsky, June 8, 2022
  • "The U.N. Commission of Inquiry: An Exercise in Historical Revisionism," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, June 8, 2022
  • "The U.N. Commission of Inquiry: What you need to know," JNS.org, David M. Litman, June 2, 2022
  • "A Legal Inquisition: The U.N.’s Latest Attempt to Demonize the Jewish State Is Exposed," The Algemeiner, Abraham Cooper, May 18, 2022
  • "Twitter thread comparing United Nations 'Commission of Inquiry' on Israel versus Ukraine," Twitter, Orde Kittrie, March 4, 2022
  • "Israel to U.N. Commission of Inquiry: Drop dead!," JNS.org, Ken Cohen, March 1, 2022
  • "Why Israel Refuses to Cooperate with the U.N. Commission of Inquiry," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Dore Gold, February 24, 2022
  • "Anti-Israel Bias and NGO Links of UNHRC’s Gaza Committee of Inquiry Members," NGO Monitor, February 22, 2022
  • "Biden Can Reset the U.N.’s Discriminatory Approach to Israel," The National Interest, Toby Dershowitz and Orde Kittrie, February 18, 2022
  • "Amnesty spreads virus of antisemitism" Israel Hayom, Clifford D. May, February 10, 2022
  • "There’s Apartheid in the Holy Land, but Not in Israel," The Wall Street Journal, Eugene Kontorovich, February 9, 2022
  • "Amnesty’s slander: Why now?," JNS.org, David M. Litman, February 8, 2022
  • "Amnesty’s apartheid lies abet global anti-Semitism," JNS.org, Anne Herzberg, February 8, 2022
  • "Deconstruction Zone: A new low in UN demonisation of Israel," Australia/Israel Review, Clifford May, February 3, 2022
  • "Why the Amnesty ‘apartheid’ smear of Israel can’t be ignored," JNS.org, Jonathan S. Tobin, February 2, 2022
  • "The U.N.’s Unprecedented Witch Hunt Against Israel," American Thinker, Jordan Cope, January 23, 2022
  • "The U.N. Descent to its Deepest Depths of Hostility against Israel," The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Alan Baker, January 23, 2022
  • "U.N.’s biased and destructive obsession with Israel," The Jerusalem Post, Congressman Tom Suozzi, January 22, 2022
  • "U.N. ditches its rules for an anti-Israel ‘Inquiry’," JNS.org, Anne Bayefsky, January 19, 2022
  • "LOAC and Legitimacy: When Combat Becomes a Supporting Effort to Information," The Lieber Institute, Geoff Corn, Robert Ashley, January 18, 2022
  • "It’s time for Biden to keep his promises on Israel and the U.N.," The Hill, Morgan Lorraine Vina and Blaise Misztal, January 12, 2022
  • "The U.N.’s final solution to the Israel question," The Washington Examiner, Clifford D. May, January 11, 2022
  • "The U.N.’s vendetta against Israel is diverting attention from real human rights catastrophes," The National Post, Avi Benlolo, January 7, 2022
  • "The Eternal Life of Blood Libels Against the Jews," The Algemeiner, Phyllis Chesler, January 4, 2022
  • "Why are American taxpayers helping to pay for ‘Pillay’s Pogrom?’" JNS.org, Anne Bayefsky, January 3, 2022
  • "The escalating international war against Israel," Israel Hayom, Caroline B. Glick, December 31, 2021
  • "New Year’s resolution? Abolish the U.N. Human Rights Council," JNS.org, Melanie Phillips, December 30, 2021
  • "The U.N.’s perpetual, painful probe," The Jerusalem Post, Liat Collins, December 30, 2021
  • "U.N. inquiry comes with new independent façade, same anti-Israel bias," JNS.org, Mike Wagenheim, December 29, 2021
  • "The U.N.’s Peculiar Obsession with Israel," JNS.org, Sarah N. Stern, December 29, 2021
  • "Once again, the U.N. treats Israel like the most evil country on Earth," JNS.org, David Suissa, December 27, 2021
  • "The U.N.’s Israel Libel Machine Expands," The Wall Street Journal, December 27, 2021
  • "Pillay’s pogrom: A call to action against new UN ‘inquiry’ to devastate the Jewish state," JNS.org, Anne Bayefsky, December 21, 2021
  • "The Newest Anti-Israel UN Action Must Be Challenged – Now," The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Anne Bayefsky, December 20, 2021
  • "New proof that it was Hamas — not Israel — that committed war crimes last May," The New York Post, Geoffrey Corn and Richard Natonski, November 12, 2021
  • "America’s lesson from Gaza: prepare for disinformation war," Breaking Defense, Charles Wald, Robert Ashley, and Blaise Misztal, November 12, 2021
  • "Israel complied with int’l law in Gaza war against Hamas – JINSA," The Jerusalem Post, Yonah Jeremy Bob, October 28, 2021
