"...President Trump has also taken one action after another to evidence our support for Israel. This President promised to shut down the PLO office in Washington if the Palestinian Authority did not take immediate steps to stop funding terrorists who murder innocent Israeli civilians. And when the PLO did not act, President Donald Trump shut it down. The PLO office in Washington is closed, and today, the Taylor Force Act is the law of the land.
This President also promised that America would no longer allow the United Nations to be a forum for invective against Israel. And this President delivered when he withdrew the United States from the so-called Human Rights Council at the U.N. and ended all U.S. contributions to UNRWA...
But now, my friends, we've reached a fateful moment in our history. All over the world, anti-Semitism is on the rise - on college campuses, in the marketplace, even in the halls of Congress.
Anti-Semitism is a unique hatred - uniquely potent, persistent, uniquely responsible for unconscionable acts of violence - which is why we must root anti-Semitism out from every part of our society. It is not just a threat to Jewish Americans and Jews around the world, it is a threat to us all.
But like the vile ideology that it is, anti-Semitism has changed forms in recent days. No longer does it give vent to hatred of the Jewish religion or hatred of the Jewish people on every occasion; now it often propagates as simply hatred of the State of Israel.
So let me be clear about one point: It is the position of the United States government that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism..."