  • "UN Human Rights Council: When it comes to Israel, still driving on biased retreads," JNS.org, Daniel Mariaschin, July 27, 2021
  • "UNHRC: Epitome of hostility and double standard – opinion," The Jerusalem Post, Alan Baker, June 9, 2021
  • "UNHRC Creates Flawed Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Israel," Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, David May, Michael Levinson, June 9, 2021
  • "The Legal War: Hamas’ War Crimes and Israel’s Right to Self-Defense," Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Alan Baker, June 3, 2021
  • "Unprecedented Rocket Fire from Gaza: Ongoing Escalations and Recommendations for the Biden Administration," Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), May 12, 2021


  • "Human rights expert: UNHRC report a ‘case-study in antisemitism’," Arutz Sheva, Gary Willig, June 19, 2024
  • "Leading U.S. Jewish groups decry top legal award for anti-Israel U.N. official," The Times of Israel, Luke Tress, September 27, 2023
  • "U.N. commission resumes ‘kangaroo court’ hearings on Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Jewish News Syndicate, Mike Wagenheim, March 24, 2023
  • "Bill calling to end U.N. probe into Israel reintroduced to U.S. Congress," The Times of Israel, Luke Tress, February 1, 2023
  • "Nearly 50 lawmakers urge Thomas-Greenfield to work to defund U.N.’s Israel inquiry," Jewish Insider, Marc Rod, December 7, 2022
  • "Pro-Israel watchdog alleges ‘sham hearings’ by controversial U.N. commission," JNS.org, Mike Wagenheim, November 11, 2022
  • "Pro-Israel organizations gather in response to ‘oxymoron’ Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry," JNS.org, by Faygie Holt, October 27, 2022
  • "'Commission of Inquiry' on Israel and 'Jewish Lobby' comment is antisemitic, U.N. General Assembly nations say," The Jerusalem Post, October 27, 2022
  • "‘U.N. report on 2021 Israel-Hamas fighting belongs in the trash’," Israel Hayom, by Ariel Kahana, October 25, 2022
  • "Oct. 27 press conference at U.N. headquarters in New York to raise awareness about anti-Israel “Commission of Inquiry” report," JNS.org, October 21, 2022
  • "Lapid slams ‘antisemitic’ U.N. report accusing Israel of violating international law," The Times of Israel, October 21, 2022
  • "Berlin mayor torpedoes event honoring head of U.N. probe into Israel," The Times of Israel, by Lazar Berman, September 21, 2022
  • "U.N. investigator apologizes for Jewish Lobby remark," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, August 4, 2022
  • "After Human Rights Council President Cites Stigmatization of Jews, Jewish Groups Urge Removal of “Prejudiced” U.N. Commissioners," B’nai B’rith International, August 2, 2022
  • "Pressure grows on U.N. investigator to resign after Jewish Lobby remark," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, August 1, 2022
  • "Lapid urges U.N. chief to disband ‘tainted’ Gaza probe over remarks deemed antisemitic," The Times of Israel, July 31, 2022
  • "‘Despicable New Low:’ Head of U.N. Probe Against Israel Under Fire," Breitbart News, by Deborah Brand, July 31, 2022
  • "UNHRC President: Jewish Lobby remark is reasonably considered antisemitic," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, July 30, 2022
  • "Tweet by U.N. “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967” Francesca Albanese in support of the “Commission of Inquiry”," U.N. “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967” Francesca Albanese, July 29, 2022
  • "Israel, U.S. decry rights monitor’s remarks as ‘antisemitic’," AP News, by Jamey Keaten, July 28, 2022
  • "Jewish Organizations Outraged Over Anti-Semitic Remarks by U.N. Human Rights Council Inquiry Member," The Jewish Voice, by Batya Jerenberg & TJVNews Staff, July 28, 2022
  • "U.S. outraged by ‘antisemitic, anti-Israel’ rhetoric by U.N. investigator," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, July 28, 2022
  • "Israel: Disband U.N. Gaza war probe over member’s ‘antisemitic comments’," The Times of Israel, by TOI Staff and Lazar Berman, July 28, 2022
  • "U.N. commission’s ‘antisemitic’ move prompts demands for Biden to disband anti-Israel group," Fox News, by Benjamin Weinthal, July 28, 2022
  • "Canada’s U.N. ambassador slams ‘biased, antisemitic’ remarks by human-rights expert," Yahoo News, by The Canada News, July 28, 2022
  • "B’nai B’rith calls to dismiss U.N. probe against Israel over members’ ‘odious remarks’," The Times of Israel, by TOI Staff and Lazar Berman, July 28, 2022
  • "U.N. Official Investigating Israel: ‘Jewish Lobby’ Controls Social Media," The Washington Free Beacon, by Adam Kredo, July 27, 2022
  • "U.N. Israel Inquiry Member: U.S. Shows ‘Disrespect’; ‘Jewish Lobby’ Funds Online Campaign to Discredit Us," CNS News, by Patrick Goodenough, July 27, 2022
  • "U.N. official: Social media largely controlled by Jewish lobby, NGOs," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, July 26, 2022
  • "House Appropriations seeks to cut off U.S. funding to U.N. Israel investigation," Jewish Insider, by Marc Rod, June 30, 2022
  • "Mock funeral protests UNHRC anti-Israel bias," The Jerusalem Post, by Jordan Cope, June 18, 2022
  • "U.N. commission will probe question of Israeli apartheid – Pillay tells ‘Post’," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, June 15, 2022
  • "US, 21 other countries lash U.N. rights council for report blaming Israel for conflict," The Times of Israel, by Lazar Berman, June 14, 2022
  • "U.S. slammed for building 22-member bloc against UNHRC probe on Israel," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, June 14, 2022
  • "‘My people’s suffering under apartheid used to criminalize Israel’ – South African activist," The Jerusalem Post, by Tovah Lazaroff, June 13, 2022
  • "‘Nelson Mandela Would Not Approve’: South Africans Denounce U.N. Report on Palestinians," The Algemeiner, by Ben Cohen, June 10, 2022
  • "U.S. slams UNHRC’s ‘one-sided, biased’ report against Israel," JNS.org, by Tamir Morag, June 7, 2022
  • "Israel says U.N. report on 2021 Gaza conflict ‘tainted with hatred’," Israel Hayom, by Tamir Morag, Ariel Kahana, AP, Reuters and ILH Staff, June 7, 2022
  • "U.N. body issues ‘antisemitic report’ against Israel, critics charge," Fox News, June 7, 2022
  • "IDF reservists to dress up as Hamas terrorists to protest UNHRC probe," The Jerusalem Post, June 7, 2022
  • "International groups condemn U.N. probe on Israel, Palestinian fighting, cite ‘bias’," Fox News, Caitlin McFall, May 17, 2022
  • "Pro-Israel groups say they won’t let U.N. ‘kangaroo court’ go unchallenged," JNS.org, Mike Wagenheim, May 5, 2022
  • "Pro-Israel NGOs submit 2 million complaints to U.N. inquiry against Israel," The Jerusalem Post, Lahav Harkov, April 21, 2022
  • "Pro-Israel groups submit 2 million complaints to U.N. Commission of Inquiry," Arutz Sheva, Gary Willig, April 21, 2022
  • "Arab Israeli delegation meets U.N. team probing Israel’s human rights violations," The Times of Israel, Aaron Boxerman, March 31, 2022
  • "68 U.S. senators press Blinken to quash open-ended U.N. probe into Israel," The Times of Israel, Jacob Magid, March 29, 2022
  • "‘You are going to pay for this U.N. war on Israel,’ advocate warns CPAC attendees," JNS.org, Dmitry Shapiro, March 3, 2022
  • "Israel snubs ‘shameful’ U.N. inquiry on alleged war crimes," The Jerusalem Post, Lahav Harkov, February 17, 2022
  • "Israel snubs ‘shameful’ U.N. inquiry on alleged war crimes," The Jerusalem Post, Tovah Lazaroff, February 14, 2022
  • "Peers accuse U.N. Human Rights Council inquiry of ‘opening the door’ to Israel’s enemies," The Jewish Chronicle, Mathilde Frot, February 10, 2022
  • "Hundreds of Jewish groups urge U.N. chief to nix anti-Israel inquiry," Israel Hayom, February 8, 2022
  • "Dozens of Jewish groups blast anti-Israel U.N. probe, urge Secretary-General to end it," JNS.org, February 7, 2022
  • "Israel’s “top priority” mission to discredit U.N. probe," Axios, Barak Ravid, January 26, 2022
  • "Congress members call for defunding of U.N. Commission of Inquiry into Israel," JNS.org, January 25, 2022
  • "Legal experts: Opponents of Israel to push for ‘apartheid’ designation in 2022," JNS.org, David Isaac, January 10, 2022
  • "Lapid: 2022 will see intense effort to paint Israel as apartheid state," The Times of Israel, January 3, 2022
  • "Jewish leaders condemn United Nations open-ended investigation into ‘war crimes’ by Israel," JNS.org, December 28, 2021
  • "125 countries back open-ended UNHRC war crimes probe against Israel," The Jerusalem Post, Tovah Lazaroff, December 24, 2021
  • "Former head of UN rights council to lead open-ended probe of Israel," The Times of Israel, AFP and TOI Staff, July 22, 2021
  • "UN rights council orders unprecedented open-ended probe of Israel," The Times of Israel, May 27, 2021